Tuesday, May 14, 2024

MAGA is watching YOU.


(5-minute read.)

I used to be a Republican.  I am no longer a Republican as of the 2016 Republican primary.  I will never vote for a Republican again.  They made a fascist like Trump possible.

MAGA is watching YOU.

            Think that Senate and House of Representative races aren’t as important as the Presidential race?

            MAGA Senator Katie Britt along with other MAGA members introduced a bill that among other things tracks women that are pregnant.[1]  There is 1 woman in the 10 co-sponsors listed.  Expect other MAGA senators to sign on and vote for the act.  MAGA has a one vote margin in the House.  One.  Vote.

            I’ve covered pro-choice and pro-life issues extensively on my choices page.

There’s a lot of flowery language about help, concern, and support for pregnant women in the bill.[2]  It’s an anti-choice (anti-abortion) bill and in addition to creating a national data base on pregnant women it will duplicitously steer women to faith based anti-abortion services.  The bill would also provide grant money (tax dollars) to anti-abortion nonprofits.  Trump has to keep the evangelical Christian Nationalists happy.  If MAGA gets the White House, Senate and House there will be a national draconian no abortion ban. 

            As MAGA progresses in achieving their 1984 goals they will be charging women that suffer miscarriages.  Oh, that’s right.  They already are.[3] [4]

Yet another advancement of MAGA religious policies.

Policies of fascism

            It is the MAGA House of Representative and MAGA Senators that have enabled Trump and made his unique brand of fascism possible.  Trump now knows that the word fascist is bad so he has started calling President Biden fascist.  I seriously doubt that Trump knows what the word means.

            Policy.  Policies.  You know, it’s almost funny talking about Trump’s religious policies mainly because they aren’t his.  Trump doesn’t live the religious life of his Christian Nationalists.

            Trump is a rapist, habitual pathological liar, (Yes, I know that’s redundant but Trump lies a LOT) venal, pathetic, vainglorious, greedy, grifting huckster and  all-in-all a deeply broken human being.  Trump and MAGA apologists say that yes Trump is flawed but they like Trump’s policies. 

Therein lies the problem.  Those policies.

For the MAGA Congress, he’s perfect!

Decades of Republican policies made Trump and others of his ilk possible, like the policies of southern slave states that led to the Civil War.  MAGA be like Yeah, yeah, yeah, then they cheer and clap for his policies at his rallies!  They cheer and clap for his threatening rhetoric as well. 

We can go back to President Nixon to see where the slide into criminality and fascism started.  Nixon was another criminal that escaped accountability for his crimes.  He resigned from being President before he was tried in the Senate.  Ford became President because he had been appointed to fill the vacant position of Spiro Agnew who resigned from office as a part of a plea bargain.[5]  President Ford then pardoned Nixon, thus setting a very bad precedent.  (BTW Ford, a Republican Senator, was not going to vote to impeach Nixon.) 

As an interesting side note President Ford was never elected to the office of President or Vice President.[6]  Ford lost the next election to Jimmy Carter.

Nixon surrogates also derailed the 1968 peace talks of the Viet Nam War before the Presidential election in order to mitigate against any plans Johnson might have had for boosting Hubert Humphrey’s campaign with an “October Surprise”.[7]  Trump has followed in Nixon’s footsteps by torpedoing the border security as well meeting with foreign autocrats.[8] 

Anyway, that was the start of the slide of modern-day Republicans sliding into criminal behavior.  By Trump’s reckoning it’s perfectly alright for President Biden to use our government against his opposition.  Trump wants that policy to be the law.  Trump wants his criminaling to be…


Some MAGA policies 

            It’s true that Trump didn’t lie about getting a blow job like Clinton did.  Instead Trump lied about paying a porn star hush money after he fucked her and then covering it up so it wouldn’t be a campaign issue.  Trump lied about his months-long affair with a former Playmate and paid hush money to cover that up as well.  For Trump and MAGA lying is like breathing.

            Trump doesn’t actually spend much time talking about his policies.  He spends his time trashing America.  Trump says he would like to see an economic collapse as a part of his performance for his cult’s worship session.[9]  He spends a lot of his time whining about himself and complaining.  That’s what he did while in office.  Trump fully understands the gullibility and support of his cult.  But here are some of those policies:

  • Cutting taxes for the suffering rich is a policy.  It must be getting harder to employ illegal immigrant servants like Trump did at Mar a Lago.[10] [11]
  • Speaking of servants, that Trump wants to fire tens of thousands civil servants and replacing them with loyalists that pledge fidelity to Trump NOT America is a policy.[12] 
  • Trash-talking the Department of Justice is a Trump policy, along with undermining our government in general at every possible opportunity.  Like stopping a border security deal that MAGA Republicans negotiated with President Biden’s team.[13] 
  • Rounding up millions of Mexicans and putting them in internment camps is a policy.  A policy that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars to administer. Does MAGA plan on tattooing people right from the get go or will they wait awhile? 
  • White nationalism is a policy that Trump subscribes to. 
  • Undermining NATO for Puketin is a policy. 
  • Establishing religious control over a woman’s body is a policy.  Trump is proud to have done it.  He says EVERYBODY wanted it.  He says that a LOT.  Everybody doesn’t.
  • Negotiating with terrorists like the Taliban is a Trump policy.[14] 
  • Lying is a lifelong Trump policy.

These are just a few of Trump’s “policies”.


[1] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/critics-rip-katie-britt-for-celebrating-moms-with-handmaid-s-tale-like-proposal/ar-BB1mcdri

[2] https://www.britt.senate.gov/news/press-releases/u-s-senators-katie-britt-marco-rubio-kevin-cramer-introduce-moms-act-to-help-build-culture-of-life-support-women-strengthen-families/

[3] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-increasing-risk-of-criminal-charges-for-women-who-experience-a-miscarriage

[4] https://apnews.com/article/ohio-miscarriage-prosecution-brittany-watts-b8090abfb5994b8a23457b80cf3f27ce

[5] https://www.britannica.com/biography/Spiro-Agnew

[6] https://www.britannica.com/biography/Gerald-Ford

[7] https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/yes-nixon-scuttled-the-vietnam-peace-talks-107623/

[8] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4603410-donald-trump-nato-viktor-orban-andrzel-duda-david-cameron/

[9] Trump economic comments, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJMaPw82Tro

[10] https://money.cnn.com/2016/03/18/news/economy/trump-maralago/index.html

[11] https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/07/trump-breaks-his-silence-about-undocumented-immigrants-working-at-his-properties/

[12] https://apnews.com/article/biden-2024-government-regulations-democrats-6badc3b424b9eff3ba51e0ec35a8d824

[13] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-trumps-strength-mcconnells-waning-in-rcna137477

[14] https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/

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