Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Up for grabs IV (4 minute 30 second read)



            The short answer to the end question in “Up for Grabs III" is that I believe the Republican Trump Party will attain most of their goals in the 2022 elections.

            When President Biden first took office I sent him a letter that every day working people would have to see a difference in their daily lives in order for them to support his administration. Has that happened? If people are told their lives are better will they believe it?

            President Biden’s approval rating is in the tank and the economy is rapidly heading south. He’s taking a daily drubbing in the supposedly liberal media which are hiring supporters of the Trump Party in anticipation of the Trump Party winning in 2022. Fox Pravda along with the Republican Trump Party loyalists in Congress are undermining Biden at every turn. Vice President Harris has not turned out to be valuable asset and for the most part is being kept under wraps. Plus the Democrats simply can’t get their messaging act or Party together.

            All the Republican Trump Party has to do is run out the clock. And if that isn’t enough since the 2020 election The Republican Trump Party has dramatically changed the voting playing field. Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema sealed the fate against improving accessing the right to vote and making voting easier. Red states have improved Trump Party control of the voting process overall along with suppressing the vote of Democrats and minorities.

Any of that look good?


            Once they do take control of the House and Senate they will quickly move to consolidate their power to set the stage for the 2024 elections and guarantee that they will win through control of the electoral process. They are looking for absolute power. Just as an example they put up a pitched battle over Biden’s Supreme Court nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson a woman that a few of them had voted for before. After she’s appointed they will still have a 6/3 split in their favor but they wanted more. Like Putin they fear any dissent. Democracy and a free press are impediments to their plans.

            They will continue their campaign against a free press. For the Republican Trump Party having a free press means their right to disseminate misleading and false information. They want, make that demand that lies be accepted as truth. (BTW “alternative facts” were always lies.) It’s why they have millions of followers that don’t believe we had a pandemic. Free press being defined as any media that doesn’t support their agenda. Fox Pravda will remain their flagship media.

            Once in charge they will impose their “anti” agenda of intolerance on the nation. Immigrants and gays will be at the top of the list. I won’t go into the rest of the list. Think Orwell. Think Russia and China as they are currently.

These are their models.

It just doesn’t matter

            Democrats will spend the next 2 years after the 2022 election playing defense while the Rashist Trump Party continues doing what Trump started and take Democracy apart while purposely exacerbating the divisions in the country. Any civic turmoil or protests from BLM will provide the Rashists with excuses to continue militarizing the police. They will again pursue Trump’s anti-NATO agenda and go back to alienating our western alliances.

            As much as we would like to think that the average American cares about the survival of our democracy they just simply don’t. At least a third of the country doesn’t even care enough to bother voting. The same thing has happened throughout history. It happened in Germany. It has happened since and Despots end up in control. And people die.

            What I don’t believe they have considered is the backlash that will occur from those that don’t support the Trump Party or their evil agenda of intolerance and authoritarian control. I don’t believe that America in general will just roll over for the Republican Trump Party Rashists.

Americans can roll with a punch.

What to do? What to do?

            There’s always room for optimism. One thing that we aren’t seeing is a few million voters that used to be actual Republicans rejecting the current Party of Trump along with the Putin wing and Trump. We saw a little of that happen in 2020 where Trump lost but down ballot Republican candidates on the same ticket got elected. It is possible that Republicans could end up voting against the oppressive agenda of the Trump Party. Possible. Probable? They might not be up to a victory at any cost even if that victory ends our Democracy.

            It’s possible that other Republicans could do as I am doing and commit to never voting for another Republican. While it’s doubtful that will happen it’s possible it could happen. We aren’t seeing the average Republican that hasn’t bought into the Trump cult speaking out on social media. Party affiliation runs deep. But it could change. People could start putting the country and our way of life before political party.

            It’s impossible to know what the future will have in store for this world in such a state of flux. A couple of interesting turns and the entire ballgame could change. For better or worse.

It’s still important to be on the right side of history.

Part One link 

Part Two Link 

Part Three Link



Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Change that tune! (3 minute 30 second read)


Praise band

            Across Europe, Asia, The Middle East, Africa, the Americas including the United States there are admirers  of former President Trump and Putin. In France the far right candidate Marine Le Pen a former FOP (Friend of Putin and Russia) is now distancing herself from him in her messaging. Let’s face it. It just doesn’t look good sucking up to the new Hitler when there’s an election coming up. Trump is slow on the uptake on doing the same because he’s been a FOP  for many years. He still is. At this link  you can hear Le Pen talk about agreeing with Trump, taking Russia’s side, blaming the US for Putin invading Ukraine and abolishing NATO and pulling out of the European Union.

