Sunday, July 7, 2024

Christian Nationalists Want You!


(3.5-minute read.)

Project 2025[1]

Christians Unite for 2025!

            Calling all Christian Nationalists! 

            We need policies that reflect the true America![2] [3]

V An America where White Nationalist Fascist uneducated white men are in charge and a President that can do anything!

V LGBTQIA people walk among us like they are real people and we KNOW better!  They aren’t and they don’t deserve to be treated like normal people either!  Let’s join together to deprive them of their God given rights!  Jesus is on our side!  Legal disclaimer:  This isn’t the real Jesus as depicted in the liberal bible.  Any similarities to the actual Jesus are not intended.  This Jesus is our kind of Jesus. 

V Being able to shoot immigrants crossing the border that make it past the razor wire will be back on the table just like our glorious leader Trump wanted to do![4]  Thanks to his MAGA Supremes Trump can do anything that he wants to do including throwing the guy writing this bullshit in jail! 

V Once again, we’ll be able to discriminate against anyone we want to just like when America was great before … you know.

V We need our version of the Christian bible taught in school.  Young women need to learn that it’s okay to have sex with daddy and that having slaves, concubines, and multiple wives is okay!  And all you smart mouthed teenagers will need to shut up because it’s okay if your parents kill you.  And the best part.  Tax dollars will pay for it all! 

V The Conservative military will be able to round up anyone caught opposing our ideals!

V It will be nothing but good times as we put tens of thousands of government employees out of work as we abolish various unnecessary government agencies like the DOJ and Department of Education! 

V We’ll get rid of that stupid Obama care health plan that has duped millions of Americans into thinking that they have health insurance coverage while we work on our own health care plan.

V We will no longer be forced to serve those we don’t like or do anything that make us feel uncomfortable!  We have big feels about where the country should go.  We don’t care whether you’re a baker or candle stick maker we’ll provide attorneys to take you all the way to the MAGA Christian Nationalist fascist friendly Supremes![5]  Don’t worry about the Constitution either.  They’re making a new one that doesn’t get in our way!

V BTW you can make big money with us too!  Don’t be left out!  Offended about some Nancy boy rules or policy.  Do like the teacher in California!  She was fired because she refused to use to follow the school’s gender identity policies.[6]  There’s that policy word again.  The teacher filed a discrimination lawsuit against the school for terminating her for upholding and expressing her religious beliefs to deny using pupil’s preferred Nancy nouns.  The school district settled out of court for a cool $360,000!  And this is just for starters!  Now don’t you go worrying your little blond heads about Trump saying he knows nothing about this.  He’s just saying that for cover.  His people have been intricately involved with us as has Trump himself. 

            Are you onboard the White Christian Nationalist Train?  We’re looking for people of color too!  We need the cover they provide to look like we give a shit about anyone but ourselves and our Jesus values.  We’re looking for current or ex-military and law enforcement as well in case we want to start another Civil War.

We want to win!

            Look, I know this sounds farfetched.  This stuff is real people.  These policies are on the table.  And the table isn’t set for everyone.


[2] Project 2025,





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