Friday, February 25, 2022

Soviet Amerika



            Like Hitler invading Poland, Putin has invaded Ukraine.

            You go to war with the President you have.

            It’s disheartening and sobering seeing what has happened to our nation. It isn’t even within the realm of possibility that a political party would have come out in open support of Hitler during World War Two, let alone major news outlets. Yet here we are today with the Trump Party and Fox Pravda et al openly supporting and talking up Europe’s new Hitler—Vladimir Putin.

            It’s sickening to watch men like former Secretary of state Mike Pompeo and others praise Putin and what he is doing in Ukraine as being genius. I’m not going to list all their descriptions because praise doesn’t belong to a man like Putin. He isn’t a genius. He’s a thug. He’s a bully. They are in awe of him while they denigrate our President and nation as being weak.

            Trump said that he wants to do our southern border like Putin is doing to Ukraine. Where it really gets almost overwhelmingly sad is we have 30 million citizens or so in the United States that not only support what Putin is doing but would do it here because that’s what Trump wants. The Trump Party lies and tells the world that our Commander in Chief is weak not because of reality but because that’s the narrative that helps Putin.

            On Russian Television Trump’s praise of Putin is being covered and presented as justification for their invasion of Ukraine. Tucker Carlson of Fox Pravda also a big hit in Russian media along with others from the Trump Party. They want to be Putin’s Vichy government in America.

They are Russian propagandists.


            Meanwhile in Ukraine on a small island off the coast where 13 Ukrainian border guards were stationed:

Audio from Snake Island, Black Sea:

Russians: This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you’ll be bombed.

Ukrainians: Russian warship, go fuck yourself.

They were all killed.

            This kind of valor is taking place all over Ukraine, a nation that stood up to an evil super power. Their national courage is as inspiring as it is remarkable. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy intends to stay in Kyiv. In a video call with European leaders he said that might be the last time that they see him alive. Russian assassins were in the city looking for him and his family.


            In spite of what those from the Trump Party say there are limited options as to what can be done in Ukraine in response to what is taking place currently short of starting World War Three and if our nation’s military were to go in WWIII would be immediately on the table. Nobody wants that. Putin already alluded to a nuclear attack. Macron informed him that NATO was a nuclear alliance. AND nuclear disarmament is now off the table. If Ukraine had held onto their nukes this would be a whole different story.

Shared pain

            That leaves non-military actions on the table. Economic sanctions work slowly and the pain is shared by all sides. Putin and his Oligarchs will still be billionaires. During WW2 everyone was in on the war effort. There was rationing and shared hardship. Think that the American public will go through something like that for Ukraine? Good grief, the majority of the Trump Party wouldn’t even wear masks or get vaccinated during a pandemic. Think that they will accept economic hardship to support a country being overrun by a godless Putin?

            Thoughts and prayers aren’t going to stop Putin any more than they stopped Hitler or any other conflict that’s taken place. The only thing that Evangelicals have contributed is more division.

            According to polls the majority of the Trump Party supports Putin over Biden.

            Glorious Leader Trump has made what is happening in Ukraine about himself. It happened because the election was stolen from him, a lie, and had he been President it wouldn’t have happened. Except for the small detail that he has been a stooge for Putin for longer than he was President.

It’s a wrap.

            Putin isn’t even done with piling bodies up in Ukraine and he has moved on to threatening Finland and Sweden to not join NATO or they can expect what happened to Ukraine to happen to them. This is the man that 30 million Americans or more are siding with because the Trump Party and their Glorious Leader of the Master race says so. Putin. The man that has thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at us and the rest of the free world.


            Here’s what Biden didn’t do. He didn’t undermine NATO, the EU, our allies, our form of government, our democratic institutions, our free press, our Constitution or fawn all over Putin and praise his brutal accomplishments. He didn’t pardon Manafort who worked with the Russian opposition in Ukraine. He didn’t pardon Flynn who lied about working with the Russians. He didn’t try and blackmail the President of Ukraine by withholding war material in order to dig up make believe dirt with Russian operatives on opposition. He didn’t ask the Russian agents for help with his campaign and then lie about meeting with them. He didn’t give classified information from our ally (Israel) to the Russians. He didn’t believe Putin over our own intelligence agencies whom Trump has also referred to as being like Nazis.

