Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Trump’s Secret Service


(3.5-minute read)

“Listen, we don’t need votes. We got more votes than anybody’s ever had.” Donald Trump [1] 

“Christians get out and vote just this time!  You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years you know what it’ll be fixed it’ll be fine you won’t have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians.  I love you Christians.  I’m a Christian.  Get out.  You got to get out and vote.  In four years you don’t have to vote again we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote again.”  Donald Trump[2]

“You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?” “No, no, no, other than day one.”  Donald Trump[3] 


The rapist Trump has been crystal clear in what his intentions are time and time again.  His MAGA followers are either quick to excuse his fascist talk as him just joking around or they are ok with him being a dictator.[4]  And yet, Trump’s MAGA cult cheers his comments when he makes them. 

Trump loves the poorly educated.[5]

Enforcers needed.

            Every evil fascist like Trump aspires to be needs a Praetorian guard not just to protect him but to do his bidding as well. 

            Trump staged a coup when he lost the Presidency the first time.  There was no peaceful transfer of power.  He has since asked for immunity for his past and potentially future criminal acts and his MAGA Supremes gave it to him.  Now he wants complete immunity for police too. 

            Why is that? 

            I lifted this comment from a Britannica article about the World War II German SS.[6] 

“SS men were schooled in racial hatred and admonished to harden their hearts to human suffering. Their chief “virtue” was their absolute obedience and loyalty to the Führer, who gave them their motto: “Thy honour is thy loyalty.”

            Trump too demands complete loyalty.  It’s why his Project 2025 calls for replacing tens of thousands of civil servants people with Trump loyalists. 

            Trump constantly talks about revenge.  MAGA threatens civil war if they don’t get their way.  The MAGA Supreme Court green lighted Trump to rule like Puketin does in Russia.  Trump can just disappear dissidents.  Those not supporting him can start falling out of windows, including oligarchs that don’t kowtow to him.  With complete immunity his agents will punish those that Trump doesn’t like.  Just like the Russians, China and North Korea.

Trump was okay with his MAGA cult violently storming our Capitol and wanting to hang his Vice President as well.  Pence let him down by not doing his bidding.  Trump could have pardoned the J6 traitors before he left office but didn’t.  Trump punished them for not succeeding.  Now he campaigns off of them.  It’s the way of the Trump.

            Who does Trump currently have around him that is willing to take a bullet for him?  The Secret Service.  He’s halfway there for what he’ll need to accomplish his agenda. 

A President Trump would start off with over 6,000 Secret Service people.  As President it wouldn’t take Trump long to get tens of thousands of additional agents since he’ll have free rein.  White Supremacists, Racists and bigots would fall all over themselves to join up along with all the other whites that believe they are the true victims of our society.  It’s why groups like the KKK, Lost Cause Confederates, Neo Nazis and Christian Nationalists have been on board with Trump since the beginning.  Hate groups love Trump.

Because of his policies!

Trump says. Trumpers do.

            The police and military are already heavily conservative and MAGA.  With immunity for himself and police, with the Secret Service and as Commander in Chief, Trump will have everything he needs to be the first American dictator.

Sieg Trump!


[2] Reuters,

[3] WSJ News,

[4] TYT,

[5] Trump comments,


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