Thursday, March 24, 2022

Cognitive Dissonance III (3 minute 30 second read)


< CD I >  

< CD II > 


            The < video link > is of Trump supporters waving Russian flags. The Russian flags had Trump on them. The “prank” was played on them by an activist operative. I have to wonder would they have waved Nazi or ISIS flags simply because Trump’s name was on them? Would it have been funny if < Republicans> did it to Democrats?

            The cognitive dissonance for this is that Trump has been involved with Russia since before he ran for office. The joke turned out to be prophetic. He along with his family have a long history of business dealings with Russia and China. Mueller documented the Russian presence in his campaign even though Trump denied all of their meetings and associations. Yet they accuse Democrats of being socialists. The Trump family continues with their business interests in China.


            Remember when Trump was first running for office and said that he would only appoint the best people? If you’re a Trumper that can’t be a lie because Trump the man of thousands of lies never lies. Well his appointees like Barr and others of his administration, his inner circle, are now coming forward and saying what they really thought of his leadership and it ain’t pretty. They don’t just talk about what a bad leader he is but that he’s a vain, petty, vindictive, insecure and unintelligent human being as well.

They were also his enablers while he was in office.

             As a nation we have to come to grips with the fact that Trump is an evil man that supports an evil agenda that is inimical to our form of government and way of life. We also have to come to grips with the fact that tens of millions of Americans support this evil agenda and are willing to support him tearing our country apart.

            In Massachusetts Republicans were successful in bringing a resolution to secede from the United States. It was voted down overwhelmingly but a dozen Republicans voted for it. Just like the majority of Republican members of Congress tried to stage a coup to overturn the vote of the people. Just like Republicans staged a violent coup at our Capitol.

These are True Trump supporters.

Trump Party First

            Here’s what we are seeing. Thousands of Republican legislators across the breadth of the nation are supporting “The Big Lie” that Trump actually won the election. They are passing laws that will allow them to overturn a vote they don’t LIKE. They are doing their level best to enable their Putin—Trump. They want the despot that he yearns to be.

            They aren’t remotely interested in being servants of the truth or of democracy. Their religion supports “The Liar” of their bible. The bible they use to support their intolerance for those that don’t believe like them. When Putin first invaded Ukraine, Trump praised his “genius.” Trump also said that is what our country should do to our southern border. That’s the kind of power he wants to have and Putin is the kind of man he wants to be.

            Their agenda puts them at odds with our form of government. Republican led states are undoing the foundations of our Republic from the ground up. They are creating “legal” avenues that allow them to circumvent the Constitution by interpreting the Constitution "according to the original understanding." That discounts all the progress that we have made constitutionally since its inception. We are once again hearing about “states’ rights” in pre-civil rights and pre-Civil War terms.

            This week Republican Senator Mike Braun of Indiana < said > (16 minutes) that states should be able to decide if they want interracial marriages to be legal along with a host of other issues. I watched the interview and even though he is now walking back his comments and now saying that he doesn’t really believe that, he was very straight forward in expressing his beliefs initially. 

            This emphasis on “states’ rights” is just another tool in the arsenal Republicans are using to destroy the very democracy they so fervently claim to believe in.

They don’t.

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