Thursday, October 29, 2020

Christian Tyranny 

Common thread,

            There’s a common thread that runs through The Chosen One’s Christian America especially by the CPLoA. One sect of one religion’s beliefs are advocated. One. We’re a nation under one God. Their God. Not the other make believe Gods.

            BTW their God is NOT the Pope. Well some of them do have a Pope but they really don’t worship the Pope. They do have a different bible. BUT there’s lots of different bibles. LOTs of different sects too.

            Most of them get along. Well some of the time. There’s a lot of infighting at times. They argue about who gets to go to heaven and who doesn’t. Jews don’t. That seems kind of odd doesn’t it? It sounds like they’re anti-Semitic. The reason they push for the end times is that everybody dies. Well, not everybody. Evangelicals make the cut.

            They also argue about marriage, sex, communion, immigrants, the bible, science, history and some other things. Trump is advancing their world view whatever it is. There’s one thing to keep in mind when dealing with them.

They’re seriously screwed up.

Then there’s the godless atheists.

            I’d write more about them but they don’t pray to any make believe God. They just wish people good luck. They say things like, “Good luck in not getting the virus!”

            Would luck be an unseen force? How about ghosts? I don’t believe in ghosts either. Do atheists? I also think that Oswald shot Kennedy. What do I know? They might want to join the CPLoA but the Evangelicals won’t let them. Punishment is their bailiwick.

            The atheists I know are way more moral than Evangelicals. Way more.

Light years more.

Praying to Allah.

            The nation needs prayer back in school! Prayer to a Christian God. That prayer. No other praying allowed by them. Except this is America and Muslims could pray too. Pray to Allah! Christian children forced to pray to Allah by Christians! Uh, what? Under four years of Trump. He didn’t change that?

            Well, not to worry, Trump and Evangelicals are hammering out a NEW Constitution with NEW rules. The Supremes will be singing backup. Not all of them. Just most of them. At least now they have a soprano. Kavanaugh can go back to being an alto.

Other side of the coin.

            In a Christian nation Christians ….

  would not have bowed down to the Great Liar, President Donald Trump.

  would have done everything possible to protect those most vulnerable from the virus.

  would NOT have put money before people.

  would have worn masks from the very beginning even if the government did nothing.

  would have done everything humanly possible to help immigrants.

  would NOT have separated children from their parents.

  would NOT use the government to impose their religious views on others.

I’m positive

            There are a lot of Pastors and people of faith that oppose the evil that Trump stands for. They oppose him in the way they live their lives. They oppose Trump by using the language that I do. They believe in Jesus. The Jesus of the bible that was NOT a conservative; who was liberal and socialist before the terms were invented. He put people first. NOT money. Unlike Republicans he would have made sure that those in need were fed first and had a place to sleep for the night. Jesus struggled against a tyrant.

A tyrant killed him for his efforts.