Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Marauding Caravans of----------White People!

Caravans preparing to attack!


 Marauding Caravans.

            As it turns out we do have marauding caravans of heavily armed people traveling around causing fear, intimidation and destruction. They just turned out to be white people.

The President of the United States has activated them. He is stoking their fears! The white militias are responding. They don’t need the law on their side. They have President Bone Spurs Draft Avoider to lead them.

            Heavily armed white people have already stormed several state capitols. They answered the President’s call of Liberate! They showed up with assault weapons and went inside. Intimidation. Fear. Heavily armed white people dressed in camo can go anywhere they want. Police will let them in. Did I mention that they like to carry big ‘ol knives too?


They need to show up at the White House

to protect President Trump

from the Deep State!

            Surely he would welcome his heavily armed white security militias inside. Evangelicals! Grab your guns! The President, excuse me, the Chosen One needs you!

Shoot them!

            At one of his rallies President Trump asked how do you stop immigrants? A member of the audience responded,  Shoot them!” Then everybody laughed. This is the kind of hoot and holler stuff that’s funny to Trump devotees. It goes right along with the Trump/Republican border policy of purposely separating children from their families. Teaches them a lesson and sends a threatening message to other potential immigrants. Yes, indeed, another knee-slapper. It’s the stuff white supremacists get off on.

            “Hey Bud! Remember when I took that kid out of her mother’s arms?! OMG! That was funny! Remember how scared they all were?” 

Two way street

            How long do you think it will be before they figure out that they aren’t the only ones with guns? People of color, Dems, liberals, LGBTQs, socialists, Muslims, the handicapped and practically anyone else that Trump has insulted and harassed can get a gun too, if they don’t already have one.

The wannabe Dictator may decide that he needs to round up some guns if he wins again. After all he likes to talk about and encourage people to revolt against their government. He’s the government. This all happened on his watch. He made it happen. He encouraged it.

Be careful what you ask for.

Revolution can be a two way street.

Taking sides.

            Trump supporters would have been on the wrong side of World War II. You know, the guy we defeated. Had a funny little moustache. Very charismatic. Master race kind of guy. Your basic White Supremacist. His devotees followed him blindly and ended up killing millions of people they didn’t like: black people, homosexuals, Jews, and the disabled. Anyone that wasn’t them was suspect. They had plenty of clergy on their side too.

Which side are you on?