Friday, September 11, 2020

Its Woodward’s fault!


Of course!

^        It’s Woodward’s fault!

^        It is Woodward that could have saved tens of thousands of lives! If only he had done something! What kind of unfeeling monster does that at the beginning of a pandemic? Woodard is a truly evil man! He could have sounded the alarm! He should have sounded the alarm! He could have warned people! He could have told people how dangerous the virus really was! He could have told people what they needed to know and do to be safe! He could have used his position to get the word out!

^        Instead he sat on the recordings for 7 months letting people die! Woodward is the mass murderer for keeping this critical information to himself during a pandemic!

That Woodward!

^        As President he could have …. Oh …. Never mind. Why would people believe fake news anyway?

So it wasn’t a lie then.

^        Tweetin’ Trump just verified that what Woodward, along with the tape recording, reveals and proves beyond any shadow of a doubt is that Trump said what he said unless you’re a Trump devotee.

^        Tweetin’ Trump could have said that the tape was fake BUT he didn’t. In addition he verified the other recordings of his comments as well. Nine hours’ worth of genius-speak. Can you imagine what Tweety Trump said? Well, you don’t have too. Bob Woodward wrote a book about what he said.

^        His jesters are already spinning, clarifying, denying and making stuff up. It just makes the world easier for them.  Doesn’t really make any difference what they say they believe or don’t believe. They were lied to just like the rest of us.

Don’t panic!

^        Tweety Trump has been lying to keep us from panicking for 7 months now by cheerleading! So all of his lying, calling it a Democratic hoax, insulting scientists, blaming others, talking up false cures, recommending that people ingest disinfectant and not supporting our front line heroes has been his way of being positive while keeping himself safe and secure.

^        Good job President Tweety Bird Cheerleader! Good job! 200,000 dead and counting.

While Trump is lyin’ people be dyin’