Saturday, November 21, 2020

Big Baby Whiner Loser



            It should be apparent that I’m not really interested in mending any fences. I have learned that Stormtrumpers aren’t interested in reason, logic, the truth or accepting that their guy lost because he got fewer votes in a tight race.

            You can’t mend fences with those that continue living in a world where they don’t believe in our country, Constitution or basic human rights.





            Is one of those headlines more biased than the others? One is just an outrageous lie. Stormtrumpers would say it’s the headlines that say Biden won.

They are wrong.


            There are videos circulating of a couple of multi-millionaire Evangelical supporters of President Trump. Paula White. Kenneth Copeland. The videos are flat creepy. Seriously these two are crazy and evidently from their net worth crazy sells to Evangelicals big time but that really isn’t the point when it comes to bias and how the videos are presented.

            I watched a videos in regards to both of them where they looped a few seconds of the lead in to their presentation making the creepy part go on much longer. White and Copeland carried on long enough that it really wasn’t necessary to do that but it made them look worse.

            It was easy to spot the manipulation with Copeland because the same person’s head reappeared. I have also watched the entire videos of Copeland and White where there wasn’t any manipulation or cutting. Unbiased. They are creepy enough unexpurgated.

            These are activists’ sites producing the videos, NOT news media.

Olden timey bias.

            Back in the day when there was just print media and no video the public had to depend upon the writing of the reporter.

            Let’s say the speaker gave a nice speech.

            After Blowhard spoke there was thunderous applause.

            After Blowhard spoke there was polite applause.

            After Blowhard spoke there was applause.

Blowhard won.

            In our case the blowhard served as President for 4 years. I use the word ‘served’ with some qualifiers. Trump spent less time Presidenting than any other President including the guy that died right after he took office. Trump was the television watching, golfing, personal time President.

            No matter how you say it or picture it Joe Biden won and is now the President-Elect. Unless Trump’s Supremes vote him into office President-Elect Biden will become President Biden.

            When Hillary Clinton won the popular vote she accepted the results of the Electoral College and conceded as did I and the vast majority of Democrats. Didn’t like it. That’s the way the vote came out. Trump lost the popular vote but won in the Electoral College.

            This time around Trump lost the popular vote AGAIN. Trump also lost the Electoral College this time. He isn’t going quietly into the night.

            Other Republicans on the same ballot did surprisingly well. That alone makes the claims of massive voter fraud in multiple states ridiculous. So tens of millions of people are willing to tear the country down and weaken democracy because their sociopath lost. Cray? Yes.

“Bat Shit Crazy”

            It was Republican ‘Never Trumpers’ that carried on the fight back in 2016 to keep him from taking office. This would be during the time when Senator Graham said that the Republican Party went “bat shit crazy”. He was right. He got on board.

            Trump claimed then that there was widespread voter fraud. There wasn’t any then. There isn’t any now. No evidence was produced then. No evidence has been produced now. Men and women simply shouting “There’s widespread voter fraud!!!” isn’t evidence. It also isn’t true.

51st  State

            A new state has been slipped in on us. The state of whine!

            I used to think that the left was a whiney bunch but OMG! Conservatives! Hands down winners on the whinecon meter. They are soul mates with soon to be ex-President Trump when it comes to whining, complaining and playing the poor downtrodden victim.

            The “truth” of a few hundred thousand dead people remains hard to ignore.

            Whatever happens as we go forward as a nation some things remain the same.

A lie isn’t the truth.

The truth is the truth.

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