Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fair weather Trump.


(2-minute read)

            If the rapist Trump thinks that the traitors that stormed our Capitol and tried to overturn the election are “patriots” then why didn’t he pardon them when he was still President?  Nothing was stopping him.  He pardoned others—like Roger Stone, one of the coup ringleaders.[1] Paul Manafort, the guy working for the Russians, was pardoned.[2]  Steve Bannon got a pardon.[3] [4] Trump was issuing pardons to people right up to his last day in office. But none for the J6 traitors.


Just like Trump failed to win the 2020 election the J6 traitors failed to overturn the elections.  They are all losers.  And the rapist Trump is the head Loser In Charge (LIC).  Trump didn’t pardon them because they didn’t deliver.  They didn’t stop the certification of the vote.  They failed.  Trump got nothing.  So he gave nothing back in return. (I’ve written about this before.)

            Now they are useful to him as a campaign issue so he’s using them again.  It’s what Trump does.  These people did time because of their crimes.  They paid for lawyers.  (Some of them.)  They lost money.  Some lost their families.  Some were sentenced to years in prison. 

Just think.  Trump could have saved them all of that by simply giving them a Presidential pardon with the stroke of a pen.  So simple.  So easy.  Nothing stopping him.  Why aren’t they up in arms about this?  Why do many of them still worship Trump?

There’s a lot of other things that he could have done for those that worked in his administration but ended up flipping on him.  The few that had their lawyers paid for by donations from other rubes found that the advice they were receiving better served Trump.  Not them. 

Cassidy Hutchinson would probably still be working for Trump if he had just given her a job.  She was desperate and out of money.  That influenced her decision.  I read her book.  There were others in the same straits but the multi-billionaire rapist Trump didn’t take care of them.  He left them to their own devices.  For Trump …

Loyalty is a one-way street.


[1] https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-donald-j-trump-2017-2021#Dec222020

[2] Ibid.

[3] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/full-list-trump-s-last-minute-pardons-commuted-sentences-n1254806

[4] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/full-list-trump-s-last-minute-pardons-commuted-sentences-n1254806

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