President Biden put America and what we’re supposed to stand for first.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Take America Back…

…To 1930s Germany

            Okay it’s getting kind of crazy out there.

            For those that may not have noticed Vladimir Putin has just relaunched the Cold War by invading Ukraine. Fox Pravda, along with way too many Conservative Republicans, is on his side. Senator Josh Hawley along with Tucker Carlson keep providing Russian talking points in their arguments for appeasement. After all for Putin this is just legitimate political discourse.

Been here before.

            Prior to the United States entering into World War Two there American Nazis on the side of Hitler. (Yes it’s true)  < > Twenty thousand American Nazis gathered for the “Pro-America” rally. Six months later Hitler invaded Poland.

            It is my sincere hope that most people know about what happened during WWII. Sadly too many people seem not to know or else don’t care and to make matters worse we have Nazis in America again. They support the Trump Republican agenda along with their fellow compadre racist groups. (Confederates, White Nationalists, White Supremacists, et al.)


            Trumper Republican Rick Scott just released his own personal platform. The Republican Party doesn’t currently have a platform and according to Senator McConnell they’ll let people know what it is when they take back the Senate. In addition Senator Scott, that’s Senator Rick Scott not to be confused with Senator Tim Scott who wants to be Trump’s VP in 2024, in addition to want to name the border wall the Trump wall said that there are only 2 genders. Now the reason that I mention this part of his 31 page manifesto is that the Nazis also went after Gay people, the physically challenged, people of color along with those of the Jewish faith and Roma. There were others that just didn’t fit in with the “Master” race. Their concentration camps had an open door policy to anyone that was different from them.

            I still remember Trump mocking a disabled person. Yes I watched the video several times. It was obvious that he was mimicking the person’s disability. Remember this is a guy that rates women. Trump is also currently claiming that his legal troubles are racist. He’s being picked on because he’s a white guy. The Trump Party wants to make things better for the down trodden white people by taxing poor people that aren’t currently paying taxes because you know—they’re poor. Republicans are going to fix that by taxing them. They have to make up for the trillions in tax breaks that they gave to the rich.

 Off the rails

            Now this is where things kind of go off the rails. Commies and Nazis historically don’t play nice together. However the Trump Party in a maganificent display of reaching across the aisle has risen in support of Communist Russia headed by Vladimir Putin in invading Ukraine. They do this while accusing Democrats of being Socialists. Talk about irony.

            Putin, Xi, Un are the type of men that Trump admires and loves. This reminds me of the actual Nazi that won a Republican primary and the party blamed the media rather than those that voted for him. Crazy. Trump practically waxes poetic about his feeling for the North Korean despot.

            Now Trump and his entourage of sycophants are praising the “genius” of Putin for invading Ukraine like he did. Being a thug and using brute force isn’t “genius.” It’s being a thug and using brute force. It’s thuggery. Trump admires thuggery. It’s why he encouraged thuggery in his attempted coup at the Capitol to overturn the vote of the people.

            I just finished listening to Trump praise Putin and say that the United States should do what Putin is doing on our southern border. The man is a wannabe dictator and his MAGA followers want him to realize his dream.

Thugs for thugs

            Trump is crowing that Putin left Ukraine alone under his administration. Why is that?

            Trump was accomplishing much of Putin’s agenda. Trump undermined NATO and the EU. Trump undermined Ukraine and still is. He divided the United States like we haven’t been divided since the civil war. Along with his Trump party supporters he staged the first attempted coup the United States has ever experienced and has damaged our form of government in the eyes of the world. The Trump Party is the biggest threat to our democracy since the Civil War. The Trump Party is Pro Russia.

And Putin knows it.