Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Hero or goat?

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Why did Trump lose?

            I have read any number of analysts giving reasons for Trump losing the election. Had Republicans done worse in down ballot elections the loss would be easier to explain. But they didn’t. Republicans, Georgia notwithstanding, didn’t do too badly. Trump would lose, yet Republicans on the same ballot would win. (This is one of the many truisms that makes the accusations of voter fraud so ridiculous.) Republicans achieved a record turnout, it just wasn’t as big as the Democratic turnout. Eighty one million to seventy four million.

NOTE:  For the election deniers struggling with math. 81 is a bigger number than 74. 306 is a bigger number than 232. See how that goes?

The Liar lied

            Try saying that 3 times real fast.

            Anyway, for months I have been reading comments from family members blaming Trump for their loved one(s) dying because they believed Trump’s comments about the virus. They believed Trump when he said that it was a hoax. They believed him when he said that they didn’t need to mask. They believed him when he said it would go away.

They died.

            The numbers of dead MAGA people were small in the beginning but as the pandemic progressed the numbers continued to rise. High profile MAGA supporters caught it and died. Trump caught it. Then he lied some more and more people died. He held super spreader events. People died. They weren’t blaming Trump’s seditious MAGA Republican enablers along with Trump. They should have. But they didn’t.

They blamed Trump.

Survivors voted

            Trump killed a few too many people and it cost him the vote.

            All in the world that he had to do was treat the virus seriously rather than lie about it and he would have been not only reelected but been a hero as well. Instead he put money before people. That ended up making the economy worse and resulted in a couple of hundred thousand needless deaths. So, hero or goat. Trump ended up having mashed potatoes on his head and being….

The goat.



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