Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Just a swamp.

Worse than golfing.

            Trump is beating Obama again. Bad.

            This < link > is to a list of the number of lobbyists appointed by President Trump. 281 in all. He has appointed 4 times more lobbyists than Obama. They are listed by name, where they are working or have worked in the administration and who they were a lobbyist for.

            Trump beat Obama and his golf game in numbers. He’s spent 245 days golfing whereas Obama spent 306. Okay, I know you might be saying that it doesn’t look like Trump beat Obama in golf days but it took Obama 8 years for his number. Trump did it in less than 4! Trump for the win!

What year is this?

            I ask what year it is because Trump seems to think that it’s 2016. I watched a rally where he talked about throwing Hillary in jail again. (He was just kidding about that. Sure.) And he’s campaigning on providing better health care. I think that he knows its 2020 sometimes, because he does drift back to Biden in some kind of alternate universe where he’s guilty of having a kid making money like Trump’s older effluent. And too, because he no longer talks about how easy it will be to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

Going for the gold.

            If there was an Olympics in job turnovers, Trump would definitely be a contender. He may be a contender already. He does claim awards that don’t exist. He has the fake pictures to prove it.

            Trump has also beaten Obama in administrative turnover. He has had a higher turnover than any President in history! One of his appointees only lasted hours, some only a matter of days. Trump has also beaten Obama in corruption. His administration has had way more guilty pleas than Obama’s. In the interests of full disclosure Obama wasn’t hard to beat in this category since he had zero indictments of people working for him. Trump appoints people with vested interests in making their departments fail so that they can personally gain.

Taking care of business!

            Trump’s cronies have made billions thanks to him and the Senate Jesters.

            The man of the people has a cabinet is full of millionaires and even has a billionaire.

            Trump donates his salary and taxpayers have spent over $100 million dollars for his golfing trips at his properties. That’s, what, a couple of hundred years’ worth of salaries. His properties have raked in tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

            His family and friends have raked in hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers that will have to be paid back by …. well …. taxpayers. That isn’t counting the trillion dollars plus in tax breaks for the elite.

            They have taken care of business all right.


Only the best.

            He did say that he would only appoint the best people. Remember that? A lot of swamp denizens seem to have forgotten that. In that regard 19 of his high value former appointees are saying that people shouldn’t vote for him including some of his best generals except for the one that he pardoned. Even a couple of his family members have said that people shouldn’t vote for him.

            I know. I know. They are disgruntled employees that found out that they were working for a malignant psychopath and are taking it out on the rest of us.

Killer moves.

            Let me see, oh yes, Trump has also beaten Obama in the number of deaths due to a pandemic. 205,000 and he isn’t done. Another Trump success story! He’s hands down a better killer than Obama.

Trump is the swamp on steroids.


Monday, September 28, 2020

“Too many years.”


The deposition of the Great Donald Trump.

    Trump was successful in keeping this deposition out of the 2016 election. After watching it it’s easy to understand why. Mother Jones, yes they are leftist, got a hold of it. 

    I didn’t count the number of times where Trump responded “Too many years” to answer questions of Jason Forge, the plaintiff’s lawyer in the Trump University case, when he “couldn’t remember”. This is almost as good as the article from the Atlantic. Not near as scary though. It’s kind of like pleading the 5th only using dementia as an excuse. Another old mob boss trick. 

    Dem courts kept this away from the public until after the election.

It’s kind of incredible—really!

    Most people won’t watch all of the deposition but do yourself a favor and at least watch parts of it. If seeing is believing there’s really not any doubt left as to the man’s character or rather lack of it. Remember German Sergeant Schultz from the Hogan’s Heroes? There are video clips available of one his famous utterances. I know nothing! Nothing! Watch the clip before getting too deep into the deposition. Then keep it in mind as you watch. At times Trump's answers reminded me of President Clinton when he would redefine what words meant when answering questions.

Trump settled.

    Remember Trump saying that he didn’t settle lawsuits? He does and he did. He settled out of court for $25 million dollars. Another victory?

Ω    The man lies. He’s proficient at it.

Ω    He said that what he wrote in his book wasn’t true.

Ω    He hired a lot of really good people but didn’t know one name. “Too many years.”

Ω    He lied about winning cases that he lost. (This one is classic Trump. He sued a reporter for defamation and then when he was under oath he admitted to lying 30 times in his deposition . BTW The deposition is 218 pages of reading.)

Ω    He lied. Then he lied about lying. The Washington Post article references the above deposition.

Ω    Trump is the champion liar. Just like is referenced in the bible

Too many lies.

    What I have learned is that if you show a cult member an obvious lie they either deny it completely, say that it actually means the opposite of what he said as in yes he lost but he actually won, or they mention something that someone else has done as being an excuse for whatever latest horrible thing that Trump the Liar has done.

    It is like the dozens of obsequious Senators that have switched their position on appointing a Supreme Court Justice in an election year. Then they campaign on their integrity and their opponents’ lack of same.

    The Liar has told too many lies to even bother with referencing. There are references all over the internet to his lies. He is burying the country in his pit of lies. 

In his next term he will fill in the grave.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Well that’s comforting.


Moscow Mitch says ….

…. there will be a peaceful transfer of power. Well, that’s comforting. A consiglieri to the Boss of Bosses says that we shouldn’t worry in spite of the fact that he and his capos have just en mass gone back on their words in regards to not appointing a Supreme Court judge during an election year. McConnell is a leader of the Republican plan to see to it that Trump is re-elected by any means, including stealing the election.


            I have already said that I believe Trump is going to win the election. Thanks to the Atlantic article additional supporting knowledge has been provided. We are watching it happen in real time.

            As an example in North Carolina almost one million ballots have been requested. In 2016 the number of mail in ballots cast was 200,000. 150,000 have already been returned. (This is as of September 24, 2020.) In 2016 around 4.8 million voted.

So what’s the problem?

            Democrats have been returning ballots at twice the rate of Republicans. That’s the problem. It’s called the Blue Shift. It’s the problem nationally for Republicans. That’s why we are possibly not going to know the winner of the election on November 3rd, 4th, 5th or whenever. That’s why the Boss of Bosses wants to go with the election night vote.

            In Arizona in 2018 on the day after the election on election night Republican McSally was “winning” by over 15,000 votes. As the votes were tabulated in the days that followed, her opponent, Kyrsten Sinema, picked up over 71,000 votes. Hillary Clinton gained almost 3 million votes in California in the days that followed the 2016 election date, giving her the predicted win of the popular vote.

            NO, it wasn’t due to illegal voting. Trump cult members will be forever wedded to this idea. According to The Hill, a reliable media outlet that skews conservative, fraudulent voting happened .00006 % of the time nationally in the last two decades. Republicans are in control of the majority of state legislatures including swing states. So if fraud is taking place Republicans should stop doing it even though the boss of bosses is telling people to commit voter fraud.

That’s the whole point.

No contest.

Republicans along with Evangelicals really don’t care for a form of government that puts average citizens first in line and opposes state media and religion. Republicans want to see to it that this election is contested. It’s why Trump as President has done his level best with the complete support of his cult to undermine democracy and faith in our way of government. It’ll be perfect if they can blame the Dems but either way they have the opportunity for mayhem. Chaos is the hallmark of Trump’s reign as President.

He’s the King of chaos as well as debt.