Wednesday, December 27, 2023


(4.5-minute read)

Person, woman, man, camera, TV, windmill.

Trump was the oldest person to get elected President in 2016 beating the previous office holder of that record President Ronald Reagan.  Then President Biden beat Trump and became the newest oldest person to be elected to the office of President.  If Trump can beat Biden in 2024 then he will be able to take the title back of being the newest oldest President ever elected. 


MAGA Presidential candidate Nikki Haley doesn’t have a very high opinion of oldsters in this country being in elected positions.[1]  She believes that anyone over 75 or even younger should be given cognitive tests before being allowed to serve in elected positions.  Trump took one while in office.  He aced it![2]  President Reagan could have used some of that testing for sure.[3] 

            Not being very old herself, Haley may not be aware that cognitive tests are routinely given to oldsters as a part of our yearly physical.[4]  She’s obviously got some learnin’ to do regarding aging in place.  Like oldsters being a huge voting bloc in America.[5]  AND we turn out to vote![6]  There’s only around 23 million of us that are over 75.[7]  There’s only around 58 million of us over the age of 65.[8]  I’m just going to ballpark it here that only 40 million of 65 and older people vote. 

Frankly I think it takes a lot of courage to be willing to alienate an entire class of voters. 

So, points awarded for that.

Onto something.

            I have to admit that Haley may be onto something in needing younger elected officials.  People like Gaetz, Greene, Boebert or Santos.  MAGA has a deep bench of this crowd of young and old alike.  Some of them are somewhat older but still of a Haley acceptable age. 

            Why stop at cognition tests?  How about psychiatric testing as well?!  Because some of these representatives are flat fucking crazy for sure.  Anybody that fails the non-partisan psychiatric testing could be shipped to mental institutions, and I’m not talking about Congress, to help make society a kinder gentler place. 

Definitely do some math skills testing.  I say this in recognition of Nikki Haley in regard to adding up all the votes of demented addled oldsters that she’ll need in order to be President.  Especially those of us that can still check boxes and are “woke” enough to understand ageism when we hear it. 

Just ask the AARP.

Nursing home bound.

            Haley, aka Nimrata Nikki Randhawa, is only in her early 50s so she’s got a few good years in her yet before she ages out to an elite nursing home or Congress.[9]  Speaking of old people, is former President Barak Hussein Obama II in a nursing home yet?[10]  Well, he and the other retired Presidents including smelly Orange Jesus Trump have enough money to age in place at secure locations. 

Now I know that there are people that object to me calling Trump smelly Orange Jesus but keep in mind that Jesus, the real one, probably smelled too since deodorant or airports hadn’t been invented yet.  So, Trump is smellin’ up the place to be more like MAGA Jesus as a sacrifice to his followers.  (I just threw in airports to see if you’re paying attention since Trump thought that we had them during the War for Independence.) 

Smelly Trump may already be past his use-by date.

By a couple of decades.

In closing

            I do have some questions.  Remember pagers?  Wooden phones?  Bell bottom pants?  The expression “right on?”  Yeah, me neither.

However, I do need someone to explain those ads that don’t seem to have a point and after I’ve viewed them, I’m not sure what was even being advertised.  Throw in answers as to what I’m supposed to do with Tik Tok, Snapchat, hash tags, and X.  While I’m at it, is Facebook going the way of that other Google social network that went away that I can’t even remember the name of?  Has it become so passé already?

Now, I do have to ’fess up to occasionally running from one room to another in a big ass rush without the slightest idea of what I went for after I get there.  That does happen.  And I really hate it when it was a run to the basement.  It isn’t like I’m looking for the nuclear launch codes.  If I was President, I’ll bet there would be some young person around that could find them really quick.  After all there was some nicely dressed young person following Trump around wherever he went in case he had another of his toddler fits and wanted to nuke an ally.

            In all seriousness I do have one question that I would like to get resolved before I’m too cognitively impaired to repeat the answer. 

Oh shoot!  I forgot what I was going to ask.

