Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Guilty not guilty


(3-minute read)

Liars Inc.

            Shocker alert!  Trump will not testify even though he said that he would![1]  What a surprise! 

            Michael Cohen was not a voluntary witness for the prosecution.  Cohen was subpoenaed.  The prosecution stipulated that he had lied to the court previously.  Cohen said that he had lied previously.  Trump’s lawyers said that Cohen was a liar.  A LOT.  Cohen agreed with Trump’s lawyer that he had lied.  Cohen does lie a lot.  Cohen did time for lying. 

That is why Cohen fit in so well with Trump and the Trump organization.  Lying is a part of their corporate culture from Trump on down.  For as long as Trump is breathing, he will be lying.  They are lying liars that lie about lying even when they’re telling the truth about lying. 

Trump lies about having sex outside his marriage.  Trump lies daily about the 2020 election.  He lies about Cohen.  He lies about the size of his crowd.  He lies about the judge, the trial, witnesses, prosecutors, their family members and then lies some more. 

There’s a whole lot of lying going on.

Foregone conclusion?

            I know that people dislike Trump so much that they think him being found guilty is a foregone conclusion.  I don’t think so.  The jury could go either way.  Juries are like that.  Some media coverage will portray some event as a major breakthrough while other media is saying just the opposite.  As near as I can tell law professionals are all over the place on what different testimony or witnesses mean.  A piece of evidence will be presented that some will say is devastating and others will call it a nothing burger.  Here's what we know.

We don’t know.

Wrap party. 

            Trump has claimed that everybody says this is a case that should never have been brought.  That’s a lie.  The case was brought and a jury will decide if he is guilty or not guilty.  As of today Trump’s defense says that they only are bring one witness Robert Costello.  That turned into a courtroom debacle.  It got so bad that Judge Merchan cleared the courtroom.  Trump and chaos go hand in hand wherever he is.  It’s what he does.  The defense asked for the charges to be dismissed.  Standard procedure.

Closing arguments are scheduled to be given on May 28th and then the judge will give instructions to the jury before they go into deliberations.  Then there will be all sorts of speculation about what it means if the jury does any number of things.  Will they render a verdict within a short period of time?  Will they take more than a day and if they do what does it mean.

What it all means is we won’t know until the jury renders a verdict.

That’s what juries do.

Then what?

            If Trump is found innocent that is it.  It’s over.  Easy peasy.  He had his day in court and was found innocent.  So all of his threats and accusations were not needed. 

            If he’s found guilty it will be whole other sideshow.  Trump will continue playing that he’s the victim and that the system is rigged.  Nothing new. 

            Even if Trump is found guilty I don’t believe that Trump will be sentenced to any time by Judge Merchan.  Even if he does Trump will appeal and a stay will be issued on sentencing.  The sentencing guidelines provide a variety of possibilities including jail time.  A fine, probation, community service, counseling, etc. are other options available to Judge Merchan.[2] 

Time will tell.

[1] Trump saying yes to testifying,


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