Sunday, September 27, 2020

Well that’s comforting.

Moscow Mitch says ….

…. there will be a peaceful transfer of power. Well, that’s comforting. A consiglieri to the Boss of Bosses says that we shouldn’t worry in spite of the fact that he and his capos have just en mass gone back on their words in regards to not appointing a Supreme Court judge during an election year. McConnell is a leader of the Republican plan to see to it that Trump is re-elected by any means, including stealing the election.


            I have already said that I believe Trump is going to win the election. Thanks to the Atlantic article additional supporting knowledge has been provided. We are watching it happen in real time.

            As an example in North Carolina almost one million ballots have been requested. In 2016 the number of mail in ballots cast was 200,000. 150,000 have already been returned. (This is as of September 24, 2020.) In 2016 around 4.8 million voted.

So what’s the problem?

            Democrats have been returning ballots at twice the rate of Republicans. That’s the problem. It’s called the Blue Shift. It’s the problem nationally for Republicans. That’s why we are possibly not going to know the winner of the election on November 3rd, 4th, 5th or whenever. That’s why the Boss of Bosses wants to go with the election night vote.

            In Arizona in 2018 on the day after the election on election night Republican McSally was “winning” by over 15,000 votes. As the votes were tabulated in the days that followed, her opponent, Kyrsten Sinema, picked up over 71,000 votes. Hillary Clinton gained almost 3 million votes in California in the days that followed the 2016 election date, giving her the predicted win of the popular vote.

            NO, it wasn’t due to illegal voting. Trump cult members will be forever wedded to this idea. According to The Hill, a reliable media outlet that skews conservative, fraudulent voting happened .00006 % of the time nationally in the last two decades. Republicans are in control of the majority of state legislatures including swing states. So if fraud is taking place Republicans should stop doing it even though the boss of bosses is telling people to commit voter fraud.

That’s the whole point.

No contest.

Republicans along with Evangelicals really don’t care for a form of government that puts average citizens first in line and opposes state media and religion. Republicans want to see to it that this election is contested. It’s why Trump as President has done his level best with the complete support of his cult to undermine democracy and faith in our way of government. It’ll be perfect if they can blame the Dems but either way they have the opportunity for mayhem. Chaos is the hallmark of Trump’s reign as President.

He’s the King of chaos as well as debt.