Saturday, October 24, 2020

Shoo in!

 A lock.

            Right up until the pandemic hit Trump really had a lock on the election. A lock! That should give Evangelicals a pause.

It didn’t.

            Trump thought that he had created a safe bio-bunker that would keep him protected. He was wrong.  It’s like God was sending Evangelicals a message. You might think that he would get that.

He didn’t.

            Then after Trump contracted Covid-19 he spread it to others. That also should have given Evangelicals pause.

It didn’t.

            Trump thinks Evangelicals are suckers for him to play.

They are.

            Evangelicals like Pool Boy Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham helped put lipstick on a grab them by the pussy pig.

Then the pandemic got worse.

Much worse.

            Millions of people remain out of work. Not just from the pandemic but because Republicans decided it was okay to kill people and put money first. They starved people out to force them back to work. The end result has been to make the economy worse, much worse, than it would have been.

            The day after the debate where Trump said that the corner has been turned on handling the virus the nation hit an all-time high of 83,000 cases in one day. Hospitals are filling up. Deaths are going up.

Good job Republicans! Good job!

Mission accomplished!

Fix the potholes.

            There’s a simple mantra in small town politics that helps elected officials get reelected. Fix the potholes.

            In national politics keeping unemployment low is similar when it comes to getting reelected. It’s one of the “keys” that Allan Lichtman, the guy that predicts Presidential elections, uses. In the 2020 election he said that was the deciding key of the 13 that he uses. (If you search for Allan Lichtman be careful. There are fake sites using his name. He does have a book for sale on Amazon.)

Trump’s “pothole” became a chasm.

Remember when?

            Remember when Republicans said that President Obama was the worst President and couldn’t get reelected? Then he got reelected. People just didn’t believe that Obama was as bad as Republicans said he was. That’s one of the reasons that I said that I thought < Trump will get another term >. Of course I hope that I’m wrong.

            President Obama accepted responsibility and along with Vice President Biden controlled the outbreaks they had. Obama left Trump with a healthy growing economy. A lot fewer people were out of work.

            The lead into the 2020 election is looking better than it did when Hillary Clinton ran against Trump in 2016. She did win the popular vote by 2%. The margin the polls predicted. It’s only in Trumplandia where citizens believe that isn’t true.

            Another thing to keep in mind.

This isn’t 2016!