Tuesday, July 23, 2024


(3-minute read.)

When he was a self-proclaimed Never-Trumper, J.D. Vance once compared Trump to Hitler.[1]  Vancedemort has come a long way from calling Trump a moral disaster, an idiot, cultural heroin, reprehensible, a cynical asshole, and a total fraud among other things, to serving as Trump’s Himmler and now claiming that he would have supported overthrowing the 2020 election .[2] 

Sanitization in progress.

            J.D. Vance, the new MAGA Vice Presidential nominee, has been busy sanitizing his record of opposition to the rapist Trump.[3]  (Poor ‘Little Marco.’  Wouldn’t it be humiliating to suck up that much to the man that belittled him mercilessly and once again be denied by Trump?)  Anyway, Elon Musk has been busy helping by deleting posts made by aka Vancedemort, that were critical of the rapist Trump.

            Vance cleaned up nice from his supposed dysfunctional family days.[4]  The beard was a nice touch.  That will be real popular with the uneducated white males of the MAGA base.  The slight problem with Vance and his book “Hillbilly Elegy” is that his family moved away from the Appalachia region two generations before he was born.[5]  Vance was born in Middletown, Ohio.[6]  Odd, that, don’t ya think? 

I have not read the initially well-received book (which was made into a movie) but more recent reviews indicate that it’s a typical right-wing view of the poor, in this case supposed hillbillies, being the problem for being poor.[7]  Vance also changed his name from James Donald Bowman but left his pronouns alone.[8] 

Political packaging.

DEI appointment.

            Vice President J.D. Vance achieved his status the old fashioned MAGA Republican way.  He was taken under the wing of billionaire Peter Thiel who bought his way to being senator after seeing to it that he was given multiple jobs along the way.[9]  You know, billionaire Peter Thiel, the guy that said this, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” [10]  Thiel also backed unsuccessful candidates who campaigned on the racist antisemitic great replacement theory.[11]  You know, just your typical right-wing extremist.

He bought Vance.

As scary as Trump

            What does Vance believe? 

            First off I want to address what I consistently see taking place in regards to fact checking as I also covered here regarding Project 2025.  JD Vance has been accused of saying that women should stay in violent marriages and not get divorced.  A Snopes fact check deemed the accusation as being false since Vancedemort didn’t “explicitly” say that.[12]  Then when you read the fact check all the times that he praised women for staying in violent marriages is quoted.  (To be fair, he did have a great example of marital fidelity in his grandparents:  his mamaw poured lighter fluid on his violence-prone drunk grandpa and then lit him up, leaving the kids to put out the fire and Vance was glad they stayed together for the sake of the kids.  After all, nothing builds character like putting out the fire of a flaming grandpa.  WTF?  Obviously it scarred people like Vance for life.)

            Turns out that Vance is somewhat malleable when it comes to his firmly held beliefs. 

  • Parents should have a bigger say in democracy than non-parents.[13] 
  • Vancedemort opposes abortion rights.
  • Opposes supporting Ukraine.  Vance, “I’ve got to be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”  (Putin applauds your position, JD.)
  • Election denier.  Thinks the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. 
  • Supports Trump’s efforts to overturn the election.
  • Doesn’t believe climate change is a threat.

            So Vance opposed Trump right up until the point that he realized that he could ride his coattails to higher office.  Turns out that if Trump is Hitler …

Vance wants to be his Goebbels.


[1] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jd-vance-once-compared-trump-to-hitler-now-they-are-running-mates/ar-BB1q2t17

[2] https://www.britannica.com/question/Who-were-Adolf-Hitlers-most-important-officers

[4] https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/19/politics/jd-vance-fast-facts/index.html

[6] https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jd-vance-middle-class/

[7] https://slate.com/culture/2024/07/jd-vance-vp-hillbilly-elegy-book-memoir.html

[8] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/18/jd-vance-name-change-why/74452398007/

[9] Maddow on Vance, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRNy8v_Ocgg

[10] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/17/peter-thiel-boosted-jd-vance-career/74397520007/

[11] Ibid.

[12] https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jd-vance-violent-marriages/?cb_rec=djRfMl8xXzBfMTgwXzBfMF8wXw

[13] https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jd-vance-parents-vote/?cb_rec=djRfMl8xXzBfMTgwXzBfMF8wXw

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