Sunday, August 30, 2020

Going Postal


Army to start profiting from service!

        Whaaaaaaat? Crazy huh. No the Army isn’t going to start charging for services rendered at least for another couple of months. How much money do the armed forces “lose” each year? The Armed forces were never intended nor designed to make a profit. They provide a service to our country.

        The Post Office was also created to provide a necessary service to the nation. It was started July 26, 1775 so it has been around awhile. Ben was in charge for a while. It was non-profit then. It’s non-profit now. The post office does generate income. Fees are charged for services rendered.

Filling a need.

        While reading an aunt’s diary written during WWII I learned that mail was delivered twice a day. It was that important.

        From the very beginning the Postal Service was never intended to make a profit, any more than the military services were. It was to fill a need. It made it possible for citizens to stay connected with anywhere in the country. Mail was their link to loved ones serving in the military.

        When I was in Korea I had one phone call home. The Red Cross provided for the call. Letters were my primary contact with my loved ones and friends, including other service members.

        Mail has served as a link to loved ones for generations.

        The USPS is still providing critical services. More critical in some cases for those of us dependent upon the USPS for our medications.

And voting.

Times change.

        A lot of the personal societal needs that letters used to fill are now provided by social media. Service members can now video call friends and loved ones. Even so, many of the needs that have evolved that are filled by the United States Postal Service are critical. Even more so during the current pandemic with so many millions restricting their activities.

The USPS handles:



    Legal documents.

    Ballots. (Including the ballots from those in service to our nation and people like Donald Trump.)

    Care packages to service members.

    Packages—we are ordering a lot more items by mail to save on gas and reduce exposure risk. This is vital to people with compromised immune systems. Cancer patients undergoing chemo.


    Campaign advertisements by the gazillions

Excellent service

        The postal service to customers was excellent in the past and is excellent now. Especially when compared to all the rest of the world. The USPS handles a larger volume of mail than several other countries combined.

Everyone gets mail wherever they live

        Unlike for-profit carriers, the United States Postal Service is required to deliver to every single address in America and has over 30,000 post offices. The people living in these communities want post offices and postal services. They’re critical. Especially so in small population communities. There isn’t any way that these can all be profitable. Thousands can’t provide enough income to be self-supporting let alone make a profit. Again, they were not established there to make a profit.

        Private industry would eliminate this structure. This is proven by the existence of carriers such as UPS, FedEx, DHL and others. They skim the cream off the top to make their profits, leaving the unprofitable remainder to the USPS. The other carriers also often use the USPS to deliver “the last mile” when it is in an area they don’t find it profitable to deliver to.

Change in the wind.

        President Trump has tried to privatize Postal Service. Private industry along with Republicans have tried to crash the USPS for decades. With Trump as President they may finally succeed in administering the coup de grace. Senator McConnell is holding up legislation by the house that would help the USPS. It’s what he does. With hundreds of bills being held up it is really the Do Nothing Republicans that continue to crash government. They have the majority in the Senate. They could vote the bills down. So why don’t they?

        They know that citizens would object to them voting down things that would be of benefit to all of society. This way they get to have their cake and eat it, too. They get to accuse the Democratic House of Representatives of being “do-nothing”, when it is in fact Moscow Mitch and his fellow Republican Senators that are dedicated to doing nothing (except forcing through Trump’s judicial appointees).

The umpire’s call.

        What have the President, the Republican Party and all Trump’s racist supporters done since he’s taken office to ensure the safety of our elections besides complain and whine?

  Just as the President did before he was elected he has tweeted and complained about election fraud countless times. His own committee found that there was no such justification for these claims.

  They have worked to ensure that fraud that benefits them takes place.

  Closed even more polling places in areas where more minorities live in Republican controlled states.

  Done nothing to stop foreign involvement in our elections other than to encourage support for Trump.

  Have worked diligently to undermine the USPS in regards to their ability to handle ballots and mail in general.

  Sought to make handling mail including packages more expensive.

        President Trump is seeking to defraud the American people in order to have more control and sustain his corrupt administration. If he succeeds in crashing the USPS completely his rich friends will sweep in and profit from the ashes by taking control at the expense of the rest of us.

Friday, August 28, 2020

The Rose Garden.

        I’m reminded of the words from a song. I never promised you a rose garden.

        First Lady Melania Trump redid the Rose Garden before the RNC Convention. If you haven’t seen any before and after pictures you should do a search and look at some. It was stunningly beautiful before.

        It strikes me that what Melania did to the Rose Garden is a metaphor for the Trump Administration. She took something that has been beautiful for decades and destroyed it. She made it austere. She moved the trees and took away all the beautiful vibrant living color. The changes made did help facilitate the handling of the campaign rally being held at the White House.

It’s what they do.

        The Trump Administration destroys and ruins. Like they have hollowed out Democracy and made it broken, unfeeling, without vibrancy or humanity. Trump is like an evil Chauncey Gardiner

The Rose Garden now reflects their bleak countenance.

Laws are for little people.

        There’s been a lot of talk about the Chosen One’s Administration committing flagrant Hatch violations. Not really a big deal for this Administration other than doing so always grabs headlines without anything happening other than ‘oh look they’re breaking the law again.’ There is no actual punishment for such violations. (There actually is supposed to be a punishment for violating the Hatch Act. A federal employee who does so is supposed to lose their job. But since the people in charge are the ones causing numerous employees to break the law, they are also in charge of not enforcing it. Sweet deal.) The Senate Republicans had a chance to stop all of his illegal acts and, like the President himself, accepted no responsibility. Instead they, like his other followers, have supported his every evil despotic whim.

