Saturday, July 31, 2021

Three ways

            “It was zero threat. Right from the start, it was zero threat.”

            So, according to Republicans, the 1/6 insurrection was just a normal day of tourism at the Capitol yet Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the “tragedy!”

            So nothing happened and it’s a tragedy. Well, that doesn’t sound right.

And yet.

On the one hand

            Loser Ex-President Donald Trump says in defending the Capitol insurrections:

“It was zero threat. Right from the start, it was zero threat. Some of them went in and they’re, they’re hugging and kissing the police and the guards. You know, they had great relationships. A lot of the people were waved in and then they walked in and they walked out.”

            So we have the Loser Ex-President acknowledging that the seditionists were in fact his supporters.

            Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA):

"It was not an insurrection...if you didn't know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit."

On the other hand

            This is also what the majority of Republicans believe.

            Republican Rep. (State) Mark Baisley:

“It does not make any sense to me that Trump patriots would storm the U.S. Capitol to interrupt a Congressional challenge to the Electoral College results,” Baisley wrote. “The violent and arrogant actions of this attack (scaling walls, breaking windows) matches the signature of Antifa rioters. I hope that many arrests are made and identities of the sponsors revealed.”

Their were and they were.

Meanwhile the third way

            Democrats want to investigate the Capitol insurrection that took place on 1/6. Seems like patriotic citizens should want that to happen. It should be at least as concerning to all of us as Benghazi was to Republicans. Their Special Committee held 33 hearings and spent at least 7 million dollars investigating Benghazi. It seems like an attempted coup of our nation should be at least as interesting to them. But it isn’t. They would rather investigate black people and find them guilty.

Trails end

            The problem for Republicans is that they have a better than real good idea where the investigation is going to end up. The problem is that the majority of Republicans on the inside (Congress) were attempting a soft coup while Trump supporters on the outside were attempting a hard coup. They are only less guilty of being violent. They are just as guilty of being like their seditious racist brethren that are being charged for their crimes.

There are Bigly fish to fry.

Friday, July 30, 2021



            Ultimately it all costs money. What are the costs of the pandemic? Republican leadership professes to understand money. Exactly who is paying for the lunacy of the anti-vaxxers? The easy answer is—society does (we do).

No need

            In reference to vaccines I keep reading comments where people say “Do your research!” Admittedly I did a lot of research in the beginning way back when the pandemic first hit.

            One of the best responses that I read in regards to the ‘do your research’ comment was and I’m paraphrasing: “Don’t need to!” They pointed out that by now thousands of scientists from a variety of disciplines and a few billion dollars have been spent on doing just that. Research. Not just any scientists either but the tops in their respective fields. Respected, truthful, professional, honest people who care about humanity and saving lives.

That’s good enough for me.

Tune change

            Now since it’s mostly the unvaccinated (predominantly Trump supporters) who are getting Covid-19, the Republican leadership and right wing media have decided to say that people should get vaccinated after all. When it was seniors in nursing homes and minorities being impacted the most they were okay with no masking and getting everybody back to work. Now it’s their base being hospitalized and dying.


            We’re watching in real time Republicans rewriting history. The election was rigged. News is fake. The insurrectionists were loving patriots. The pandemic isn’t real. Science is wrong. Masks don’t work. The vaccines are dangerous. Immigrants are evil. Muslims are bad. Rich people are the bulwarks of society. Poor people are lazy. (All 40 million of them.) They (Republicans) are the real victims. Up is down. The sky is not blue.

 And on and on.

            Every day throughout his entire Presidency Trump played the victim card. His entire Presidency. Now he’s playing the ex-President victim card. He will forever be the perpetual victim. That makes his supporters suffering victims as well. They are in an abusive relationship with Trump and they can’t leave their abuser.

They are drawn to him.

$ And resources

            I have watched a couple of videos lately where the hospitalized anti-vaxxers who survived professed that if they had it to do over they still wouldn’t have got the vaccine and still won’t get the vaccine (after all, they survived!). Then there’s also the ‘if it’s my time to die—it’s my time crowd’. ‘It’s all a hoax’ also still has a huge following.

            At some point bean counters will figure up the total cost of the pandemic in dollars. There will be an average cost of hospitalizations due to Covid-19. (I’m just talking money here not the human toll. That’s incalculable.) At this point in the United States we’ve had several hundred thousand die needlessly. The ones dying now are the great unvaccinated.

Death before dishonor!

The Antis

            The antis (maskers and vaxxers) have cost society billions of dollars. It’s too early to tell if it’s tens of billions or hundreds of billions but I lean towards hundreds of billions. It takes a team of nurses, doctors, support staff and high tech equipment to treat Covid-19 patients in hospitals. That takes a lot of $$$$! Their “personal choice” is costing society in real dollars. Whether it’s insurance, the government, hospitals or individuals the costs are real. Ultimately it’s all the rest of us that pay for it.

The costs will be much higher than they needed to be, thanks to the antis.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Neo Jesus


            Pack up your bags.

            Pack up your cares and woes. There’s a new Jesus in town and he doesn’t tolerate snowflakes. He’s the Conservative Evangelical Republican Jesus. He’s got a new way of doing things. He took the blue pill and now he has skin on.

            New Jesus believes that white people have dominion over all others.

            He is anti-immigrant. He’s down at the border kicking ass and taking names! He’s taking children away from their families and splitting families up. He’s the ‘show no mercy’ Jesus.

            He says take care of the rich first! The rich shall inherit the earth.

            He regrets not mocking the 5,000 looking for a free meal.

            The new Jesus loves him some money.

            He carried a torch in Charlottesville. He’s carrying a grudge against the Jews about that whole crucifixion thing.

            He is against telling the truth. He supports the “Big Lie” that Trump won. Trump’s his main man.

            He is against LGBTQIA+ people. (The bible is full of scripture of Jesus saying that he hates gay people.)

            New Jesus is pro-plague and against vaccines.

            He is pro-guns and a supporter of the second amendment just as he was a supporter of Rome killing trouble-making Christians.

            Here’s the ‘good news’. If you’re a liberal, New Jesus says….

Bye Bye!

Stepping forward

            Is the above Jesus real? Was Jesus an asshole? Is that how the biblical Jesus would act in today’s world?

            How about packing up the New Republican Conservative Evangelical Jesus that supports all of the evil manifestations mentioned above. How about recognizing the hypocrisy of the Pharisee bible-thumping Republicans whose ideology and theology Jesus would never support any more than he would support the Caesar of Rome.

            In other words taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage would support the poor. Jesus would be okay with that.  Same for universal health care and an education. No one going to bed hungry in the wealthiest nation in the world would be a Jesus goal. He would feed and care for brown immigrants seeking a better life and safe haven. These things would benefit everyone. Well to be honest not the rich and mega rich. Not those dependent upon economic slave labor.

            Will the red pill Jesus step forward? That’s the Neo Jesus we need.

It’s time.