Friday, January 29, 2021

We are there


Civil War sounds so ugly.

            There is no “civil” war. It is decidedly uncivil.

            There was no “peaceful transfer of power.” Trump saw to that. The failure of the mob to accomplish his goals quietened him. Goals that were discussed at a Trump Tower meeting the day before. Goals to attempt a coup and overturn the vote of “We the People.”

            But only temporarily.

Soft Civil War

            We are engaged in Civil War already. It’s a soft Civil War with relatively few deaths. So far. January 6th was another trial run just like the attacks at state Capitols. Probing. Checking things out. We came within a hairsbreadth of losing the Republic. Five lives were lost that day. One hundred forty Capitol Police were injured, some severely. Injuries that they will carry for a lifetime.

            The lawful vote of the election was rejected by the majority of Republicans with cries of non-existent voter fraud giving them an excuse to condone the violence, egged on by an immoral President.

            The people that they convinced stormed the Capitol to stop the vote count that was taking place.

True believers. True Trumpers. True MAGATrump SEDITIONISTS. Not Country. Not Party. Trump. 

His immorality is their immorality.

Treason for Dummies

            Who are these people; the people that reject our Republic and democracy?

            Who would the majority of these people be? Would they be the same people that believe every filthy made up conspiracy that White Supremacists pump out? Would they be the followers of the made-up Q? How about every racist organization that was represented in the mob that trashed the Capitol? The ones that believe President Obama is Muslim and isn’t a natural-born citizen? The criminals that showed up at state Capitols with long guns to intimidate legislators when Trump asked for liberation? Every seditious MAGA Trump (MAGAT) supporter that believes every lie they’ve been told by people like Cruz, Hawley, McCarthy, Q, Greene, White Supremacists, Confederates, Russians, Proud Boys, militias, Giuliani and Trump?

            The answer?

All of the above.

 “Stand back and stand by!”

            That’s what Trump said to the Proud Boys. Then he turned them loose on the Capitol to try and overturn the vote of “We the People”. They looked for people to harm, to kidnap and to kill.

            When Senator Cruz was speaking to the Senate he claimed that 39 % of Americans believe the vote was rigged. Well, duh. Practically every Republican leader in the country has been promoting that lie for literally months. Trump promoted that lie before the vote even took place. He promoted that lie after he won the 2016 election.

            While the inauguration was taking place Trump jetted to his summer palace. His last act as President was a non-act. He hung his MAGAT-heads out to dry by not giving them pardons. And on top of that he condemned (faintly) the violence of the insurrection that he encouraged. MAGAT-heads will face the courts. Trump will face the golf course. That’s his

“Trial by combat.”

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Not guilty

            There isn’t any way that I can see 17 Republicans siding with Democrats to vote Trump guilty of inciting an insurrection. He is clearly guilty, but if they find him guilty then they are admitting their own guilt as well. They are judging themselves and they are their own jury.

            They have either backed Trump or excused his lies, actions, false conspiracies, behavior and sedition. They will hide behind the Constitution that they have sought to destroy while they continue to incite the Republican MAGA seditionists.

            Everybody should be held accountable!

But them.

Republican Sampler. 

  • A current member of the House, Marjorie Taylor Greene, threatened to kill Democrats and FBI agents PRIOR to getting elected. She believes in the Q! (She also thinks the wildfires in California were started by giant space lasers.)
  • Republican MAGA Congressional seditionists tried to overturn the lawful vote of “We the People”.
  • In Texas, Rep. Kyle Biedermann submitted a bill for the state to secede from the United States. Prior to the 2016 election, the largest secession website in the country was in Texas and run by the Russians. There are other Republican secession movements as well.
  • Secession movements among Republicans aren’t new. Sarah Palin’s husband Todd, now divorced, was a member of a secession Party in Alaska and she attended one of their conventions.
  • In Oregon, the state RNC passed a resolution calling the attack on the Capitol a “false flag” and that the Democrats were actually the ones that did it. (For reals.)
  • Representative Kevin McCarthy said that it was all our fault. (And some Nazis are very fine people too while we’re at it.)
  • In Arizona they censured their Representative Cindy McCain, Senator Jeff Flake and Gov. Doug Ducey for not being seditiony enough even though McCain supported overturning the lawful vote of “We the People” in the Presidential election.
  • Alaska Republican Jamie Allard defended a 3Reich vanity plate as being benign. She was on the Human Rights Commission and has since been removed.
  • Georgia Republican State Representative David Clark was removed from the chamber for refusing to test for Covid. They don’t like wearing masks and they don’t like being tested.
  • This is a favorite of mine. Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier Arthur Jones won the Republican nomination for the 3rd Congressional District in Illinois. Yes, an actual Nazi won a GOP primary. The RNC blamed media for him winning. Classic!
  • I’m going to just stop here without bothering to list all the racists that were uncovered in the Trump Administration. Some of you might remember their resignations.

 The Dudes

            I should avoid starting these lists because they could just go on forever and seditious MAGA Republicans will either respond with some irrelevant whataboutism or share some highly detailed erroneous piece of information. The link provides a nice explanation of the concept of whataboutism and I love this line from their definition, “If everyone is guilty of something, is no one guilty of anything?”

            House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy signed on to answering the above quote affirmatively.  “As a nation, I know we sit back and we’re appalled by what we’re seeing,” McCarthy said. “But I want everybody to take a deep breath and understand: We all have some responsibility here.”

Cray. Real cray.

            But keep in mind that they are using the “Dudes” defense as in some other dudes did it. It wasn’t the seditious terrorists Proud Boys and MAGA insurrectionists. It was Antifa, Democrats and BLM infiltrators! So the crowd that just looked and acted like the people at every Trump rally that has ever been were cunningly disguised imposters with all of their Trump flags, paraphernalia and White Racist gear.