It’s what they do.


The Greatest Victory


The Greatest Victory

                              By Keith Thomas

How many tears for
three hundred thousand souls
or More
How many    For just    one soul

What’s the market share A bull or a bear
Which best represents   a crying mother,
father, sister, brother        family
how much will the country bare
for all to see               a smaller number
the Official Representative compared
to the millions    not crying
not bothered by tears
for three hundred thousand    or more
Even times two        is a great Victory
    the greatest that has ever been

a few hundred thousand souls        a graph
for black bags of all sizes
where’s the graph for tears        cried
     for the hundreds of thousands
         Victory?  does it matter
If the tears are     young or old

Tears, for the tomorrows    never known,
glorious sunrises    never seen,
the masked heroes on the front lines
mixed in with the   hundreds of thousands

hidden in a graph,    a curve of time
A hateful high curve        without mercy
celebrated by the Good Jobs
dressed in their finery    as a Victory

with    flags    mixed in
with the hundreds of thousands
a smaller number
good and faithful   servants 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sanctity of Life Scam


        Trafficking has been trending on social networks. Abortion will be trending soon as well. There’s a reason for that. The Evangelical Party supporters of the “Chosen One” are making their push for power. I kinda feel like whenever I write the “Chosen One” angels should sing and there should be some kind of fanfare.

But first!

God is partisan.

        The Über Religious Evangelicals have fought against wearing masks and anything else that would stop the spread of the Trump Virus from the very beginning. At this point they are solidly with their appointed by God Chosen One in order for him to give them enough power to inflict their “values” of intolerance upon the rest of society. Their Chosen One leader told them the pandemic was a Democrat hoax and they didn’t need to wear masks. He is their idol so naturally they believe in him. After all, he is the Chosen One!

        Their intolerance of masks is but one of their many intolerances, and they do have a LOT. Hoo boy are they against masks! They’re also against physical distancing. This is why some of their church congregations have been hot spots for spreading the Trump virus into communities. They’ve killed thousands of people in the name of Jesus and have more death yet to spread. They are force multipliers when it comes to spreading the Trump virus.

        Not all Jesus believers are crazy. Actually the Evangelical Party is on the fringe of the faith. They certainly don’t speak for all Christians. BUT they have LOTS of money to spread their bad news. BILLIONS.

        As luck would have it their God is partisan and doesn’t like Dems. Their God doesn’t like a lot of people. It’s why Evangelicals love Trump so much. He doesn’t like the same people.

What about trafficking?!

        Evangelicals are saying the issues of trafficking and abortion are more serious than the ongoing and escalating pandemic. I don’t deny that trafficking is a real problem in this country as is abortion. They both need to be dealt with. To say that it’s somehow worse than the current pandemic that has killed 180,000 people in this country so far is a perversion. I used that loaded word for a reason. (Plus, you know, it is possible to deal with more than one serious issue at a time.)

        Evangelicals just want people to think of things other than the fact that they they’re killing people as a matter of their religious policy in supporting President Chosen One. They are his Pharisees. 

They believe in him.

        So, trafficking. The Chosen One’s wall that Mexico didn’t pay for will help stop trafficking! It’s worse than the pandemic! So is abortion! These are the same people that don’t want their kids wearing masks and want kids back in school. They want church crowds to meet unmasked and NOT to social distance. They must show the Chosen One that they believe in him!

Their “Chosen One” Speaks!

        Here’s what their appointed by God “Chosen One” had to say about Jeffrey Epstein’s “alleged” madam, Ghislaine Maxwell:

“I wish her well”.

        And Evangelicals bow down to their Chosen One. They wish Ghislaine Maxwell well too. They wear the symbolic mark of the beast on their foreheads. Well, they all don’t, just some of them. They do encourage others though to wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads.

No one to stop him.

        The Chosen One head of the Evangelical Party wished her well several times. This mighty fighter of sex trafficking also was an associate of the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his procurer. The Chosen One also said that Epstein liked his “women” young. Turns out Epstein liked them real young, as in underage, not-to-be-confused-with-women young. The Chosen One even mentioned that and he knew HOW young.

        The Chosen One liked them young as well. He liked to walk in on naked teenagers in his beauty pageant. He did that because he owned the pageant and there was no one to stop him. He bragged about that. There isn’t anyone to stop him now either.

 It is what it is.

Trickle down corruption.

        Why is that people think some lying immoral greedy three-time divorced adulterating “Chosen One” that had unprotected sex with a porn star while his wife was taking care of his newborn child, and would like to date his own daughter is going to be against trafficking? It seems more likely that he would want to be in charge of it. Well, his kind of President would be in charge.

        Dang! I forget to mention in the above paragraph that he thinks it’s okay for him to grab women by the genitals.

Send in the kids.

        While Evangelicals talk a good game about the “sanctity of life” they were quick to throw the kids unmasked to the front lines. Open up the schools, America! Funny thing about that. A lot of evangelicals home school and the rich kids go to private schools, many of which are delaying opening. It’s the public schools they want open.

        They also put money before lives when they said “get back to work, America!” Only they helped make the economy worse along with the additional loss of life, BECAUSE THERE’S AN ONGOING PANDEMIC.

Evangelicals ….

Ω …. Don’t support wearing masks.

Ω …. Want to gather in crowds.

Ω …. Are spreading the Trump Virus.

Ω …. Want the kids back in school so that they can infect others to take the Trump Virus home to others. It’s what’s happening now.

It’s what Evangelicals do.