Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Trump 2020? Prove me wrong!


But first!

    I have said that I think (not believe) that President Trump will be reelected. I’m holding with that prediction with misgivings that came about due to one Allan Lichtman. Lichtman, the man that has picked every election for the last four decades, has now said that Joe Biden will win the Presidential election.

    In 2016, with a couple of exceptions, he was an outlier in predicting that Trump would win. He is NOT a pollster. He uses a formula to make his predictions and has written a book about how he does just that. He does provide the formula that he uses in a video on YouTube.

    I do want to point out a couple of things. He predicted Al Gore as winning. Gore did win the popular vote. But he predicted Trump winning and Hilary Clinton won the popular vote. A conundrum.

    His formula does depend upon one key factor—having an honest election.

 That isn’t going to happen.

Dishonest and beyond!

    Republicans are masterful when it comes to voter suppression. They have spent decades perfecting it. They are also the kings of gerrymandering. This is where in Republican-controlled states Democrats can win more votes overall but still lose in individual elections. In 2020, just as we watched the videos in 2016, you’ll see long lines in Democratic areas. Republicans love to close polling places in those neighborhoods especially in places that are considered economically depressed.


    Meanwhile in his ongoing dismantling of the government President Trump is hamstringing the United States Post Office at a crucial time for mail-in ballots. People like Trump love mail in ballots for themselves but NOT for the poor or working class. As the Ducé  said if it’s easy to vote Republicans can’t win. (His followers will Trumpsplain that he really meant something else.) He’s doing the same thing to the United States Postal Service that he has done to government, he’s making it fail. It’s what he does and he’s good at it.

    Do you remember early on when his son-in-law was putting together a national response to deal with the Coronavirus? What happened with that, do you suppose? While I’m at it, is the Ducé keeping his kids out of the news? Are they in hiding? But I digress again. True, Kuchner has zero experience in dealing with pandemics but still. Perhaps he was too busy with bringing peace to the Middle East.

    Well as it turns out, People of Color along with Seniors and Native Americans are disproportionately dying in greater numbers than the rest of the population. Someone figured, mistakenly, that Democratic states would be hit harder and the lack of a coherent national response by the Ducé’s Administration would make Democratic Governors take the heat and thereby benefit Republicans. That is some cold-blooded shit right there. (Reminds me of exploding Pintos.)

The Russians are coming!

    The Russians are already helping Trump in this election just like they did in the last election. After all the denials Trump and company finally admitted to the Russian connection. Mueller only let them off because, like the gang that couldn’t shoot straight, they saw Trump as unable to pull off a successful coordination with the Russians. Now the Party that has already thrown in with the Russians is calling the other party communists. Intelligence agencies now under the control of Trump are now saying that the Chinese are against Trump. This would be the same Chinese government that continues to give the Trump family favored person’s treatment.

    The Russians aren’t coming; they’re already here.

Party lines.

    The part in all of this with President Donald Trump that continues to amaze me is that he is willing to get even with entire cities and states because they have a Democratic majority. He is doing it with his response to the pandemic and with his use of his secret police in places that he perceives as being Democratic. He does this openly. He talks about it. He tweets about. It’s the “Dems”! is his battle cry. He continues his hyper-partisan representation as the Coronavirus’ hold deepens on the Republic. Somehow these geniuses didn’t understand that the Coronavirus doesn’t recognize party lines and Republican states are now caught up in their abject failure as well.

    It doesn’t matter. Republicans will still vote for Trump. Even the ones that say they won’t. It’s like the Never Trumpers of the Republican Party that never were. They will vote the Party line. It’s what they do. Party first! Country second. In reality that isn’t true. Country is way down the list for these people. Race and “self” rank higher than country.

But second! Something borrowed.

    I borrowed the paragraph below from a previous post titled “Lonesome Trump”.

    Years ago Andy Griffith starred in the movie "A Face in the Crowd". He played a character named "Lonesome Rhodes". Patricia Neal and Walter Matthew were also in the movie directed by Elia Kazan. Andy Griffith did an incredible job of acting. The movie is one of my all-time favorites and the years haven't diminished its relevancy. If anything the message resonates even more. Though technology has changed how the delivery of an agenda is accomplished the human character traits remain very much the same. Griffith's character is finally undone by an open microphone where unbeknownst to him he is sharing his true feelings about people.

    In the movie the people were repulsed by the vulgarity of the character Rhodes. They rejected him completely when they saw his true nature.

It is what it is.

    Trump is NOT the Lonesome Rhodes character.

    Trump didn’t need a microphone left on to reveal his true nature. He was and is an open mic. He made it clear what his basic nature was from the very beginning. His base of supporters weren’t reviled by his nature. They didn’t turn away in revulsion. They embraced what he was. They revel in it! The philandering, cheating, unethical, lying, coarse, racist, immoral, draft-avoiding misogynist is what they love about him.

    The “is what it is” line comes from the Ducé. He said that in response to a question during an interview about all of the dead people. Remember when Republicans lost their minds over the 4 casualties in Benghazi?

 His hardcore base.

    This is why he earned the support of the White Supremacists/Confederates/KKK/Neo Nazis/Alt Right/racists early on. They understood the character and nature of the man early on. They knew his history already.

    When Trump was running for office he made this statement at a campaign rally:

 "You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible."

    It was right then and there at the time that he made the above statement that he had a thorough understanding of his base—his core support. He knew they were willing accomplices and would be complicit in his agenda. HE is his agenda. That has NOT changed.