            Prime Minister Orban of Hungary didn’t hesitate to criticize Zelenskyy just as soon as he was reelected. Now he can continue being a FOP. I believe that Le Pen of France will do the same if elected. She will rule according to her true nature and will undermine NATO as well. I believe the same will hold true everywhere that right wing nationalists achieve power, including the United States, if Trump or someone like him waiting in the Rashist (Russian Fascist) wing attains power. Like Trump, they will quickly return to undermining NATO—the main impediment to Putin’s onslaught.

Putin obviously fears NATO.


            It all comes down to messaging. It isn’t that a man like Trump or woman like Le Pen have changed their views. They just changed their messaging to appeal to a wider group of people than just fascists. Their nature and ideology remain the same. The only epiphany that they and those like them have had is that is that their extreme nature doesn’t appeal to a wide enough voting base. If anything they have only become worse and more adept at selling their hateful divisive agendas. People that admire Putin or those like him don’t act like Gandhi when they attain power.

            Once in power they consolidate personal power like Trump did when in office and continues to do out of office. All across the nation in appropriately named “Red” states, the Republican Trump Party is consolidating their power by taking complete control of the election process. They are creating laws that made heretofore illegal acts of suppression “legal.”

The writing is on the wall.

This time around.

            When Hitler started his rise to power he had his admirers and detractors. The admirers won. Detractors like Dietrich Bonhoeffer lost. Hitler, like Putin, had the support of the Russian people just like Stalin did. Hitler also had his supporters in the West along with those that said the United States should stay out of war in Europe as he laid waste to the nations of Europe.

            Now Putin is laying waste to Ukraine. Tens of thousands dead. Millions of peaceful Ukrainians have had their lives destroyed for generations to come. Did Hitler stop with one country? Did appeasing Hitler work? Did the Vichy government of France installed by Hitler have the support of French citizens? Hitler had the Japanese. Putin has the Chinese. Alliances are being made.

            This time around Putin has been actively involved in building alliances in Western nations as well as working their populations with propaganda. Hitler tried that in the United States. He failed. Will Putin succeed where Hitler failed? Do the admirers of Putin ever talk about admiring those that aren’t like Putin or Hitler or that don’t excuse their actions?

The letter “Z” is the new swastika.

“If I sit next to a madman as he drives a car into a group of innocent bystanders, I can't, as a Christian, simply wait for the catastrophe, then comfort the wounded and bury the dead. I must try to wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver.”

--Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Monday, April 11, 2022

Up for grabs III (2 minute 30 second read)


(Part 3 of 4)

Part One link 

Part Two Link 

Local, State, Federal

            Now that last one in the list from Up for Grabs II about threatening Civil War is really a big one. Threats of violence have been a part of the Republican Trump Party campaign since the very beginning. The Trump Party demonstrated on January 6th, 2021 that they are more than willing to act upon their violent fantasies.

            Since the time of Trump in office hate crimes have risen along with crime in general. Hate was and continues to be emboldened by the Trump Party. That didn’t stop with the Biden Administration. These traitors that tried to overturn the legal, lawful and honest vote of the people didn’t hesitate to attack law enforcement when they attacked the Capitol. They’ll do so again.

            Right wing militias have been active across the country in showing up at Capitols with long guns. Those in the Trump Party threaten violence on a regular basis at local school board meetings and other local government body meetings. They want and do whenever possible walk around carrying long guns and dressed in camo military gear. Seriously, who needs to do that?

Insurrectionists of the Trump Party.


            There were a lot of good Republicans at the state level that had the integrity to do the right thing in the 2020 election and certified an honest vote of the people in spite of incredible pressure to violate their oaths of office. They put country before party. Sadly, they’re on their way out, being replaced with the Republican Party of Trump that puts Trump and his party first.

            Honorable Republicans have been or are in the process of being purged from the Trump Party for doing their jobs. Some are retiring rather than facing a wrathful Trump Party. They are a silent minority leaving and keeping their views away from the media. 

            There does remain a handful of outspoken Republicans that will criticize Trump but even they supported the Trump Party agenda 90% of the time. Most if not all of them will likely be gone in the 2022 election cycle. The majority of the Republican Trump Party continues supporting the DIC (Despot in Charge) just as they supported overturning the election. They may oppose Trump but they will toe and vote the party line.

Seig Heil!


            If history proves right the House and Senate will likely return to Trump Party majorities in 2022. Like Putin did with Navalny they will find something to charge President Biden with and impeach him in the House. Then the Senate will vote to remove him from office. Then they’ll do the same to Vice President Harris. Then, well then who knows. By that time the country will be ripping apart at the seams when that happens. There will be more violence. One thing for sure is that Putin and the Rashists (Russian Fascists) will celebrate such an outcome.

            Things can change.

But will they?