Thursday, October 29, 2020

Christian Tyranny 

Common thread,

            There’s a common thread that runs through The Chosen One’s Christian America especially by the CPLoA. One sect of one religion’s beliefs are advocated. One. We’re a nation under one God. Their God. Not the other make believe Gods.

            BTW their God is NOT the Pope. Well some of them do have a Pope but they really don’t worship the Pope. They do have a different bible. BUT there’s lots of different bibles. LOTs of different sects too.

            Most of them get along. Well some of the time. There’s a lot of infighting at times. They argue about who gets to go to heaven and who doesn’t. Jews don’t. That seems kind of odd doesn’t it? It sounds like they’re anti-Semitic. The reason they push for the end times is that everybody dies. Well, not everybody. Evangelicals make the cut.

            They also argue about marriage, sex, communion, immigrants, the bible, science, history and some other things. Trump is advancing their world view whatever it is. There’s one thing to keep in mind when dealing with them.

They’re seriously screwed up.

Then there’s the godless atheists.

            I’d write more about them but they don’t pray to any make believe God. They just wish people good luck. They say things like, “Good luck in not getting the virus!”

            Would luck be an unseen force? How about ghosts? I don’t believe in ghosts either. Do atheists? I also think that Oswald shot Kennedy. What do I know? They might want to join the CPLoA but the Evangelicals won’t let them. Punishment is their bailiwick.

            The atheists I know are way more moral than Evangelicals. Way more.

Light years more.

Praying to Allah.

            The nation needs prayer back in school! Prayer to a Christian God. That prayer. No other praying allowed by them. Except this is America and Muslims could pray too. Pray to Allah! Christian children forced to pray to Allah by Christians! Uh, what? Under four years of Trump. He didn’t change that?

            Well, not to worry, Trump and Evangelicals are hammering out a NEW Constitution with NEW rules. The Supremes will be singing backup. Not all of them. Just most of them. At least now they have a soprano. Kavanaugh can go back to being an alto.

Other side of the coin.

            In a Christian nation Christians ….

  would not have bowed down to the Great Liar, President Donald Trump.

  would have done everything possible to protect those most vulnerable from the virus.

  would NOT have put money before people.

  would have worn masks from the very beginning even if the government did nothing.

  would have done everything humanly possible to help immigrants.

  would NOT have separated children from their parents.

  would NOT use the government to impose their religious views on others.

I’m positive

            There are a lot of Pastors and people of faith that oppose the evil that Trump stands for. They oppose him in the way they live their lives. They oppose Trump by using the language that I do. They believe in Jesus. The Jesus of the bible that was NOT a conservative; who was liberal and socialist before the terms were invented. He put people first. NOT money. Unlike Republicans he would have made sure that those in need were fed first and had a place to sleep for the night. Jesus struggled against a tyrant.

A tyrant killed him for his efforts.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Corny question.


            I have to write about the candidate for an Iowa Senate seat, Theresa Greenfield. Greenfield is the challenger. She was asked a question about the price of corn in a debate with Ernst. Asked and answered. Bam!  Then Senator Ernst gave it a shot when asked about the price of soybeans. OMG! It was almost painful to watch. Give it a look if you haven’t seen it.


            She should have just said that she didn’t know. Instead she gave a long winded answer that had nothing to do with the question that she was asked. Classic Trump.

And then

            Then the moderator said that she didn’t answer his question. He said it in a nice way. Then he said that she SHOULD KNOW THE ANSWER. She didn’t. So she really got to make the guy hammer the point in.

And then

            Then she claimed that Greenfield didn’t get it right either. Classic! The problem? Greenfield got it right. Then Ernst wanted to be asked the same question that Greenfield was asked. Well, Greenfield already gave the answer to that question so that would have been an easy one for Ernst to answer.

And then

            Then Ernst said that she must have had an equipment problem. Classic! Yet she claimed that she knew that Greenfield got it wrong. Uh, what?

And then

            I’ve got my ‘and thens’ out of order here I think. At one point Ernst also indicated that she didn’t understand the question. Somewhere in all of this she did give a dollar figure to some kind of answer for something that was also wrong. The whole thing was pretty brutal. Will it make a difference in the election? It should, and not just because she didn’t know the answer to an Iowa farm question. It was the weaseling that she did afterwards.

She’s been hanging with too many rich people in suits.

 Went and stayed.

