Monday, July 29, 2024

Trump the jokester.


Democracy apparently isn’t all that important to many Americans.

(2.5-minute read)

The world knows.

            The rapist Trump has openly campaigned to be President for Life (aka dictator) and MAGA Republicans keep claiming that he’s only joking around.  His cult followers have openly supported him being dictator, though.  Trump being dictator is the MAGA policy platform (see Project 2025).  Trump praises President Xi of China for ruling with an iron fist because that’s how Trump wants to rule.  This isn’t a joke.  It’s real, as real as you can get. 

            Here’s the problem.  The majority of Americans don’t have the country remaining a democracy at the top of their list of what’s important to them in their day to day living.[i]  Whether we have a dictator, a king or a President isn’t a pressing concern in their lives.[ii]  Saying that things will be real bad if we have a dictator isn’t all that effective as messaging to them.  I sincerely wish it were otherwise.  It isn’t.

            The world knows exactly what the rapist Trump is.  They laughed at him when Trump addressed the United Nations.  They are witnesses to his glowing admiration of authoritarian leaders.  They watched him bully his way through European leaders to get his picture taken front and center.  The world understands fascism.  Two world wars have been fought over fascism.  Tens of millions have died.  Countries have been destroyed yet the struggle persists.  They have seen it firsthand.  Millions more are still living under authoritarian rule. 

It always ends badly.

Tyranny of the minority.

            That MAGA Republicans with Trump as their leader aim to end our Republic is one of the main messages of the Democratic Party.  What Republicans figured out quite some time ago before MAGA took over is that a minority of Americans by virtue of how our Republic is structured through our Constitution can take control of the majority of the population by using the low population Red States to exercise authority over and above their numbers.[iii]  It is why MAGA has been busily changing voting regulations in states that they control to benefit them.  The MAGA Supremes have supported their efforts. 

            The rapist Trump complains about a rigged vote when in fact MAGA was in charge of the swing states’ governments and Trump was in charge of the federal response right up until the point that he engaged in insurrection.  It’s like the state I live in.  Democrats can and do get elected to office but MAGA dominates the state.  The same holds true for Arkansas to our south.  Where we live we are surrounded by abject poverty and the wealth of people that can afford summer homes.  Yet the impoverished white people will vote Conservative and MAGA year after year.  When we traveled down into Arkansas the other day we passed a business store front that had a huge Trump 2024 banner hanging right beside a just as huge Confederate flag.  Think they’re concerned about democracy?  That’s only their lip service.  MAGA wants a dictator.

MAGA wants Trump.




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