Monday, July 1, 2024

Trump’s Supremes Deliver

44 Presidents before Trump didn’t need immunity.

Don’t forgive them for they know exactly what they’re doing.

(2.5-minute read)

Justice delayed and denied.

            MAGA Supremes have given Trump immunity for official acts.  Trump “officially” plotted and tried to overthrow our democracy.

The rapist Trump’s MAGA Supremes have unleashed the evil that is Trump upon America as they continue to engineer an authoritarian fascist society in the MAGA image.  They have greenlighted a dictatorship if Trump attains power again.  And Trump has repeatedly said he wants to be a dictator. 

Trump has promoted the lie that he is a victim rather than a criminal.  Trump already talks about rounding up his opposition.  People like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.  Then Trump will come for the rest of those that opposed him.  To hammer the point in, these actions will be “official,” thereby making him immune from any consequences.  Will he stop short of assassination?

MAGA Supremes have unleashed Trump.


            By kicking the rapist Trump’s case back down to the lower courts Trump’s MAGA Supremes have ensured that Trump will not be tried or held accountable for his traitorous actions any time soon, if ever.  Trump’s lawyers will file a glut of appeals and if he gets in back in office, it will be game over.  They will claim that his orchestrating overturning the vote of the people with fake electors and the January 6 insurrection were Trump simply doing his “official” duties.

            Meanwhile the felonious rapist Trump is due for sentencing on July 11 in the financial fraud case in which he was found guilty by a jury.  If the judge treats Trump like anyone else, he should get some prison time due to his total lack of remorse or taking responsibility for what he has done. 

            His MAGA judge Cannon in Florida has seen to it that the rapist Trump will not be tried for acts that he committed after he left office either. 

If he wins the election, all his troubles go away.

President Biden now has immunity.

            Of course, the Court’s decision has given President Biden the same immunity.  The first thing that Biden could do is to officially pull Trump’s Secret Service protection.  (Just thinking out loud here.)  Trump’s a billionaire and can afford his own security.  We damn sure shouldn’t be paying for it.  The problem is that Biden is a decent honorable man and won’t use the power of the Presidency for nefarious purposes. 

Trump can use the Proud Boys for security.

Drop out?!!

            Media outlets and other quislings say that President Biden should drop out because of a single weak debate performance, thereby guaranteeing that Trump would win.  So Biden should drop out but the convicted felon should stay in.  SMDH  (I might add that Trump said in the 2016 election that a man like him shouldn’t run for office.)  

            Should President Biden drop out? According to Sir Elton John:

No fucking way!

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