Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Daily Despot #1 (1 minute 15 second read.)


Daily Despot #1

(March 30, 2022)

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

 Trump asks Putin for Help!

            Trump has asked for Putin’s help again. Yes, that Putin. The evil bastard that invaded Ukraine, started bombarding cities and threatened all of Europe. (Watch the clip that is linked. It was posted March 29th. Let me know if it doesn’t work. Meaning that it’s been pulled down.)

            It’s only natural that Trump is still looking for help from his idol. Putin is a man he trusts and evidently thinks that Americans should believe as well. The man condemned by the Western world. Well, except for the Putin wing of the Trump Republican Party and right wing extremists. 

            I’m only going to say this on the off chance that a Trump supporter is reading this but all of the accusations that Trump made in the interview have already been debunked. Putin delivered for Trump in 2016 (Mueller Report Vol I) according to the Mueller Report. (Vol II) Let’s see if he delivers for his buddy again.

            This is why Trump is called a narcissist. He only relates to the world as it relates to him. There may be a war going on in Europe but he doesn’t like to brag but he got a hole in one he bragged. That’s really important to know and he said he had witnesses. Always a plus for a man known as a habitual liar.

            Will Putin take a little time off and get some propaganda to Trump? He is kind of busy being a Despot In Charge (DIC).

Time will tell.