Sunday, February 25, 2024

MAGA Hard-ons

(8-minute read) 

NOTE:  Trigger warning.  In this post I will talk about abortion and miscarriage.


            Do you ever wonder about how MAGA is going to accomplish some of their goals?  What the financial cost will be?  What the human toll will be?  Are the goals realistic? 

Hard-on for immigrants

            The rapist Trump says that if he gets into office again his administration will have a mass deportation of a few million immigrants.[1]  He says it will be the largest deportation in American history.  A few million.  How will the racist agenda be executed at that scale?  Well, his good MAGA buddy and advisor Stephen Miller says that they will use the National Guard.[2]  Keep in mind that we’re talking about over TEN MILLION PEOPLE.[3]  Just what we needed. 

            Let’s just set aside the rise of food costs increasing dramatically, crops rotting in the field, Hispanic restaurants that people including MAGA love to frequent, the meat packing industry being decimated and innumerable small conservative businesses owners losing cheap labor in such a roundup.  Set aside that millions of these people are already taking care of themselves and contributing to society and NO they aren’t all on the dole.  That’s another popular racist trope.  The majority of people receiving government assistance are white.[4]

            Also keep in mind that the rapist Trump said that it took him 12 to 13 years to get his golden sneakers to market.[5]  Rounding up millions of brown people is going to be substantially harder than that.  If you remember he promised to do that when he was President the first time.  Didn’t happen.[6]  Doesn’t matter.  The MAGA cult eats this kind of shit up.

            And just how will MAGA know which brown people need rounding up anyway?  People of Color (POC) are already being arrested for being guilty of being black.[7]  Will the deportation Army require anyone looking brownish and immigrantishy to prove they are a citizen?  Will POC be stopped on the streets and asked to show their papers?  Will anyone that looks Hispanic be stopped to have their status checked?  That’s going to cause some problems.  Let’s set that aside too.

            Since an operation of this scale will require the use of our military inside of our border there will be some huge costs.  Internment camps will have to be built surrounded by barbed wire and watch towers that will have to be manned 24/7.  The camps will be the size of small cities in order to accommodate millions of people.  People will have to be fed as well as housed.  There will be sanitation and medical needs.  Children will be there.  It would cause a humanitarian crisis of historic proportions.  Unless MAGA doesn’t plan on taking care of them all that well.  You know like the migrant mom and her two children that they let drown in Texas.[8] 

            But let’s set aside the costs of the camps and consider how much using the State National Guards (NG) will cost.  Missouri Gov. Parsons recently asked for the state legislature to approve $2.3 million in funding to send 200 NG troops and 22 state highway patrol officers to help out Texas.[9]  And that’s only from March through June.  That’s a miniscule drop in the bucket of what a deportation on a nationwide scale will cost in manpower and equipment. 

            What Red states are doing is coordinating their NG units to act on a national scale, and not at the direction of the Federal Government but rather state governors.  NG troops are called up to serve the nation by the federal government when necessary.  When I joined the Army, I had friends that managed to get into the NG.  They wanted to avoid going to Viet Nam.  Then some units of the NG were called up and they ended up regular Army anyway.  In other words NG troops can be federalized.  There are close to a half million NG troops.[10]  They’re going to need them all. 

            Texas Gov. Abbot is already defying SCOTUS and the federal government in how the National Guard can be used.[11]  Red States are gathering their armies to defy the federal government.  Sound familiar? 

            What is missing from the plans of these religious zealots?


Hard-on for abortion.

Hard-on for miscarriages.

            I have written quite a bit about freedom of choice.  I started off with a personal story in 2016 about the brother that might have been.  Then there was a post about "Instructions for abortion" that are provided in the Christian bible.  Then there was the post titled “Murderers” where I went in depth into the subject and cited the crazy as fuck MAGA evangelicals that prayed for their enemies to have abortions.  Then I talked about the “Sanctity of life scam” that MAGA Republicans are running. After that was “No King but Caesar” and “Biden’s for life.  Society has only gotten worse.

            MAGA is criminalizing miscarriages along with abortion.[12]  The Alabama Supreme Court says that a frozen embryo is a baby.  (Some people have difficulty getting pregnant so they will use IVF where the egg is fertilized outside the woman and then put back in.  I had a family member try 3 times with IVF and miscarried each time.)  Sperm are babies.  Thinking about babies is babies.  Contraception is wrong because babies.  Sex education is wrong.  (They want to groom children to have guns not to practice safe sex.)  MAGA Christians are big on child marriages as well.  I covered those sentiments in “Pervs” and “Being Jesus”.  They want children having babies.

            In 2020 620,327 women got abortions and that doesn’t account for abortions that took place out of a clinical setting.[13]  That happens each year.  Some years have more.  MAGA calls them all murderers.  No exceptions.  MAGA would have them all incarcerated.  Trump would have them incarcerated.[14]  That’s just one of his many positions on abortion.  Just think of it, millions of women in jail because they made decisions about what to do with their own bodies. 

            MAGA also wants abortion providers in jail as well as ANYONE that assists or is perceived to assist a woman seeking an abortion including in another state.  Oklahoma MAGA Republicans have introduced a bill that proposes tracking anyone that has already had a legal abortion in a data base as well as making some forms of contraception illegal.[15]  On social media, women are sharing that they refused to tell their medical professionals when their last period was for fear of data tracking.  In Nebraska a mom and her daughter were both sentenced to jail because the mom supplied her daughter with pills to induce an abortion.[16] 

            I could go on and on with cases but the MAGA fetus police are charged up, ready to go and in action.  They are waging a holy war against women in service to a God that didn’t hesitate to kill children, babies and pregnant women.  They want citizens ratting out citizens.

