Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Progress! (2 minute 30 seconds read.)



            The majority of the Republican leadership in Congress is now supporting the idea that Putin is indeed an evil son-of-bitch. They should pass that information along to Fox Pravda and then see if they can’t now convince Trump and the rest of his/their Party.

That’s the real challenge.

            Now that they have recognized that Putin is evil perhaps they’ll reach the understanding that as a nation at war it’s considered kind of patriotic to support the Commander-In-Chief and not devote so much time running down the people elected to lead our country.

            Okay you’ve got me. No we aren’t technically a nation at war. I addressed this already this in < “A time such as this.” Don’t look for Congress to declare war on Russia (Putin) any time soon. They would be breaking a long tradition of bombing the shit out of other countries without actually having the courage to declare war.

We are a nation of law after all.

            Now let’s get back to Russia using the comments from Fox Pravda and Republicans to support their propaganda that Putin is the good guy. From a purely objective viewpoint this doesn’t seem to be very patriotic to me. Remember all the crap that Republicans gave Jane Fonda for aiding the enemy. I still get the occasional meme about that.

Be better

            The go-to response from Republicans while bashing President Biden is that whatever action he takes as President is along the lines of:  He should do more, he isn’t doing enough, he should have done this, he should do this, he shouldn’t have that or some variation sprinkled with insulting comments about his leadership. They also don’t think that we shouldn’t send in our military but we should send in planes to the war zone but we shouldn’t do a no-fly zone but we should do kind of a no-fly zone.

            Let me see. Oh yes, we’re at war so the gas prices shouldn’t go up and its Biden’s fault and not the fault of war-profiteering oil companies. It shows how bad Biden’s leadership is because the despot running Saudi Arabia won’t call him back but Biden is wrong in calling the despot running Venezuela to send us oil in order to keep the price of gas down because it’s Biden’s fault that it’s going up.

            President Biden really needs to puff out his chest and say some bad things to Putin because that would really turn things around because that’s what Trump who never once stood up to Putin and always got along great with the thug that invaded Crimea and Donbass would do. It’s a shame that Trump never thought to ask Putin to leave the areas he invaded since all he had to do was ask.


            In the real world Republicans, sans the Trump/Putin wing, don’t seem to be leaning towards starting WWIII. Well, except perhaps Lindsay Graham. They might even consider doing something anything that would get them on the Russian sanction list so that they could join Democrats in solidarity. Okay, let’s not go crazy. Baby steps.

            Set a goal that doesn’t have you serving online as a Russian troll. Recognize what’s taking place in the world and that its way more serious than trying to effect a regime change in this country and electing the men and women in 2022 that put Party before country. At some point…

Democracy should come first.