            Wait!  I just remembered!  Does anyone know if the words that a doctor asked the Orange Jesus, aka Donald Trump, was asked are asked of everyone on their cognitive test?

Asking for a friend.

[1] Haley comments on oldsters:

[2] Trump tested out:









Friday, December 22, 2023

Enablers remorse.

(2-minute read)

Straight face

Pro tip.  If you don’t want a fascist like Trump running for President don’t cast fascist support votes while he’s in office.

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney says that Trump is an aberration and not the Republican Party.[1] She said that with a straight face.  Since she voted MAGA 93% of the time I can’t help but wonder what that 7% aberration might be exactly since she supported Orange Jesus for 4 years.[2]  Supporting a fascist 93% of the time is okay but 100% is just a bridge too far? 

Good golly Miss Molly, Cheney, look around and take stock of the people that kicked you out of leadership in congress and then voted you out of office.  Trump is the Republican Party.  It is now the MAGA Party. 

MAGA is an aberration.

The fine Nazi.

            After the Charlottesville riot Trump said that some Nazis are very fine people.  Now I know that people have said that the transcript of what he said doesn’t support that.  Here’s the < transcript >.[3]  Orange Jesus danced around the words pretty good but he really ended up with some Nazis being very fine people that were standing up for the Lost Cause Confederates.[4] 

Orange Jesus is probably not the best person at this inflection point to advance the fascist cause, though he did an outstanding job of kicking it off.  OJ has too many toddler impulses and he just isn’t as bright as some of the MAGA Trump wannabes waiting in the wings. 

MAGA Republicans seeking office have to have MAGA votes to get elected.

They will be MAGA fascists.

Oath challenged.

            Cheney and her compatriots spent 4 years enabling Trump and encouraging more MAGA Heads into the fold.  Then the Orange Jesus staged an attempted coup.  And the coup attempt wasn’t just what happened on January 6th.  OJ had the coup plotting in progress before the 2020 election even took place.  What’s more he wanted to use the military to keep him in power. 

If Cheney’s truly worried about our democracy, then she should accept the reality of where she and those like her led the party to MAGA.  If she wants to be serious about her oath and allegiance to America, she needs to reject being a Lost Cause Republican completely and utterly by not voting for any Republican ever again. 







Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dictator for a Day!


(2-minute read)


            How would you like to be dictator for a day?!  Trump saying that he will be a dictator for one day reminded of the old hugely popular game show “Queen for a Day” that ran from 1940 to 1964.[1]  Women living in poverty were exploited for entertainment and profit.  Five contestants would come on the show and beg for something that they desperately needed.  There could be only one queen for a day.  The show was incredibly profitable. 

            Orange Jesus (OJ), the man that admires dictators, said that he would be a dictator on his first day in office.[2]  The crowd cheered.  Just the first day?  So, he’ll only ignore our constitution and system of government for day?  Whew!  I was just worried that he would decide to do it for more than a day.  Big relief there.  Good thing that he’s known for being a truthful man of honesty and integrity.  Otherwise, people might think that he would do it for more than a day given that he already tried to overthrow our government while he was President the first time.

Then OJ claimed that President Biden is a threat to democracy.  OJ has also said that he would have the DOJ go after his political enemies just as he did when he was in office,[3] will have his opposition indicted,[4] will establish internment camps,[5] attack Mexico[6] and constantly talks about having people executed. 

Orange Jesus really likes the death penalty.

Staying on message.

Does anyone seriously think that Orange Jesus Trump only wants to be dictator for a day?     Never one to waste time when it comes to fascist messaging Trump quoted the Russian dictator Putin and Hungary’s Orban as supporting him and that President Biden is a threat to democracy.[7] 

            He has loftier ambitions for himself.  Envision Trump statues in parks, churches, street corners and shopping malls.  Trump flags flying everywhere including government buildings.  Trump’s face on a hundred-dollar bill.  Giant posters featuring Trump’s face in the subways.

King for one day? I don’t think so.


[2] Dictator for a day:

[3] DOJ investigations:

[4] Opposition indicted:

[5] Internment camps:


[7] Rutin Orban quotes: