

        Do you have things in life that aggravate you, make you mad or are an annoyance?  Of course you do.  Who doesn't?  Well, as an example we have way to many poor people in this country and that makes me mad.  But really on this page I'm talking about the more mundane things in life.

  1. I hate it when you make an appointment at the doctor's office and they give you a time and then tell you to show up 15 minutes early.  So, the first time that they give you is just a cover for the time that they really want you to show up.
  2. Have you ever seen those sporty cars that have tires that are like one inch thick?  Those tires really aggravate me.
  3. Watching a commercial that makes absolutely no sense and when it's over I'm not real sure what they were even advertising!
  4. Video/movies/scenes where they cock/charge/rack a weapon and then a few seconds later they cock it again.  
  5. I know directors love blood splatter when the bullet comes out the other side but seriously people what happened to the bullet?!  Remember in Full Metal Jacket where Vincent D'Onofrio's character shoots the Drill Sergeant in the bathroom, then sticks the M14 in his mouth and blows his brains out?  There was blood splatter and stuff on the wall behind him.  What happened to the 7.62 round that caused that when it came out?  Then there's all the car scenes where a guy gets shot in the head and there's blood splatter from the bullet coming out and nothing happens to the glass window.  Where did the bullet go?
  6. Humming bird people and their obsession with red dye.
  7. People that tailgate, pass, get in front and then slow down to slower than I was going.
  8. Grits.

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