Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala 47 Now!

(3-minute read.)

Sunday, July 21, 2024 was quite the day in America.

“The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election.”

52 year old Nikki Haley[1]

            Vice President Kamala Harris will be 60 years old when elected President.  What prompted me the most to make that statement is that I have seen women that have never made a political comment of any kind on social media posting that they will vote for Kamala Harris.

My 2 cents

            With the 81-year-old man President Biden out of the presidential race picture will age still be a concern for mainstream media.  It should be, since the rapist Trump is 77-YEARs-OLD.  When he isn’t rambling incoherently for 90 minutes at a time campaigns on Hannibal Lecter, electric boats, getting eaten by sharks, shower heads and windmills making too much noise, he’s sleeping in court or at the Republican National Convention.[2]  The rapist Trump thought that Belgium was a city, didn’t know what NATO was before getting elected in 2016, likes to throw ketchup against the wall like some toddler having a temper tantrum, and oh yes tried to overthrow the election and our form of government.  Shoot, I forgot to mention that he wants to round up millions of brown people and get rid of them.  Then there is the whole shooting bleach into arms pandemic suggestion along with a crashed economy and a few hundred thousand needless deaths during his administration. 

Trump is a walking collection of “this one thing should have been enough” to stop him from ever getting elected.  From his grab women by the pussy comments to trying to overturn a free and fair election.

How many “one things” can you name?

The perfect MAGA leader.


            What will the Dems do?

            Now, the obvious and best choice for their Presidential candidate with President Biden stepping down would be the current Vice President Kamala Harris, a competent womanof color that already knows how to do the job and is up to speed on everything.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that the Dems will do that, although early signs are good, with many political figures (including former opponents for the nomination) and celebrities endorsing VP Kamala Harris.  They may want to spend some time handing corporate media headlines to beat them and their candidate up before they get to the serious agenda of defeating MAGA nationally.

            Regardless of who they pick there will be those that say it should have been someone else.  This person or that person or we’re all doomed.  They want to keep the I-told-you-so card in their hip pocket to pull out in case they lose.  It’s right next to their I-knew-it-all-along card.  (Democrats could really learn a thing or two from Republicans on the party unity front.)

There is no perfect candidate.

Careful what you ask for.

            MAGA Republicans do not like President Biden withdrawing from the race.[3]  This bears repeating.  Nikki Haley said it best when she was seeking the MAGA nomination for President and lost.  Haley said, “The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election.” 

            MAGA Republicans are also asking for President Biden to resign as President.  Really?  That would make Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States and a whole lot of MAGA merch would have to be redone.  Sounds pretty good to me.  MAGA would stonewall her pick for Vice President but that would work as well.  It would just show how hopelessly partisan MAGA is.

            It would guarantee that the first woman, a woman of color no less, to be president, would be a Democrat.

Now or in November – Kamala 47!

[1] Nikki Haley commenting,



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