            When I was in high school in the there was a young woman that was pregnant riding around on the back of a motorcycle.  I overheard ladies from my church talking about what a bad person and mom she was for engaging in risky behavior like that.  What they didn’t know was that the baby she was carrying was going to be stillborn.  There was no fetal heartbeat and hadn’t been for a couple of months.  Grief was riding on the back of that motorcycle.

            Here’s where we’re at with MAGA.  Every stillborn baby and miscarriage is a potential homicide that needs to be investigated.[17] 

Gonna’ have to hire a lot more police.

Hard-on for gays

MAGA ridicules and mocks those that they perceive as being different.

            Nex Benedict was a 16-year-old living in Oklahoma that identified as being non-binary.  They were assaulted in the bathroom by other students and died the next day.[18]  Oklahoma has some sick fucking anti-LGBTQIA legislators and this is where their violent MAGA rhetoric leads.  Another MAGA success story.  This is happening all over the nation.  Ever since MAGA came on the scene hate crimes have increased.[19]  In 2022 there were 11,634 identified hate crimes.[20]  Hate groups are nurtured and have flourished under MAGA.

            It doesn’t make an iota’s difference in my life if someone else is gay.  But anyone that is LGBTQIA triggers MAGA.  They don’t want to have anything to do with them which is okay by me until they take their hate into the public sector and pass laws saying that it’s ginger peachy to discriminate against gays and criminalize them.  They want to deny services to them.

Who’s next on their list.

MAGA Hard-ons for all!

            I could go on in detail about the direction that the rapist Trump and MAGA want to take the country but this post is already a 7-minute read so I’ll do a wrap by listing who and what else MAGA is against.

The Constitution, our form of government, due process, being held accountable, a free press, other religions, other races, the courts, and oh hell,

You know the rest.

[1] PBS,

[2] Ibid.



[5] AP clip,

[6] CBS,








[14] Incarcerate women,







Saturday, February 24, 2024

Boeing in the News


AI generated pic

(3.5-minute read)

            Just so you know up front, tawdry rich guy sex is going to be mentioned in this post.  It’s about all that I can think of to do considering the boring subject matter. 

Now what?

            Boeing has been in the news a couple of times lately.  In the most recent news one of their 757s had to divert and make an emergency landing because of a damaged wing.[1]  Back in January a door plug on a 737 blew out in flight.[2]  Exciting times for passengers.  The FAA is still investigating the wing failure.  The door plug was another matter entirely.  Critical bolts were missing and it’s being reported that they were never installed.[3]

            I couldn’t help but wonder since I worked for them at one time what has been going on behind the scenes.  Now we have an idea since the head of the 737 Max program is no longer with the company.  I’m going to hazard a guess that there may be some more heads rolling down the aisle as well.[4]  The company will do some things.  Things will get reported.  People will keep right on flying because for the most part air travel is real safe.  That’s probably gonna’ be a hard sell for people that were on the plane when the door plug exited prematurely midflight.

            My wife spent a few years as a passenger on Boeing planes.  I spent some time in the air on their planes as a passenger as well before I retired from the company.  My flying was for the most part not work related.  I flew using my wife’s frequent flyer miles to visit her in exotic places like NYC.  She was an executive at another company.  She’s retired too.

I loved sleeping with management.

Nothing new.

            Boeing’s problems aren’t new and have been ongoing for quite some time.[5]  From my perspective Boeing’s problems started when the company bought McDonnell Douglas and then McDonnell Douglas executives started running the Boeing company.  The joke in the factory at the time was that McDonnell Douglas bought Boeing with Boeing’s money.[6] [7]  Yes, the executives that ran their company out of business took control of Boeing. 

Former McDonnell Douglas CEO Harry Stonecipher ended up CEO of Boeing.  He ended up resigning because he was banging the help.  Before Stonecipher Boeing CEO Philip Condit had also resigned because of a scandal involving Pentagon contracts.[8] [9]  

There were lots of signs about what was to come.  At Boeing we had always enjoyed the reputation of building the best airplanes that we could.  The new Boeing referred to this as non-value-added costs. Uh-oh.  Management said that we needed to build parts that were just good enough to pass.  Big difference.  They reached for the skies with just good enough to pass as their new goal. 

            During this time Boeing set about gutting actual quality control by replacing it with Total Quality Control.  The company started moving from inspecting everything to Statistical Quality/Process Control.[10]  Just a few parts out of a group of parts are sampled.  That meant that lots of inspectors lost their jobs.  It also means that not every part is checked.  That also means that it is guaranteed that bad parts will make it through.  Thankfully aircraft are overbuilt with a lot of redundancy and engineering.  I would still fly in Boeing planes.

            The company also reduced benefits as well as eliminated an entire level of management.  Shop supervision went away and was replaced by hourly workers.  There was lots of cost cutting.  Critical technology/engineering was offloaded to outside companies and vendors.  Parts of the company were sold off.  I could go on and on but this is probably enough.  Suffice it to say the Boeing company has lost billions yet still made money for stockholders and executive buyouts.[11]  (Just do a search using “Boeing scandals and you’ll get an idea of what I mean.)  Failure was rewarded.

Profit before people.










