Sunday, May 19, 2024

Backwards MAGA


(4-minute read.)

Misery loves company.

            When MAGA Republicans talk about how bad the country is, it’s important to remember that they are talking about their own states.  That’s their reference point.  A lot of MAGA loudmouths in Congress have the state rankings to prove it. 

  • Red States like Arkansas are backwards and MAGA wants all the rest of the states to be like them.[1]  Arkansas ranks #38 in education and #48 in health care.  Arkansas has a poverty rate of 16.3%.[2]  MAGA Sen Tom Cotton. MAGA Gov Sara Huckabee Sanders!
  • Well, it isn’t just Arkansas.  Oklahoma isn’t doing all that well either.[3]  #49 in education and health care.  Poverty rate of 15.6%.[4]  MAGA Senators James Lankford and Markwayne Mullin.
  • How about MAGA Moscow Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia.[5]  How is Georgia doing?  Education #23.  Health care #33.  Not too bad really.  But Georgia’s poverty rate is 14%![6]  They managed to beat California’s 12.3%.
  • Alabama comes in at #45 in education and #44 in health care.[7]  Alabama has a 16.1% poverty rate.[8]  MAGA Senators Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville.
  • Ohio.  Education #27.  Health #35.  Poverty rate 13.4%.[9]  MAGA Congressman Jim Jordan
  • Louisiana.  Education #47.  Health care #46.[10]  Poverty rate 19.6%.[11]  Louisianna had the highest poverty rate.  Well, somebody has to be last.  MAGA Sen John Kennedy
  • Mississippi. Education #35.  Health care #50.[12]  Poverty rate 19.4%.[13]  Second highest poverty rate. Their economy is ranked #50.  An accomplishment of sorts, I suppose.  MAGA Sen Cindy Hyde-Smith
  • Texas.  Education #29.  Health care #31.  But in crimes and corrections they are #43.  Opportunity #48.[14]  Texas has a 14.2% poverty rate.[15]  MAGA Sen Ted Cruz.  MAGA Congressman Dan Crenshaw.
  • But stop the presses!  Florida is doing really well!  #1 in education.  #26 in health care. Their poverty rate is 12.7%.  They have a low crime rate! (#13.)

There are a lot of variables open to interpretation and manipulation when it comes to ranking.  Statistics do point in general directions though. 

If you want some sobering numbers about the 37 million people living in poverty in the United states click here.  Poverty points to a lot of sadness EVERYWHERE.  Think tax cuts for the rich will help those living in poverty?  Dream on.  It’s all the other taxes that impact the poor.  And the poor have traditionally low voter turnout.[16]  There’s no such thing as a good poverty rate but New Hampshire has the lowest poverty rate of 7.2% for a point of reference.[17] 

We live in Missouri and there are a lot of things going for the state.  MAGA isn’t one of them.  Poverty rate 12.7%.[18]  There’s way too much poverty in some areas where low paid seasonal workers dominate the job market.

We can just sum things up with what are called self-fulfilling expectations.  MAGA sees the worst, expects the worst and then makes the worst happen.  Just like they did with the immigration deal that they negotiated.  The country is in crisis yet the MAGA-controlled House of Representatives struggles to pass any legislation and when they do it’s with Democrat assistance.  Passing legislation really pisses Moscow Marjorie off since she wants to burn it all down to the ground.

We often see what we’re looking for.  Sometimes we just have to sort things out for ourselves and decide what’s important.  And also …

Take things with a grain of salt.

What do it all mean?!

Speaking for myself, I prefer to live in the real world. 

What’s important to me?  The truth.  Character.  Morality.  Doing good.  Honesty.  Recognizing humanity.  History.  The welfare of others NOT just myself.  Diversity, equality and inclusion are important.  Choices.  Also, the rule of law is important.  MAGA Republicans only give lip service to justice.  Trump needs justice.  Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions including trying to stage a coup. 

MAGA is creating a fictional construct about the ways things are.  MAGA will not commit to accepting election results unless they win.  Trump says that he won in 2020.  Trump did not win.  He did not win the popular vote in 2016 either.  From there he constructed a reality that suited his lies and his ambition.  MAGA is a movement founded upon lies.

What's being done to make people's lives better?

Let's go forwards not backwards.








[9] Ibid









[18] Ibid.

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