Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Cognitive Dissonance II (3 minute 45second read)


(Part 2 of 3)

            In case you missed it this is the < link > for Cognitive Dissonance I. 


Do tell

            Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers along with Evangelicals of the Trump Party are saying that government shouldn’t be able to tell them what to do with their bodies. Yet they want government to be able to tell women what to do with their bodies when it comes to continuing (or not continuing) a pregnancy. (The government is not mandating abortions.)

Is it or isn’t it?

            The Evangelical Christian Nationalist wing of the Trump Party claims that abortion is murder but they don’t want the women murderers jailed, only their accomplices. In truth they do want women that seek abortions to be punished as well. Trump even < said so > at one point early in his 2016 campaign then quickly changed his position when he received blowback. Think he has changed his mind?

He hasn’t.

Library Books

            Remember the saying that those that forget history are doomed to repeat it?

            When it comes to history Trump Party Republicans don’t want the true history of our nation taught. It makes white people uncomfortable to know the truth about slavery. That’s why they oppose < Critical Race Theory > yet want to hang onto statues that glorify the Confederacy.

            Christian Nationalist Trump supporters maintain there is a “Gay Agenda” and that gays are recruiting children. Like Putin they oppose gay marriage. LGBTQ couples that adopt children are furthering this supposed gay agenda in their view. They also want to jail parents that support their child’s decisions about their own gender. Queer (of, relating to, or being a person whose sexual orientation is not heterosexual and/or whose gender identity is not cisgender) people make them uncomfortable.

Doing to others

            Evangelicals consider Trump to be chosen by God since God appoints all authority except, apparently, Biden. (Different bible.) For them Trump is an imperfect vessel being used by god. Their god. Turns out that they believed that Putin is doing god’s work as well.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

            Evangelicals want the freedom of religion to discriminate against others who don’t share their beliefs while claiming they are the ones being discriminated against. Under the guise of freedom of religion they want Christian prayers in school regardless of the beliefs of others.

            The Trump Party supports freedom of the press. Their press. For them having a free press means they have the right to disseminate lies and their conspiracy theories that denigrate our form of government, science and the real world in general. They want Fox Pravda to be able to continue supporting Communist Russia while calling mainstream media the enemy of the people.

            Trump, the man that insults anyone that disagrees with him, wants to change the libel laws so that he can sue those that say bad things about him. The fake man wants to be the purveyor of fake news and have it called real. The truth makes him uncomfortable.

The Russian model

            The Party of Trump supports the right of people to vote their candidate into office so they have passed hundreds of laws to suppress the vote of their opposition. The years have taught them that voter suppression works. Opposition makes them uncomfortable.

            The Trump Party agenda isn’t racist but the White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, Confederates, et al support their agenda and Trump. They see their racist agenda being fulfilled by the Party of Trump. The wall that they want called the Trump wall is there to keep out brown people from the southern border. It’s why these people supported Putin and his evil acts as well. Freedom for all people makes them uncomfortable.

            These folks have no problem holding two contradictory beliefs at the same time.

There’s no dissonance in their cognitive dissonance.


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