Thursday, February 1, 2024



Trigger warning:  This post will talk about rape statistics, and a rapist.  It’s a difficult subject and should not be read by people that are triggered by this subject matter. 

Former President Donald J. Trump is a rapist.[1]

(2-minute read.)

            That sentence above about Trump being a rapist should be posted in social media everywhere.  Then reply to any MAGA Troll responses with the same sentence.

            MAGA Trumpers will claim that the above statement is not true; that Trump was found liable of sexual abuse in civil case as if that somehow makes it better.  Regardless, the judge in the case said that it was rape.[2]  As hard as it is to believe women that have been raped will likely vote for him again in 2024. 


What about?

            One in four women have experienced rape or attempted rape.[3]  “Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes.”[4] 

            Approximately 20 million women in the United States have been raped.  Over 74 million people voted for Trump in 2020 including women that had been raped.[5]  Trump hadn’t been found guilty yet. 

In 2018 there were 734,630 cases of rape in the United States.[6]  (The most recent figures that I could find were from 2018.)  There were 14,824 rapes in Texas.[7]  The reason that I have singled out Texas is when the state issued a total abortion ban Gov. Abbot said that they would eliminate rape.[8]  They didn’t.  Texas managed to chalk up more rapes than California.  California had 14,799 for the same time period.  The 5 states with the highest rate for rape are in descending order:  Alaska, Arkansas, South Dakota, Michigan, and Nevada. 

            In all of these numbers there are underage females. 

            There really isn’t any need to keep citing numbers.  In this country you probably know a male rapist or victim of rape whether you know it or not.  Trump is one of them.  A jury said so. 

            Now we get to the ‘what about’ part.  MAGA will come up with all sorts of what abouts.  ‘What aboutism’ is an excuse MAGA uses for any criticism of Dear Leader Rapist Trump.  Like, what about President Clinton?  No.1.  Clinton was never convicted or found liable of rape.  No.2.  He’s not running for President.  What about Biden?  MAGA loves to post all sorts of inuendo about Biden that he’s some kind of pervert.  He isn’t.  Nor is he a rapist like Trump.

Donald J. Trump is a rapist.




[4] Ibid.




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