    Yes they would indeed vote for him if he shot someone. They will vote for him even if they lose friends and family to the virus because of his incompetence, truly incredible lack of leadership ability and refusal to accept that it was happening. They will find a way to excuse the death. Why do I say this?

Because they already are.

Wink and a nod.

    In their minds what’s happening is the fault of Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Party and every wacky conspiracy theory that can be thought up that supports the lie that they hold to be self-evident. It’s a hoax. It’s the flu. It’s not real. The deaths are being over-reported for money. At least that’s what they’ll say. And yes that’s absurd but that’s the way it is. There is no truth but the truth of the “Liar” even when he contradicts his own truth. It’s no longer about ideology. It’s the party. It’s Trump.

    Based upon his absolute failure in handling the coronavirus outbreak it’s obvious that they will vote for a mass murderer. They will back him on every lie and act of stupidity. They will rationalize. They will Trumpsplain.

    His Republican Jesters and Evangelical Party might even deplore his racist actions but they’ll do so with with a wink and a nod. They will continue to give him their unwavering support. They will spread his every lie. His thousands of lies have had and will have their complete backing and support. It’s what they do.

Fatal error.

    He is laying the groundwork for being the first President Dictator of the United States. His Republican Jesters have spent decades laying the foundation. They are three states away from changing the Constitution so that they can remake the country in their image. Only it’s going to be Trump’s image.

    Only they made a mistake. All of their support of conspiracy theories, make-believe threats, don’t trust the government, made possible a man like Trump. One of their boys didn’t make it. Trump did. Now he is in control. He owns the machinery. He owns them. They are his vassals. They are weak.

 The stage is already set.

    Here’s where I will point out that a lot of pollsters were actually correct in their predictions that Hillary Clinton would win by one to two percent. She did win the popular vote within that margin. It was the Electoral College that put Trump in office just like they did when Bush lost the popular vote. All the talk about Democrats trying to undo the vote of the people was and is just crap. Trump lost the vote of the people. He won because of the system.

No Change.

    As it stands right now it doesn’t appear that the Electoral College map has changed significantly going into the election in a few short months. The Republican Jesters understand this because they’re the ones that engineered the system of voter suppression. They are the undisputed champions of voter suppression. They have tweaked things to the point where Democrats can get more votes but still lose.

 Home free.

    Trump made these comments about what was contained in the Stimulus Bill proposal during a Fox Pravda interview on Fox and Friends.

“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again. They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks. They had things that were just totally crazy and had nothing to do with workers that lost their jobs and companies that we have to save.”


    The chaos that we see in response to the virus is what happens when government is dismantled. President Trump has succeeded in reducing every department, every institution to being a mere façade of what it was. Surface without substance. He also now owns the Supreme Court, thanks to duplicity of Senator Mitch McConnell.

    The Postal system in financial straits because of the pandemic is a gift to Trump and the Republican Party. A Post Office with their man in charge is practically a lock on the election if nothing changes. If they can succeed in trashing the Postal system they’re practically home free. It’s about the last element of our democracy that they haven’t trashed. Mail-in ballots are in their crosshairs. Mail-in ballots are a threat. I need to correct that: mail-in ballots from Democrats are a threat to them.

    They have set the Table and Trump is the Fat Cat at the head. Trump and his supporters don’t really believe in our form of government.

Fast forward to today.

    President Trump is the opposite of the black President. Trump the liar was perfectly suited to their needs. His core beliefs were their core beliefs. He hated Muslims. He is a racist. The Russians like him! He Loves Kim Jong Un! Some Nazis are very fine people! Mexicans are rapists! Mexicans are murderers! Brown people live in “shithole” countries. He doesn’t like immigrants. He loves the uneducated. He doesn’t like gay people. He talked about patriotism without being patriotic. He doesn’t like brown people and he made his money taking advantage of the system. He wanted to take government apart. He was rich. And most importantly of all they knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was not going to change. In other words…

 …he’s perfect!

    They wrap all of these qualities in a tidy ball, put a bow on it and call themselves the true patriots. Patriots that want to impose one set of religious values, theirs, upon the rest of the country. THEIR freedom is so important that it’s okay for them to kill others in the name of their freedom. The Liar is their “Chosen One”. This walking, talking, vain, whining, shallow man is their hero.

    Does this mean that I think that all Trump’s supporters are all the things that I mentioned as being qualities that are shared? No. I think that each individual has to decide that for themselves.

 The adversary!

    Of all the candidates that were on the field the best that the Democratic Party could deliver was two old white men. It’s kind of amazing really. Of those two, former Vice President Biden is the one that came out on top. Sanders people were/are outraged! Their guy that isn’t even a Democrat lost that party’s nomination and they’re surprised. To his credit, Sanders has asked them to support the Biden/Harris team.

The 2016 pollsters were right.

    The pollsters in 2016 were right. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote within the narrow margin that they predicted nationally. Where they were wrong is the Electoral College. Has anything really changed all that much? This is where it gets tricky.

  The polls usually tighten as Election Day draws near.

  Battleground states are still battleground states.

  Republicans are still Republicans.

  Russian Government is working for Trump and they are better at it than the Chinese government.

  Republicans in the House and Senate have seen to it that there’s no additional funding to combat foreign intervention.

  The United States Postal Service has been compromised less than 3 months before the election and it’s too late to fix it.

  In all likelihood there will be a lower voter turnout because of the pandemic and low turn outs favor the incumbents.

  The country is more racist than it was in 2016.

    There’s only one way to prove me wrong.

Prove me wrong!


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