Thursday, April 20, 2023

Short Takes, 04/20/2023

 (2-minute read)

Educated young people are the enemy!

            Neo Republican fascists (NRF) are opposed to college students having access to easy voting.  Educated young people lean Democratic.[1]  So, they’re wanting to make it more difficult for college students to vote. 


Good guys with guns.

            Hooo boy!  A young activist was shot 57 times by police.[2]  Despite conflicting police claims that he shot first, he had NO gunshot residue on his hands and an independent autopsy said that his hands were raised when he was shot everywhere.  His gun was found in his pocket with a full clip.[3] 


Stop that!

            Neo Republican Fascists keep leaking their agenda.  In Michigan Democrats decided to repeal a law that made it illegal for unmarried couples to live together.[4]  Sounds easy enough.  Oops!  Turns out that some NRFs want to keep the law on the books.  Can dress codes be far away?


Not fine

            The Neo Republican Fascists want to erase the LGBTQ community.[5]  The NRF messaging is that the LGBTQ community is dominated by child-grooming pedophiles.  Is it any wonder that Nazis like their messaging?  They will try and erase trans gender first then work their way through the rest of the alphabet.


Not dying soon enough

            Well, I thought that it was Rupert Murdoch that dumped his fiancé Ann Lesley Smith but it turns out she dumped him instead.[6]  From the article:  “In a move that has shocked absolutely no one, the dental hygienist has decided to call time on her relationship with the very rich elderly man who apparently shows no signs of dying any time soon.”  Okay, it’s satire.  That’s all that Newsthump does.  The article is hysterical.


Stop talking back!

            An elected transgender Democrat learned that NRFs in Montana don’t like it when people talk back against their proposed actions to make life even more difficult for transgender people by passing bills to deny their existence.[7]  NRFs have a long proud history of eliminating people that get all uppity and talk back to them.[8] 


Who’s better?

            Okay, you have to pick a judge for a state court of appeals in South Carolina.  One person has zero experience at being a judge.  The other person has 20 years’ experience serving on the bench.  All other things being equal except for gender and race who do you pick?  Did you guess the white guy with zero experience?!  Well, then you guessed right.  The black woman lost.[9] 

See a pattern?









Tuesday, April 18, 2023

America under attack Part II


 (4.5-minute read)


I love this country!  We’ve got enemies foreign and domestic that want to tear us apart.  

Don’t let them.

Case not closed.

            In case you missed it Part I is here.

            Even though I did “Part I” back in January I hadn’t decided if the Part II was really necessary.  Now, as we continue to progress in the ever downward spiral of chaos that defines the Neo Republican Fascist (NRF) Party it seems warranted.

They’re still at it.

They’ve got the goods.

The January 6 Committee Report has 8 chapters.

1. The Big Lie

2. "I Just Want to Find 11,780 Votes"

3. Fake Electors and the "President of the Senate Strategy"

4. "Just Call it Corrupt and Leave the Rest to Me"

5. "A Coup in Search of a Legal Theory"

6. "Be There, Will Be Wild!"

7. 187 Minutes of Dereliction

8. Analysis of the Attack

The chapter titles do a good job of showing what the committee report is about.  The chapters fill in the headings with transcripts, testimony, sources and records that can be accessed by the public.  They lay bare for anyone to see what happened on that fateful day.  Their findings are available to anyone.[1]  The coup was planned months in advance.  The history of the January 6th attack on our Capitol should be taught in schools.

Timothy Heaphy, the man in charge of the nuts and bolts of the committee investigation, was interviewed by the New York Times.[2]  The interviewer asked this question of him:  What do you think is the main lesson of the Jan. 6 committee?

“My main takeaway is how close we came. I grew up believing that our democratic systems are durable. I didn’t fully appreciate sometimes how fragile democracy is. But for the courage of a handful of people who elevated principle over politics, against their own self-interest, we could have had a different outcome. We could have had the will of the people subverted. That’s frightening, and we can’t take it for granted.”  Timothy Heaphy

As if on cue Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted this about red states needing to leave the union:


Everyone she talks to.

            Huh?  I thought that Neo-Republican Fascist Christian Nationalists were pro-marriage! In the name of Confederate[3] patriotism Neo-Republican Fascist leaders like Greene are arming and pushing for another Civil War to take back THEIR country and impose THEIR Christian will and values of intolerance on everyone else.[4] 

Pure and simple.

Is seceding possible?

            The NRFs haven’t changed when it comes to breaking up the union.  This isn’t a new goal for them.  They have stated their goals all the way along.  If you remember as far back as Palin’s now ex-husband Todd belonged to a secession movement in Alaska.[5]

            Well, the Civil War kinda’ answered that question.  Or did it? 

“If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

            Technically, I suppose it is possible.[6]  It doesn’t just stop with states wanting to leave the union either.  Sections of states want to leave a state for another state.  Parts of rural Oregon want to become part of Idaho.[7]  There’s more than a few of these red and blue states wanting to split up their states mainly because some people don’t like the decisions of other people.[8] 

            All of this splitting up would leave minority groups in these newly created states that weren’t a part of the let’s-leave-because-people-were-mean-to-me group.  In other words, there would be small blue populations living with predominantly red populations and vice versa.  Breaking up the nation is part of the Neo-Republican Fascist agenda.

How do you think that will work out?


            They would be creating little ‘nation’ states.  Well, the white supremacists taking control of a state no longer part of the union could bring back those halcyon days of slavery.  They could start out slow and build from there.  ANY marginal population, like gays, Dems, People of Color, the poor, could be subjugated.  Christian Nationalist Greene wants to take away the voting rights of Dems.[9]  White Christian Nationalists would be in control of these nation states.  AND they would have their own armies.  Trump wants the government to come down hard on problem 13, 14 and 15-year-olds.[10]  That will be easier to accomplish in red states. 

Then how long do you think it will be before one state attacks another state?  Will there still be free travel between states?  Neo-Republican Fascists seem to be fixated on grooming kids.  Kids working.  Kids getting married.  Kids having a Christian Nationalist education.  What’s that about?

Will they have walls between red and blue states?

Are YOU listed?

It isn’t just America the country that’s under attack.  Everything is under attack by Neo-Republican fascists like Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz, Ghomert, McCarthy, McConnell, et al.  States, institutions, science, education, books, voting, people, democracy, teachers, nurses, doctors, health care providers, children, retired people, the courts, the FBI, the DOJ, religious freedom, immigrants, workplace laws, the environment, People of Color, basic human rights for women and LGBTQIA people and the rule of law.  Anyone that is anti-fascist.  Anyone that thinks otherwise is their enemy and subject to threats and intimidation.

It’s what they do.



[3] Meidas Touch:




