Saturday, February 3, 2024

Waking up


(2-minute read)

            Here’s a link to the song “Wake me up when it’s all over.”  It’s a great song.  If you haven’t heard it or if it has been a long time since you have you might give it a listen.  The video is excellent.  The artist, Tim ’Avicii’ Bergling, behind the song died by suicide. 

Is it over yet?

            Regarding 2024, wake me when it’s over.  What would I wake up to, though?  Would it be a shocker?  Who would have free and unfettered rein?  Imagine what you will.

What will happen to the people that are sleepwalking through what’s going on in the world around them as we all travel through the days?  Nothing wakes people up like something happening directly to them.  Quite often that’s too late.

            I watched a video of a tsunami.[1]  There were a lot of people by the ocean.  Then all the water started pulling away from the beach.  People started walking out onto the newly exposed sand.  Other people started running for their lives.  They knew what was coming.  Then the wave hit. 

People just tried to survive.

History speaks to us.

            Nikki Haley says that the United States has never been a racist country.[2]  This is not a new position for her to take.  She said that 3 years ago as well, at the RNC Convention.[3]  Yes, she’s a person of color (POC) taking that position.  This is America.  People of Color like Haley and Scott can stand up for White Supremacists.

Senator Tim “I just love you (Trump)” Scott declared his love for Trump at a rally.[4]  Trump immediately complimented him for professing his love saying, “That’s why he’s a great politician.”  Good to know how Trump defines greatness. 

Apparently, Haley slept during history classes and has never read the part of the Constitution where People of Color (POC) were described as not being fully human.  Then there’s all the slavery, Civil War, segregation, Jim Crow, KKK, insurrectionists storming the Capitol carrying the Confederate flag, and unending racial violence being committed against POC.  So there’s that.

Anyway, Trump has continued his racist dog whistling by calling her Nimarata.[5]  Her given name is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.  She was born in South Carolina.  Trump is already sharing birther posts about her.[6]  MAGA Republican racists eat this shit up at rallies. 

            Meanwhile in the red state of Florida MAGA Republicans want to bring back the freedom to discriminate so they have outlawed teaching about discrimination.  The Florida Board of Education banned teaching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs, activities and policies in the public college system.[7]  Who does that cover?  LGBTQIA+, women, People of Color and the disabled, because they want to expand the kinds of people that they discriminate against.

Have any friends or family in those categories?

MAGA Christians love Trump!

            I can’t help but wonder how many Germans saw their country descending into fascism and were either powerless or didn’t try to stop it, including German Christians?  Germany was a predominantly Christian nation.  The various churches did close to nothing to stop Hitler as led their nation to destruction.[8]  The same held true for Christian churches in other nations including the United States.

There isn’t any aspect of America that MAGA Republicans will leave untouched as they take away freedoms to supposedly provide freedom.  MAGA Christians are supporting America becoming a “Christian” nation with their concept of Christian values taught in schools.  They want Christian prayers brought into schools along with Christian “science.”  A “science” that believes in young earth creationism and subservient women.[9] [10]  

Trump takes credit for ending a woman’s right to control her own body.  The MAGA Supremes took away one of the most fundamental rights that a human has.  Namely a woman being in charge of her own body when it comes to carrying a fetus full term or not.  No exceptions.  They took that right away from women at the federal level and now they are working diligently at suppressing women at the state level.  Their own Christian bible says that life begins at first breath.[11]  They are literalists about the bible.

Except when they aren’t.

[1] 2004 Thailand Tsunami video:

[2] Racist country comment:

[3] NH 3 years ago on racism:

[4] Scott loves Trump:

[5] Nimrata:


[7] Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs, activities and policies in the public college system.





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