Tuesday, November 24, 2020



The steal is stopped.

            President Trump approved the head of the GSA, Emily Murphy, to sign the paperwork that starts the transition to President Joe. The rumor circulating in the White House is that he had his hand behind his back and that he had crossed his fingers. Film at eleven.

            Approving the transition means that he acknowledges losing to a man that he couldn’t imagine losing to. Otherwise there’s absolutely NO reason for him to approve the transition if he thinks that he’s going to continue being President.

            Trump also told his “team” to cooperate with Biden’s team. Rudy G. is going so far as to share hair dying tips. Sharpies will be in short supply though. Trump will need those for his upcoming court filings.

            At this point it’s quite possible that Trump supporters will continue believing that he’s President even when he’s out of office. He’ll simply telling them that he’s renting out the White House so that he can run the country while cheating at golf at one of his golf courses.

They’ll believe it too.

Attempted Coup Continues.

            None of this means that the Republican or Evangelical Parties will stop in their attempt to overthrow our government. No sir, buddies and buddettes. They are far from being done. They are playing the long game right along with the short game. They had to eat their shorts in the short game. (So where did that expression originate and do we want to know?)

            In Florida a shadow candidate with no party affiliation listed and the same last name as the incumbent Democrat was apparently coordinated by a Republican operatives. The straw candidate didn’t campaign and didn’t pay for his campaign material that purported to support liberal issues. He pulled down over 6,000 votes. The Democrat lost. The ‘Latinas for Trump’ candidate won by 32 votes. Another race in Florida had a similar “ghost” candidate in the race.

            We can look forwards to more of these types of perverse dirty politics in the future and may well see them in the ongoing senate races in Georgia where Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are seeking the office of Senator to keep Republican Moscow Mitch McConnell from continuing to hamstring government by denying help to desperate Americans while offering a helping hand to his wealthy friends as they line up their limousines to take them to the bank. (I’m kind of proud of that sentence.)

            Given the chance they’ll try to throw the election again. It’s what they do.

            The never surrender even if you’ve lost Trumpers are threatening to destroy the Republican Party in Georgia. Cheap talk. They won’t do it. They will NOT boycott the election. They don’t have the courage of their convictions any more than Trump did.

They haven’t got the guts!

They will continue.

            Republicans aren’t the least bit hesitant to corrupt the legal system as well. This is why they have been busily appointing unqualified judges with lifetime appointments to the bench. They lost across the board with their election charges including at least one judge that was appointed by Trump. They submitted ZERO evidence of widespread fraud in spite of their public claims otherwise.

            Trump’s lawyer team was utterly unsuccessful at turning over the election by using the court to thwart the will of the voters by throwing out the votes of those that voted for President Joe. We’re talking millions of votes here. Their court filings were as ridiculous as they were illogical. They wanted courts to throw out millions of votes. Didn’t happen.

This time.

While they’re at it.

            Here are the names of the Republicans outed by Carl Bernstein as being contemptuous of Trump behind his back. This isn’t new information by the way. The Senators named are claiming that Bernstein didn’t talk to them. Of course not. His sources are those that they trash talked Trump to including their colleagues. Here’s the list. (BTW it isn’t complete.)

Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), Sen. Rick Scott (Fla.), and Senate Majority Whip John Thune (S.D.). The other 18 GOP senators are Rob Portman (Ohio), Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Ben Sasse (Neb.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah), Mike Braun (Ind.), Todd Young (Ind.), Tim Scott (S.D.), Marco Rubio (Fla.), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Richard Burr (N.C.), Pat Toomey (Pa.), Martha McSally (Ariz.), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Pat Roberts (Kansas), and Richard Shelby (Ala.).

             Georgia multimillionaire Senators Perdu and Loeffler didn’t make the list. They are too afraid of the Trumpeteers. They’ll support every malevolent policy that the Republicans pursue by marching in lockstep with the Party that comes before the country.

            Come on Georgia!

Throw them out too!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Whackacon 20

Battle Cry!

            Who is the Republican spokesliar today and what are they lying about?

            Nationally, the current Republican Party is kind of like an evil Comic Con convention crossed with an Un-AA meetings where the motto is “Quitting is for Losers” where people take a drink every time someone comes up with a new conspiracy theory to shove out to the cult.

            “Uncount the votes for Biden!”

            “Throw them out!”

            “Especially if they come from black people!”

            “Throw them out!”

            “Trump now! Trump tomorrow! Trump forever!”

            “Biden votes?! Throw them out!”

            “Throw them out!”

            “By book or buy crook!”

            “Throw the Vote!”

            “Count every legal vote except the ones for Biden!”

            “Throw them out!”

            You know Republicans don’t seem to believe in the idea of America, the Constitution, our electoral process, Americans in general, anyone not them, the teachings of Jesus, honesty, integrity, morality, well, I could go on but you know the picture. If people want to get back to the idea of America here’s a suggestion regarding Republicans currently holding any kind of office.

Throw them out!

Team Trump Steal.

            What Trumpicans are doing is telling Republican controlled states to throw the match, the game, the vote! They are telling fellow party members to commit illegal acts. They are telling party members to overthrow our form of government and replace it with Trump, the Evangelical Party’s Chosen One.

