Sunday, July 14, 2024

What they don’t say.


 (7-minute read.)

Checking schmecking.

            The Artificial Intelligence algorithms and fact checkers are busy labeling information about Project 2025 as being inaccurate.  The way they’re checking leans heavily on the side of being false even when it’s true.  What I’m going to do here is demonstrate how it is that they’re doing that; why they are being technically correct in their bias.  (Since I mentioned bias I’m going to add that most of traditional corporate media is conservative owned and controlled.) 

            The text below is copied directly from page 19, Section One, titled “Taking the reins of Government” of the Project 2025 document.  The rapist Trump took credit for project 2025 and working with the Heritage Foundation early on.[1] [2] [3]  (BTW YouTube removed the original video so earlier links may no longer work.  I had posted a link to a video of the rapist Trump taking credit for Project 2025 and that video is no longer available.[4]  )  It has been reported that the Heritage Foundation has been editing the Project 2025 document so that to page number references are often no longer accurate.  Trying to make it less offensive?  I have not been able to verify this information yet, however, word searches will serve to find the referenced texts. 


From the document:

America’s Bicentennial, which culminated on July 4, 1976, was a spirited and unifying celebration of our country, its Founding, and its ideals. As we approach our nation’s 250th anniversary, which will take place during the next presidency, America is now divided between two opposing forces: woke revolutionaries and those who believe in the ideals of the American revolution. The former believe that America is—and always has been—“systemically racist” and that it is not worth celebrating and must be fundamentally transformed, largely through a centralized administrative state. The latter believe in America’s history and heroes, its principles and promise, and in everyday Americans and the American way of life. They believe in the Constitution and republican government. Conservatives—the Americanists in this battle—must fight for the soul of America, which is very much at stake.

Just two years after the death of the last surviving Constitutional Convention delegate, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln warned that the greatest threat to America would come not from without, but from within. This is evident today: Whether it be mask and vaccine mandates, school and business closures, efforts to keep Americans from driving gas cars or using gas stoves, or efforts to defund the police, indoctrinate schoolchildren, alter beloved books, abridge free speech, undermine the colorblind ideal, or deny the biological reality that there are only two sexes, the Left’s steady stream of insanity appears to be never-ending. The next Administration must stand up for American ideals, American families, and American culture—all things in which, thankfully, most Americans still believe.


            They claim to speak for most Americans.  They don’t.

They do speak for most Christian Nationalist fascists.


Here’s what they say in their forward from the bottom of page 4 and into page 5 of the copy that I downloaded.


The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists. 


            An oft proposed defense from MAGA is that things are being taken out of context.  So I provided the above section in total.  They say in the above section that there are 2 sexes and that that is a biological reality.  Technically they didn’t say anything about LGBTQIA people.  In the very real MAGA world they are anti-LGBTQIA and are passing laws against them.  They are opposed to using the pronouns that LGBTQIA people desire.  That’s context.

            The Heritage Foundation opposes people being required to wear masks or get vaccines in the public or private sector in order to stop a pandemic.  The pro-life MAGA chooses death over mandates even in a crisis.  They don’t specifically say that though do they?  (This is the very definition of the term “dog whistle”, i.e. The use of terms that seem innocuous but are intended to convey a hidden and potentially controversial message to a particular audience.)  Our history of pandemics provides the necessary context of a few hundred thousand people dying needlessly because they were washed in the blood of the lamb.  They ignore the rights of all those that don’t choose to have their lives wantonly jeopardized.  Government’s duty is to protect all the population and ensure survival of the species.

            The Heritage Foundation wants to wipe out the history and identity of people of color in this nation.  It upsets them.  It gets in the way of their racism.  They want to act like LGBTQIA and racial inequality don’t exist and therefore didn’t exist.

Except it did and does.

It’s not what they say.

            Here’s the thing.  Much of the rhetoric contained in the document sounds innocuous or reasonable enough on the surface.  But go just a little deeper and the agenda becomes abundantly clear.  For example, pornography.  Lots of people are opposed to pornography and it currently is regulated.  But it’s what they consider to be pornography that is really at issue.

This section is scary.


Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare.


            That’s a mouthful of a sentence, isn’t it?  Sounds pretty smart though, doesn’t it?  No dummy wrote that.  No siree!  Have any fucking idea what they’re talking about?  They explain it all in the rest of the paragraph.


It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.


            What an absolute load of bullshit.

            Just for some added context who is it that is banning books, sticking the 10 Commandments in schools, and wants teachers conducting bible study in classrooms?  Did you guess MAGA Republicans because they believe that they know what most Americans really want. 

            Who will be defining what pornography is?  The same people that are defining it in Project 2025.  MAGA Christian Nationalist fascists.  These people are like the Church Lady on a roid rage.  Harrison Butker would be happy with their agenda.  More on that in another post.

            They are talking about throwing educators (teachers), librarians and any others teaching banned material in jail for breaking the law.  They don’t specifically say that though do they?  So, how will they accomplish getting people registered as sex offenders?  The law and courts will have to be involved in order to do that. 

            There are over 900 pages of this kind of hateful crap.  It’s well written and the underlying theme of Project 2025 is the overall reduction of rights and freedom.  The elimination of jobs.  Reducing benefits almost across the board to citizens in need, from the poor, veterans and senior citizens all covered up with language to obfuscate their intentions but laid clear by their MAGA actions and statements in the real world. 

They’re preparing to start rounding people up.

Where have we seen that before?

[1] CNN Trump references to 2025,

[2] From Trump’s desk at approximately 20m30s,


[4] Removed video message,

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