Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Oath Keeper Supremes


Burn baby burn

            The recent decision by Trump’s Supremes continues the proud Trump Republican Party (TRP) agenda of tearing this nation apart at the seams in the name of their religious patriotism.  They rain blow after blow upon our Republic in their quest to undermine the rule of law with their activist judges. They want to replace it with their quasi-religious theocracy ideals and fanaticism.  The real Chief Justice Supreme, Clarence Thomas, along with his seditious wife Ginni, want to burn it all down when it comes to the advances that have been made in making our nation more egalitarian.


            I am pro-life and pro-choice. I don’t know anyone that is pro-abortion.  I’m sure there are people that are. What I am interested in seeing happen is having the need for abortions be reduced (aka birth control).  History has already taught us that punishment doesn’t eliminate those seeking an abortion or reduce the need. The Holy Bible has instructions for performing an abortion.[1] Science has taught us that the method proposed won’t work.

They believed it would.


            Republican Senator James Langford of Oklahoma thinks that 13 year old girls can have consensual sex.[2] Pedophiles have that same position.  Langford has daughters.  Republicans voted him into office.  The age of consent for sex in Oklahoma is 16.  However, minors between 14 and 17 can have consensual sex according to Oklahoma law.  I’m always surprised, though I probably shouldn’t be, when adult men, like Langford, talk like this and then get elected.  It does point up one of the many problems that the issue of abortion presents.

Girls 13 and even younger turn up pregnant.

Full term.

When I was in the service, I ran into one of the sergeants that I served with in Korea at a fort I was stationed at in the United States.  I got to meet his wife.  One evening when they were with us they wanted to know if they could ask my then wife and me some personal questions.  They wanted to know about contraception.  We learned that they had been using Norforms feminine hygiene deodorant suppositories for birth control.  They were Catholic.  We advised them on other methods of contraception.  They were both articulate and had high school educations.

            Women without access to sex education will get pregnant.  Women without access to contraception get pregnant.  Female victims of incest get pregnant.  Rape victims get pregnant.  Teenagers will get pregnant.  Women sick with cancer get pregnant.  Women with health issues will get pregnant.  Poor people get pregnant.  (So do those well-off but they will always have alternatives.)  Women will have fetuses with un-survivable birth defects.  Women will get pregnant because men won’t use condoms. Women will miscarry.[3]  We need to reduce the need for abortions.[4]

            The Trump Supremes’ decision means that all the above women will be forced to go full term and deliver whether they want to or not in states that prohibit abortion.  The overriding plan is that Trump Republican Evangelicals want control of the entire process from bed to birth.  They want power over women.

The Trump Supremes gave it to them.

Green light

            Now the court cases and appeals over abortion will start winding their way through the courts. The TRP Evangelicals want people punished.  They want women in jail.  They want abortion providers in jail.  They want anyone that helps them in jail.  They want people that they think might be involved with abortions in jail.  Just as soon as they can they’ll have the Trump Supremes grant personhood status to fetuses and then they can start trying people for murder because it’s either murder or it isn’t and the religious fanatics on the Supreme Court will say it is.[5]

            Women that miscarry will be suspect.  Common citizens will be enabled by state legislatures to become religious police and will watch out for suspect women engaging in risky behavior.[6]  

Welcome to religious Orwell time.







Monday, June 27, 2022



Oops! I see your oops and raise you an oops.

            Back in the white life again.

The MAGA heads of the Trump Republican Party (TRP) just can’t seem to help themselves. The racism just keeps leaking out. They patch one misspeak hole and another one pops open.

First up

            So, Rep Mary Miller of Illinois, this is the same Mary Miller that quoted Hitler previously, thanked Trump for protecting “white life” by providing the activist Supremes that voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. The predominantly white audience cheered. A spokesperson clarified that she meant to say “right to life.”  Her comment:

“President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,” she said, drawing cheers from the crowd.

            Okay, she was reading her comments. It’s easy to see how “right to life” could be read as “white life.”  Yes, I’m being a little sarcastic here. Just a little because I have screwed up words from prepared text and left out critical words in writing.

But the crowd cheered.

Did they cheer misspeak?

Next up

            Not one to be outdone, Senator John Cornyn of Texas jumped in with:  "Now do Plessy vs Ferguson/Brown vs Board of Education."

            Now Cornyn really stepped in Twitter doo-doo here because and I know this will sound confusing, Plessy upheld the constitutionality of segregation while Brown undid that decision. What Cornyn was doing was pointing out other court cases that undid precedent only it came out racist. This is why I avoid Twitter. It isn’t for the incautious.

Twitter shows no mercy.

The problem is.

The agenda espoused by the TRP, like the “great replacement theory,” is often racist.[1] That’s why the white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Alt Right, Confederate sympathizers, KKK, etc. joined up with the TRP early on. They understood the message and agenda.

Throughout the Trump Administration years and since, supporters of the TRP keep showing up at racist white nationalist gatherings or, like Trump did after Charlottesville, express initial support for them rather than condemnation.

What has generally happened afterwards is that after facing backlash they will turn around and condemn racism until the next time. When white nationalists were outed as being a part of the Trump Administration they would often leave. Then there are those like Stephen Miller that stayed on.[2] He was the main driver of the Trump Administration’s immigration policies that affected predominantly people of color. The TRP agenda is …

Racist at its core.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

America’s got guns

(2 minute, 30 second read)

Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through

the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.[1]

Justice Antonin Scalia  

So much for what he thought.

All in

            I am a strong supporter of the second amendment! The second amendment doesn’t need protection. It needs to be enacted. Especially the “well-regulated” part. As it stands right now the Trump Republican Party is using the second amendment to declare year-round open season on the population.


It’s the battle, and I do mean battle, cry of the Trump Republican Party. Up until now it has been the battle cry for a couple of decades for every piece of gun legislation proposed anywhere. Any law proposed means that the liberal socialist Democrats are coming for our guns.

Democrats also have guns. Socialists have guns. Muslims have guns. People of color have guns. Gangs have guns. Criminals have guns. The police have guns. The armed forces have guns. Children have guns. God’s children got guns. Those that aren’t God’s children got guns. Big guns. Little guns. Long guns. Short guns.

It’s a militarized America! It’s what the “Founding Fathers” wanted. Except they didn’t.

They didn’t envision a culture guided by guns.


            We’ve come a long way since the 1700s and muskets. Mass murders in schools, nightclubs, businesses, and churches weren’t happening then. It’s time that we stop pretending that the Christian founding fathers were gun nuts and envisioned where technology would take us regarding armaments available to the general population. A Civil War was fought. Slavery was finally abolished. Women got the vote. Women got rights. (Well considering where the Trump Supremes have taken us that isn’t as true as it used to be.) Children no longer work in mines. People of color finally got some civil rights. Progress was made. A few world wars have been fought. We’re in another one now. Change happens. Average citizens now have access to military firepower.

            But even the founding fathers recognized the need for laws involving firearms. That’s why the second amendment called for a “well-regulated militia.” Laws provide that regulation. We need the rule of law to deal with the lawless society that the Trump Republican Party is creating where individuals are the law unto themselves. “America first” means “me first” to the MAGA heads.

They want a Putin country.


[1] DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA v. HELLER (The 2008 decision was a 5/4 Supreme Court decision.)