Saturday, July 27, 2024

Old Man Trump


2.5-minute read) 

Is Old Man Trump okay? 

Is he stopping and waving to non-existent people again?

On crank.

President Biden’s age was a big issue for a lot of America so he made the decision to drop out before he got the Democratic nomination.  The rapist Trump is now the oldest nominee to run for the office of President. 

Corporate Media is still ignoring that Trump is glitching out at his rallies waaaaay more than Biden ever did.  Trump confuses Vice President Harris with Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley.  Nothing new.  He confused Biden with Obama.  He confuses dates, times, you name it.  It still isn’t real clear if he knows that Hannibal Lecter is a fictional character.  Then we have the whole boat, eaten by sharks and electricity thing. 

Some oldsters due get crankier as they age.  Old Man Trump is no different. 

How is old man Trump doing this morning?  Is he able to stay awake or is he even up yet?  Might be a little early for him.  If he’s up I bet he’s cranky, cranky, cranky.  Not unusual.  Old Man Trump is cranky tweeting during his waking hours. 

Trump was cranky complaining tweeting before he was President.  He was cranky complaining tweeting while he was President.  Trump had the big crankies when he lost the election.  Had them again when his coup attempt failed.  Then he was cranky when the government tried to get back their stolen classified documents.  He was bigly cranky when a jury found that he had committed sexual abuse against a woman.  Turned out that some women weren’t okay with him grabbing them by the pussy and fingering them because he’s rich.  Trump did wake up enough during his fraud trial to be cranky when he was found guilty.

 The only time he’s not cranky is when he’s sleeping.


~ How cranky is Grandpa Trump today?

~ Same as yesterday.  Cranky.

~ Is he still able to rape women?

~ No he’s too old for that.  Well, except for grabbing them and poking his fingers in them.

~ That’s too bad.  Does he still want to bomb and invade Mexico?  I think that would be fun!

~ Oh yes!  Starting a war is high on his list!  

~ Cool!  What’s at the top? 

~ Same as always.  Rounding up Hispanics. 

~ Still on that huh? 

~ Oh yes.  That and ruling America like Xi rules China.

~ How about Ukraine?

~ Last I heard before he dozed off is that he wants to throw in with Putin.

~ What is on his agenda for tomorrow?

~ Remembering words like abortion. 

And being Old Man cranky.


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