Monday, June 24, 2024

Same-o Same-o


(9-minute read)

            Before I get too deep into this I want to say that since 2016 Trump has painted a picture of America as a war torn, crime ridden, downtrodden disaster of a dystopian country mocked and ridiculed by the entire world.  This is NOT the America that we live in.  It is a nation in progress though we have a ways to go.  The veritable utopia that Trump promised in2016 never happened.  Never came close.  Yet he makes the same promises again.

Trump watching.

In jest I have said in the past that I watch Trump rallies so that you won’t have to but really, you should watch at least a couple.  The recent Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference is a good one.  Trump is mostly coherent throughout the entire speech.  He does have a screwup about the word rebuttal and calls it refutal or refuttal.  I am unsure of the spelling because neither is a real word but other than that he does pretty well, without near as many glitches as sometimes.  No eloquence, of course.  Never has been eloquent.  Eloquence just isn’t Trump’s style. 

The Temple University rally in Philadelphia is another.  It provides a good look at what he says at back-to-back rallies.  At this rally, Trump lied about not using vulgar language at the Faith and Freedom Conference.

He did.

The court jester is King.

            According to Trump he is the best President in US history and Biden is the worst.  America is in ruins.  Believe that and you’ll absolutely believe anything.

            Trump speeches consist of him lying practically nonstop.  The figures he provides are often ridiculous.  Trump lies even when the truth would serve him better.  In 2024 Trump is campaigning on the same issues he did in 2016 and 2020.  It’s like he was never President.  He evidently fixed nothing when he was President because he has been saying our nation is trash since he left office.  His predictions of disaster never came to pass. 

Trump brags about being able to speak for a couple of hours extemporaneously without using a teleprompter except for when he complains about the teleprompter breaking and not paying whoever set it up.  Trump gives the same basic speech that he has for years of continuous campaigning and tweeting interspersed with off the wall tangents like electric boats and sharks.  When he screws up he’ll just say at his next rally that he was joking and/or did it on purpose and/or didn’t say it.

But what strikes me the most about Trump’s rallies besides his incessant lies is that he skips his last year as President when the country tanked because of the pandemic and a couple hundred thousand people died needlessly because of his incompetent “leadership”.  His MAGA followers also skip the state of our nation on the 4th year of his presidency. 

Trump brags about the low price of gas when he left office!  During the pandemic Trump negotiated a deal for OPEC to cut oil production in order to RAISE the price of gas by making oil more expensive. It was a pandemic and the country was locked down by his administration!  He bragged about doing it. 

            Guess what?

Another pandemic will happen.

Trump locked America Down! 

Trump’s cult also forgets that Trump started the lockdowns and masking.  Fauci worked for him NOT vice versa.  Shooting bleach into bodies was Trump’s genius idea along with promoting taking horse pills.  Now Trump, the man bragged incessantly about creating COVID vaccines, says that he will prohibit vaccine and masking mandates when the next pandemic hits.

            This is the nation that President Biden inherited from Trump:  a crashed economy, a pandemic in full swing, hundreds of thousands dead or dying Americans and a MAGA Republican congress opposing his legislation. 

Yet Biden got legislation passed with the help of a few Republicans.[1] [2]  The American Rescue Plan.  The Chips and Science Act.  The Inflation Reduction Act.  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.  The Pact Act.  The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.  He increased funding to the IRS to go after wealthy tax cheats like Trump.  He lowered the price of insulin, benefitting millions of Americans.  Biden got so much good stuff passed that MAGA Republicans are taking credit for things that they voted against.

Like Trump, MAGA is dishonorable.

The man who would be President.

            If you don’t watch the rallies I mentioned in the beginning here’s a sampling of what you’ll miss out on.  There’s a lot of his usual shtick.  He’s pure genius.  He’s a victim like no other President in history.  He’s the greatest President in history.  Stopped abortion.  He’s been indicted for nothing.  Appointed judges (including judges that denied his claims of election fraud.)  Everybody agrees with whatever he’s done.  Everything is rigged.  Everyone else is lying unless they’re saying something nice about him.

Blah.  Blah.  Blah.

In the beginning.

            There was Trump.  Everything that the Chosen one created was good.  He created the United States of America.  Look it up in the Good Book of MAGA.