            They were good. They were so good that they fooled the FBI by infiltrating hundreds of Facebook pages with videos posted by people that actually looked like the people they were impersonating.

             So, Republicans are the ‘Law and Order’ Party with the following exceptions and disclaimers:

  • Upholding their oaths of Office.
  • Sacking the Capitol.
  • Their own responsibility for continuing to incite treasonous behavior.
  • Being truthful about Trump losing the election.
  • Recognizing 62 court decisions about the election being legal and their being zero widespread fraud.
  • Holding the President accountable for inciting an insurrection while holding the Seditious Republican MAGA terrorists responsible.
  • Being truthful in general.

            So they are the Law and Order Party.

Kind of.

Trial of the Century

            We’re going to have ringside seats to the Senate trial concerning the article of impeachment. There will be lots of really good speeches. LOTs. Evidence will be presented. Republicans will reject it. Make that denounce it. They have pressing party matters to protect. Trump is giving them orders perceived as threats. The party is still his.

            We need to keep in mind during the trial Trump’s infamous remarks to the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by!” until he turned them loose on the Capitol and Congress. In the immortal words of Vice President Pence in regards to excusing whatever malicious act Trump commits.

“Well, that’s Donald Trump.”


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Hero or goat?

See the source image

Why did Trump lose?

            I have read any number of analysts giving reasons for Trump losing the election. Had Republicans done worse in down ballot elections the loss would be easier to explain. But they didn’t. Republicans, Georgia notwithstanding, didn’t do too badly. Trump would lose, yet Republicans on the same ballot would win. (This is one of the many truisms that makes the accusations of voter fraud so ridiculous.) Republicans achieved a record turnout, it just wasn’t as big as the Democratic turnout. Eighty one million to seventy four million.

NOTE:  For the election deniers struggling with math. 81 is a bigger number than 74. 306 is a bigger number than 232. See how that goes?

The Liar lied

            Try saying that 3 times real fast.

            Anyway, for months I have been reading comments from family members blaming Trump for their loved one(s) dying because they believed Trump’s comments about the virus. They believed Trump when he said that it was a hoax. They believed him when he said that they didn’t need to mask. They believed him when he said it would go away.

They died.

            The numbers of dead MAGA people were small in the beginning but as the pandemic progressed the numbers continued to rise. High profile MAGA supporters caught it and died. Trump caught it. Then he lied some more and more people died. He held super spreader events. People died. They weren’t blaming Trump’s seditious MAGA Republican enablers along with Trump. They should have. But they didn’t.

They blamed Trump.

Survivors voted

            Trump killed a few too many people and it cost him the vote.

            All in the world that he had to do was treat the virus seriously rather than lie about it and he would have been not only reelected but been a hero as well. Instead he put money before people. That ended up making the economy worse and resulted in a couple of hundred thousand needless deaths. So, hero or goat. Trump ended up having mashed potatoes on his head and being….

The goat.



Monday, January 25, 2021

Q-Errific says


I was duped!

            The dazzling representative of “Q” says through his lawyer that he was duped by President Trump. Hard to believe, I know. His shamanness, according to his lawyer, wanted a pardon from the President because he did what Trump wanted them to do—ransack the Capitol and try to find certain members of congress along with Vice President Pence to do them harm.

Trial by combat!

            His shamanness is one of the spokespeople of the millions of MAGA insurrectionists, thousands of whom ransacked the Capitol for Trump. The nonexistent “Q” that nobody has seen or knows is the Q, identified the Q or knows if the Q is real. But MAGA terrorists nevertheless follow the Q and the bizarre conspiracy theories espoused by the unknown Q. Since nobody can verify the existence of Q what Q says is never questioned especially since Q has been proven completely wrong by none other than…


            (I’m unsure of what Q’s pronouns are. I’m guessing Russian.)

            I understand that the above may have been a little hard to follow but that’s the nature of Q. Personally I lean towards the shaman actually being Q but the ‘doesn’t eat nonorganic food’ seems a little snowflaky and out of sync with the armed camo-tactical-gear-wearing Republican MAGA seditionists, but HEY that’s Q.


            The reality is that President Trump could have pardoned all of the seditionists just like President Carter pardoned all of the draft evaders. Trump didn’t though. He only encouraged them to ransack the capitol to try and overturn the vote of “We the People” and said that he would go with them. He didn’t. He watched. That’s what he does. He’s a voyeur, not a doer. Besides his bone spurs were probably acting up that day. Instead he denounced them for doing what he incited them to do. Classy. Real classy.

Treason is hard.

            Millions of MAGA seditionists are simpatico with the horned wonder. Kind of poetic really. A spokesperson for Trump, dressed appropriately enough with horns. Evangelicals eat your hearts out. Not literally please! Perhaps I need to be a tad more careful. These people are impressionable as they are gullible. It’s a shame that there isn’t an Olympic category.

            Did Trump ever let any of his supporters, horned or otherwise, stay overnight at the White House? Mar-a-Lago? The reality is that he considers these cosplaying supporters of his only worthy of manipulating, not socializing with. He prefers tens.

            Looks can be deceiving. The crowd was Middle America. Doesn’t matter. They weren’t welcome at his White House or Mar-a-Lago either. Not the crowd that he runs with. Make that walks with. Bone spurs you know. After all he has his standards. Just ask his horned spokesman. No not that one. The other one.

            Perhaps more of Trump’s supporters will wake up to the fact that they have been used and abused by their Liar. That seventy four million people that voted for him could be reduced by as much as a couple of hundred people at least that have come to realize that they have been had.