            The problem exemplified by Ernst is one that happens all over the country. People go to Washington, stay in Washington and become Washington. They don’t have to. But they do. They buy homes there and put down roots there. No, I have no idea of where Ernst stays when she’s not in Iowa.

            Then they do as Ernst did. They start taking care of the people in suits that don’t need taking care of BUT the suits give them money.

            If I lived in Iowa I would vote for Greenfield for her name alone. Well, her name, her position on issues, her understanding, her presence and for the way that she answered—

that corn question!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020



            Writing this blog has been quite a journey. I enjoy wordsmithing. The majority of my writings only shares to a few friends on social media. There are others outside of social media that have wandered in and follow along. Most are anonymous. If you are one of those that has been with my blog from the beginning--go you! Thanks for reading. Time is precious.

Treasure hunt.

            Throughout this piece I’ll provide links to previous posts

            I’m not proficient at Social Media. I do add to the litter. This piece will definitely be another that is full of word grenades. If you find value or enjoy what I’ve written please share it. Share it from the blog NOT Facebook. You can share from my blog back to Facebook. That works. (Read/scroll to the bottom of the blog post and from there click on the Facebook share button. Easy-peasy. You can also copy the URL of the blog post to paste elsewhere.)

            One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. So I talk about aliens too because the truth out there. Gort is it you? I even waxed poetic.


            The first post of the 159 listed at my blog was about religion. (Later I made a generic version of the first one for a wider application. This was during the time of Robertson’s heyday back in 2014. Since then I’ve written and posted a couple of hundred thousand words. They would make a 385 page book. (How do I know this? I put them all together in a single Word document and that’s how many pages it is!)

            I’ve written on a wide range of topics. The majority are political probably followed in number by the pandemic then religion. Under Trump politics, the pandemic and religion have become inseparable.

Hard on

            I am hard on Evangelicals and their Party. They have become one and the same. The Spawn of Satan has thrown in with their Chosen One antichrist. See, that’s probably a little harsh. So’s killing 300,000 people.

Happy days for Evangelicals. 

            Okay, the virus isn’t his fault, just how he didn’t handle it. Trump is only responsible for tens of thousands of needless deaths and his intentional killing. Evangelicals have helped him kill as best they can. They do occasionally take a break from spreading the pandemic to oppose abortion. Now that they’ve got Barrett in the bag they can get back to making women murders and punishing them.

Some of them are very fine people.

            I wonder if the Liar will try grabbing him some of that Barrett? He can do that you know. That may have been how he got all of his wives and women. It’s possible that a few in the Evangelical Party will realize that now that they have Jerusalem and Barrett they don’t really need the Liar any more.

            Do understand that I love me some Jesus. There are some excellent pastors out there. A LOT of them. Others, not so much. Jesus was a liberal, activist and socialist before the terms were invented. That Jesus was also biased is just icing for the cake that he would bake for gay couples. What’s not to like? So I covered Jesus and socialism. Easy to do.

            I do ponder some more serious issues regarding Jesus including his personal habits. So it isn’t all frivolity.

Marauding caravans.

            Immigration is covered as well. This was in the time before Trump. Those were halcyon times indeed. The time before the chaos and lying that has been the Trump Administration.

            To talk about immigration is to talk about Nazis since the Ducé is having brown people rounded up and put in camps. To talk about Nazis is to talk about the racists that comprise a huge portion of Trump’s and Republicans’ political base.

If he loses

            If Trump loses I’ll keep writing. It just won’t be as easy in the world of politics. Each day brings a bounty of new material from the Liar. I know that there’s a point spread but the undecideds are breaking for the killer of men, women and children. The same guy that turned his back on the Kurds. The undecided broke for him in 2016 as well. He’ll still be around tweeting, whining and complaining as always. The papers just write on autopilot.

            Seriously though, if you don’t like the way Washington works then work to change it. We’ll vote for Biden here in Missouri. He’ll lose Missouri but our votes will be counted with the rest of the nation’s votes. He may lose in the Electoral College but Biden will win the popular vote unless Trump’s supporters, the Russians, vote too often. (He would NOT say that he wouldn’t accept their help again.)

That’s a wrap.

            I think I’ll finish with a little humor though. 

 Stay safe.

Hang in there.

We’ll get through this!

Peace be with you.

If that last line upset you—Peace be with you, bless your heart.