  • Trump said that the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution is under siege.  (America is awash in guns.)[3] [4]
  • Gun owners and Christians don’t vote that much.  Just this time though they should vote because in 4 years they won’t have to.  (Whaaaaaaat?)
  • Our borders are the worst of any country in the world.  (People in Israel or Ukraine might have some disagreement with that.) 
  • Non-citizens are voting in our elections.  (They aren’t.)
  • Radical gender ideology is being pushed in our schools.  (It isn’t.  MAGA wants to push Christian ideology.)
  • Russian subs are in Cuba and Cuba is 2 feet away from Florida.  (Hm, probably joking for effect.  Russians being in Cuba isn’t exactly new.)
  • If elected, Trump will solve the war in Ukraine before he even gets in office.  (It’s worth noting here that Trump didn’t solve the war when he was in office.)
  • Christians won’t be safe in America if President Biden is reelected. 
  • We’re up to him saying now that 20 million people have come into our country from prisons, mental institutions, insane asylums, terrorists, drug lords, gang lords, etc. and we’ll have to get rid of them.
  • Talked about the late great Hannibal Lecter again.  (He is such a jokester.)
  • He equated Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi again.  (No idea.)
  • He has a lot of union support.  (Remember the fake union shop and fake union members rally?)
  • If he took his shirt off people would see a beautiful body with lots of wounds all over.  (OMG!)
  • Ministers and pastors should be able to get involved politically without losing their tax exemption.  (Churches and their pastors can engage in political action now and some do.  They simply have to give up their tax exemptions.) 
  • We’re like a country from a different country.  (No idea.)
  • Religion is becoming less important and that’s causing a lot of the crime and chaos.  (People are leaving churches and the faith because of all the hate and garbage like this coming from evangelicals.)
  • Migrants are killing beautiful young women.  (Like Nazis demonized Jews MAGA is demonizing migrants.)
  • Had an idea to start up a migrant league of fighters to fight against UFC fighters.  (What a jokester!)
  • On day 1 he will begin the largest deportation in American history.  (Think about the costs of doing that and food rotting in fields.)
  • Migrants are going into Social Security and Medicare and they’ll suck these programs dry.  (Outrageous lie.)
  • He wants to keep Confederate names of military forts.  (Racists LOVE this kind of shit.)
  • Trump said “they” want to rename a fort Al Sharpton.  (I’m going to make the wild guess that he’s talking about Dems.)
  • He won’t cut one penny from Social Security and Medicare.  (MAGA Republicans are already talking about cutting both programs.)
  • Trump said that he didn’t call dead veterans suckers and losers.  (At this point things got a little strange because he used the word refutal and then mentioned refutal and that said that people wouldn’t know the difference anyway.  Trump said that his “stupid people” (advisors) at the time said that he shouldn’t dignify the accusation with a response.  (Remember when he said he would only appoint the best people?  40 people from his administration oppose him ever being President again.  Believe them!)
  • The economy is in ruins.  (It isn’t)
  • He compared Tic Tac packages to demonstrate inflation.  (Inflation continues to drop.  Trump foretold a collapsed economy under Biden.  More jobs have been created by Biden.)
  • He doesn’t like electric cars, windmills, renewables, etc.  (We need all the energy production we can get including renewables.)
  • Drill baby drill.  (Oil companies aren’t drilling on the leases that they already have.  The United Staes continues the trend to import less oil.)
  • Biden wants electric Army tanks.  (NOT true and there are no plans for having an electric tank.)
  • Talked about electric boats and sharks again.  He said that he would rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark and defended the story as being smart.  (Honestly you can’t make this stuff up.)
  • He said that his buddy Franklin Graham wrote him a letter and asked him not to use foul language as much.  He said that Franklin liked his rallies otherwise.  (He used vulgar language.)
  • He said that there would not have been a war in Ukraine if he had been president and that Israel would never have been attacked.  (Russia was attacking Ukraine when he was President.  He did nothing other than blackmail Ukraine over arms.  And what he said about Israel is just an affront to them.)
  • He’ll build an Iron Dome missile defense system over America.  (Can anyone guess how many billion that will cost?)
  • Our cities are killing fields according to Trump.  (Nationally, crime is down.  Violent crime surged under Trump.  What a surprise!)[5]
  • He’s giving immunity to police all over the country.  (See any possible problems there?)
  • He’ll cut funding for any school promoting Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and any other inappropriate racial, sexual, political content onto the lies of our children or vaccine or mask mandates.  (White history will be taught.  Book banning is already happening in red states.)
  • Religious schooling will be funded by taxpayers. (That’s already happening.)
  • He will shut down the Department of Education.  (MAGA hates public education.  Teachers are their enemy.)
  • God created “two genders.”  (And everything in between.)
  • He wants one day voting.  No early voting.  (Trump and MAGA spend a lot of time talking about practically non-existent voter fraud and passing laws to make voting more difficult.)
  • Trump says that we’re a failing nation in decline.

            Trump’s Christian audience applauded all of this lying garbage.

Trump LIES.  And then lies some more.






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