Saturday, June 25, 2022

Trump’s Supremes

(2 minute, 30 second read)

Why we can’t have nice things.

            When I saw unmasked Supreme Gorsuch picture with Justice Sotomayor who was masked, I knew then that no good can come from this—an anti-masker on the Supreme Court. Thoughtless, rude, inconsiderate, and behavior dangerous to others. Yes, I know that things were copasetic between him and Sotomayor over this but what about the other people he was around?

            It’s sad to see all the upgraded fencing going up around our nation’s capital at various institutions including the Supreme Court of the United States. (Heightened security since 1/6.) It’s even more sad that it’s necessary.  The Trump Republican Party gun nuts are creating a militarized America.  So, the very people advocating, and threatening violence are being granted more latitude to carry out their violence. Will their well-regulated militia be able to carry their military type weapons up to the fence surrounding the Supreme Court?  Who will protect us from them—either them—the Supremes or the militia?  More people with more guns.

Thanks, Supremes.

Just getting started

            Well, now we have it. The gun nuts are being emboldened by the Supreme Court religious nuts. They are busily rewriting laws they don’t like. Roe v. Wade is just their first big attention-grabbing case. Senators Collins and Manchin are shocked, just shocked I tell you, that they were lied to by Supreme Kavanaugh and Supreme Gorsuch during their hearings. Well, I’m shocked that they expect people to believe that. It’s what Trump Republicans do. After all, they learned from one of the best.

            Supreme Thomas, you know the Supreme whose wife was involved in the attempted coup and who was the lone Supreme that voted against the government turning over the evidence of her participation, wants to revisit years of cases that were decided wrong. You know, cases about contraception, consenting LGBTQIA+ adults, and gay marriage. And this is just his start list.

            The Trump Supremes have also backed the Trump Republican Party regarding helping suppress the vote. They do this because the Constitution originalists considered it important to suppress the vote.

            Trump’s Supremes are also working the shadow docket. Cases that are decided without ever reaching all the justices or knowing who did what to who. The shadow docket, a new term, for an old practice, has been used much more extensively by the Trump Supremes. They are using the docket to be precedential. In other words, they are setting precedent without deciding the case. Pretty smooth move. Even Chief Supreme Roberts has openly complained. Mind you he’ll keep right on overturning precedent to take the nation back in time. When women had the right to be in their place …

Barefoot and pregnant!

They’re here. (Image poltergeist.)

            Ultimately, the Trump Supremes are going to rule that a fetus isn’t just a fetus. They’ll make it a person from the moment of conception with all the rights afforded to same. Then things will really get interesting. The Trump Republican Evangelicals are back in everybody’s bedroom …

And they want revenge.