Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche."


Translation:  Let them eat cake.[1]

 (3-minute read)

How very French!

            Crimes against the poor are nothing new.  The Supreme Court committing one is new.  In a recent MAGA Supreme Court decision they ruled that it’s okay for cities to make it illegal for people to sleep on the streets.[2]  Punishments include fines and imprisonment.  (It wasn’t reported if the MAGA Justices had their noses in the air when they made their decision.[3])

            To reiterate:  the MAGA Supremes have greenlighted rounding up the poorest of the poor (homeless) and charging them in order to get them off the street.

How very elitist!

Pass for traitors

            The MAGA Supremes didn’t stop with making it illegal to be poor.  No siree Bob!  They also said that the January 6th insurrections couldn’t be charged with obstruction.[4]  You know why?  They didn’t succeed!  The MAGA Supremes are very picky with their wording especially when it comes to charging traitors that tried to help overthrow our government. 

            Oh yes, this decision also impacts charges filed in the January 6th case against Trump.  Their mentor probbly can’t be charged with obstruction either.  Previously the MAGA Supremes also ruled that the traitor Trump can stay on the ballot.[5] 

Of course if the traitors had succeeded in the plan to overthrow our government the orange rapist Trump would have ended up remaining President and they would never have been charged.  The rapist Trump didn’t pardon them before he left office.  Wonder why?

They failed.

Last but not least

            As MAGA Supremes continue reinterpreting laws to create a society more in their hateful fascist image they have made life more difficult for all of us as they gut federal agencies’ ability to enforce statutes, and hamstring future presidents.[6] [7]  For all people’s griping when they go to a federal agency with complaints they fully expect them to work, to be able to do their jobs, to enforce the law of the land. 

            Student loan debt relief is also impacted by this decision.[8]  Twenty-five million Americans now owe more than the original loan was for.  That’s not right.  President Biden has tried several times to provide some relief to those in this predicament.  I say this as a person that paid off their student loans to get through college

Isn’t usury illegal?

In case you missed it.

            MAGA Supremes have been busy:

  • Approved gerrymandering for partisan purposes.[9] 
  • Gave a great big OKAY to bump stocks that make machine guns out of semi-automatic Assault Rifles in the hands of civilians.[10] 
  • Held up the EPA from dealing with climate change.[11] 
  • ALL the justices joined in to uphold the 1st Amendment rights of the NRA, groups like them, and companies/corporations/businesses.[12]  Obviously this is what the founding fathers intended [sarcasm] because they wanted organizations with their huge resources, money and power to have rights that exceeded those of citizens.  A few individuals in this country have over half the wealth.

            And they have yet to rule on MAGA Trump’s claim of immunity.  It needs to be noted here that the MAGA Supremes have already given the rapist Trump a huge win by slow walking their decision and helping the rapist Trump run out the clock.  Jack Smith tried to get them to do something last year.[13]  It’s due to drop Monday.

Just in time for the holiday.








[8] Ibid.






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