Thursday, May 16, 2024

About Gaza


(2-minute read)

Dead civilians

            It seems like if a person says anything critical about what’s taking place in Gaza it is somehow antisemitic.  It isn’t.  The rapist Trump trash talks America practically every day but somehow, it’s wrong if we talk about what is taking place in the Israeli conflict with Hamas in Gaza. 

            There are too many civilians getting killed.  Period. 

            Yes, I know that civilians are collateral damage in war.  The current Israel/Hamas conflict that started Oct 7, 2023 is no different.[1]  However for Hamas, civilians were the primary targets.  Israel lost 1200 people in the attack with another 5,000 injured.  Hamas took 253 Israeli hostages.  Though Israel attacked Hamas in the Gaza Strip over 33,000 people have died, 13,000 of which have been children.  Even if you take out 1/3rd of the 33,000 as being Hamas militants a truly disproportionate number of civilians have been killed.  Some have died directly by bombings and other Israeli military actions.  Too many are starving to death!  The numbers I’m using aren’t static, they’re going up every day.

            Hundreds more have died in Lebanon and the West Bank.  Hundreds of aid workers have died along with medical personnel.  Just short of 100 journalists have died.  The one footnote that I have provides lots of numbers.  Too often humanity is reduced to a list of numbers.

            Palestinians are caught in the middle.  Hamas is a terrorist group that is operating out of Gaza.  For those living in Gaza under the direct threat of the Hamas terrorists it isn’t healthy to oppose their Hamas occupiers.  Hamas was counting on Israel killing Palestinians and Israel has obliged.  Over a million Palestinians are facing starvation.  Calling starvation “food insecurity” downplays what’s actually taking place. 

            Then there are all of the injured and displaced.  76,000 Palestinians injured.  Another 5000 Israelis injured.  1.7 MILLION Palestinians have been displaced.  90,000 Israelis have been displaced.  Palestinians don’t have any place that’s safe to run to.  Half their country has been utterly destroyed.  Again what has taken place is NOT anywhere close to what is often called a proportional response.  There is nothing proportional about what is happening. 

The Palestinians have no one to surrender to in this conflict.  I would say that Hamas is using the Palestinian population to shield their terrorist organization except the shield isn’t working.  Hamas doesn’t care.  And neither do the Israelis either or they would stop what they’re doing. 

            What do I know?  I’m just a retired factory worker.  I do know right from wrong.

What’s taking place is wrong.


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