Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Up for grabs Part 1 (2 minute 30 second read)

(Part 1 of 4 parts)


            There’s usually a lot of bombast and hyperbole surrounding major events taking place in countries around the world. War and elections being a couple of prime examples currently. What will happen in 2022? Will things get better or worse? What will happen in Ukraine? Will Republicans of the Trump Party support our wartime President, President Biden? What is happening or will happen to our Democracy? Which way will we go? Authoritarian? Russian? Democracy? Chaos?

It’s all on the table.

Despot In Charge (DIC)

            In order to accomplish their goals Evangelicals need a man like Trump. Democracy keeps standing in their way. Our Democracy as it exists wouldn’t let them impose their religious beliefs and intolerance upon the rest of society. The same holds true for Republicans of the Trump Party. So they, along with those that found their agenda compatible, like White Nationalists, Neo Nazis, Russian sympathizers, etc., banded together to accomplish their shared goals.

            A man like Donald Trump was/is the perfect leader for them. He wants to be “Glorious Leader.” He wants to be the biggest DIC that America has ever had. He wants people clapping when he enters a room. He’s a petty tyrant looking to be a full-fledged tyrant like the men he adores, like Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un.

            Russia as it is today, closed off from the world, is the society that they are working to attain. We already came within a hairsbreadth of them achieving it on January6, 2021. The majority of the Trump Party went along with their coup attempt. While they came close, they were ultimately unsuccessful.

This time.

Will they make it?

            As hard as it may be for rational people to believe, millions of Republicans still believe that it’s possible to overturn the results of the 2020 election and install Trump as President. Our Constitution is viewed as an impediment to them achieving this goal. Look for them to change it. Their coup attempt is ongoing as they continue to purge those that will not pay fealty to Trump and his Party.

            Red states are now making their push. They have been heading this way for decades. Men and women like Jordan, Hawley, Gaetz, Graham, Cruz, Gohmert, Manchin, Scott, Greene, Boebert, Sinema, Long, McConnell, Gabbert, Pompeo, Nunes, Blackburn, Cotton, Sasse, Blunt and the list could go on and on are exactly the kind of people that a man like Trump needs as the DIC. (And yes there are also Democrats that stepped up to the needs of the Trump Party and will continue to do so.)

Collaborators are always useful.


In Part II I’ll discuss perceived agendas and goals of the Trump Party including the Putin wing. I’ll throw in some bombast and hyperbole.