Sunday, March 20, 2022

Cheap talk (2 minute, 30 second read)


Spoiler Alert

            You can quote me on this.

            Don’t harass the President! “It’s called Presidential harassment and it’s unfortunate and it really does hurt our country.”

            Okay you got me. I’m not really the person that made the above quote. You can < clickhere* > and see who really made the above statement beginning at the 40 second mark if you’re in a hurry.

*(Note: you may have to click the “Browse YouTube” button after clicking on this link to get to the actual YouTube video)

Switching gears

            Now that polls are showing that a goodly number of Americans believe that Putin is the real bad guy, Trump and his Party a.k.a. the Republican Party are backpedaling on some of their previous comments about him.

            They seem to have forgotten that Trump was President for 4 years. The best that they can do now for the Russians is bash our current Commander In Chief (CIC) while claiming that their < Mythical Trump > would have done better.

Why is this important?

Twitter post from President Trump regarding Crimea:

 Feb 15th 2017 - 7:42:20 AM EST Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?

            I could have made a jpg of Trump’s post but the text serves just as well. If you want to see the actual post < click here > and it will take you to the twitter archive where you can find it with a simple word search.

            Russian troops were in Crimea and the Donbass region while he was President. Now he tweeted about President Obama on a regular basis about how bad a job he did letting the Russians take over these areas. No Western Democracy recognized the annexation and considered these areas as still being a part of Ukraine.

            So the question is why didn’t the mighty powerful tough talking self-proclaimed genius smarter than all the generals best President in the history of the world make the Russians get out of these areas? Hm? Why? Wouldn’t getting Russia out of Ukraine (Crimea) have been the perfect time to have shown how tough he could be with Russia?

            Trump does a much better job talking about Presidenting than actually doing the job. Trump claims that Trump is a stable genius. Republicans say that he would have been better able to deal with Putin because he’s erratic.

Somebody’s lying

Talk is easy

            While President he could have done a lot of things for Ukraine besides holding up $400,000,000 in military aid and trying to extort President Zelenskyy to dig up political dirt. He could have fawned over Putin a little less instead of saying that he was < honored > to meet him and excusing Putin’s actions. (Remember that Crimea Donbass annexation that I talked about earlier?) The Trump party could have increased military aid to Ukraine like the Biden Administration did and is doing.

They didn’t.