            Now here is where I’m going to compliment some Republican leaders. They are refusing to do it. Granted if the vote was fraudulent they were the ones in charge of it but they are choosing to put country before party. They are doing this in spite of threats and intimidation from those supporting “The Chosen One”. Speaking of the Chosen One the Evangelical Party is silent in regards to Republicans attempting a legal coup. Hm, legal coup doesn’t sound quite right does it? That’s because there’s no such person unless one is a Trump supporter.

Or Pool Boy Falwell Jr.

NOTE:  I really wanted to work in all of the names of the Evangelical Party leaders that supported “The Liar” but just couldn’t work out the septic flow. Just think of them all. It’s too long of a list for my purposes.

Constitution? We don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution!

            While bleating outrageous-lies-with-no-substance in public for their master about election fraud leaders of the Republican Party are trying to steal the election on non-existent technical grounds. They are also quite out in the open trying to pressure Republicans to throw out millions of legal votes cast for Biden. Just Biden. If people are serious about “stopping the steal”, an organization by convicted felon Stone, then stop Republicans from trying to do just that.

            In 34 lawsuits Republicans have yet to submit any evidence even remotely resembling massive voter fraud or any kind of fraud. Honesty is just unacceptable to them. It’s a foreign concept to them.

Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.


            I really feel for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff running for the Senate in Georgia. The Republican Party false prophets are running at full capacity in making up falsehoods about them. The false prophets can make up stuff faster than it can be denied. It’s like a game of ‘Whack a Mole’ only with conspiracy theories. It’s going to be brutal.

            Their Republican opponents are in the catbird seat. They can say that they’re for the same things because they know their fellow Republican millionaires and multi-millionaires will vote down anything that will improve the lives of poor and working class Americans. They will continue being rubber stamps for all things Trump as they continue riding the Trump train to a dark America.

Cancel their tickets.

(Yes we’re doing our part to financially support both candidates. It isn’t much. But it all helps.)


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Big Baby Whiner Loser



            It should be apparent that I’m not really interested in mending any fences. I have learned that Stormtrumpers aren’t interested in reason, logic, the truth or accepting that their guy lost because he got fewer votes in a tight race.

            You can’t mend fences with those that continue living in a world where they don’t believe in our country, Constitution or basic human rights.





            Is one of those headlines more biased than the others? One is just an outrageous lie. Stormtrumpers would say it’s the headlines that say Biden won.

They are wrong.


            There are videos circulating of a couple of multi-millionaire Evangelical supporters of President Trump. Paula White. Kenneth Copeland. The videos are flat creepy. Seriously these two are crazy and evidently from their net worth crazy sells to Evangelicals big time but that really isn’t the point when it comes to bias and how the videos are presented.

            I watched a videos in regards to both of them where they looped a few seconds of the lead in to their presentation making the creepy part go on much longer. White and Copeland carried on long enough that it really wasn’t necessary to do that but it made them look worse.

            It was easy to spot the manipulation with Copeland because the same person’s head reappeared. I have also watched the entire videos of Copeland and White where there wasn’t any manipulation or cutting. Unbiased. They are creepy enough unexpurgated.

            These are activists’ sites producing the videos, NOT news media.

Olden timey bias.

            Back in the day when there was just print media and no video the public had to depend upon the writing of the reporter.

            Let’s say the speaker gave a nice speech.

            After Blowhard spoke there was thunderous applause.

            After Blowhard spoke there was polite applause.

            After Blowhard spoke there was applause.

Blowhard won.

            In our case the blowhard served as President for 4 years. I use the word ‘served’ with some qualifiers. Trump spent less time Presidenting than any other President including the guy that died right after he took office. Trump was the television watching, golfing, personal time President.

            No matter how you say it or picture it Joe Biden won and is now the President-Elect. Unless Trump’s Supremes vote him into office President-Elect Biden will become President Biden.

            When Hillary Clinton won the popular vote she accepted the results of the Electoral College and conceded as did I and the vast majority of Democrats. Didn’t like it. That’s the way the vote came out. Trump lost the popular vote but won in the Electoral College.

            This time around Trump lost the popular vote AGAIN. Trump also lost the Electoral College this time. He isn’t going quietly into the night.

            Other Republicans on the same ballot did surprisingly well. That alone makes the claims of massive voter fraud in multiple states ridiculous. So tens of millions of people are willing to tear the country down and weaken democracy because their sociopath lost. Cray? Yes.

“Bat Shit Crazy”

            It was Republican ‘Never Trumpers’ that carried on the fight back in 2016 to keep him from taking office. This would be during the time when Senator Graham said that the Republican Party went “bat shit crazy”. He was right. He got on board.

            Trump claimed then that there was widespread voter fraud. There wasn’t any then. There isn’t any now. No evidence was produced then. No evidence has been produced now. Men and women simply shouting “There’s widespread voter fraud!!!” isn’t evidence. It also isn’t true.

51st  State

            A new state has been slipped in on us. The state of whine!

            I used to think that the left was a whiney bunch but OMG! Conservatives! Hands down winners on the whinecon meter. They are soul mates with soon to be ex-President Trump when it comes to whining, complaining and playing the poor downtrodden victim.

            The “truth” of a few hundred thousand dead people remains hard to ignore.

            Whatever happens as we go forward as a nation some things remain the same.

A lie isn’t the truth.

The truth is the truth.