Wednesday, October 21, 2020

AOC saves Trump.


Abundance of Caution (AOC).

             It’s almost poetic that AOC got him medical treatment early on when Trump contracted Covid-19. It’s a phrase that we keep hearing during the pandemic.

Home alone?

            Melania didn’t get to fly to Walter Reed like the President did on October 2nd. She stayed home with the Covid-19. What’s interesting about this is that she called in sick with a cough on the 20th. Even though her friend that wrote a book revealing who she is, and she’s a lot like Donald Trump, it’s believable that she actually does still have Covid-19 symptoms even though she purportedly tested negative.

            She hasn’t been able to campaign at super-spreading events or join the Super Spreader President like she wants to. Melania stayed home out of an Abundance of Caution. So she has to stay cooped up at the White House or Trump Tower or wherever she’s staying now that she’s done tearing up the Rose Garden.

            Is she ever really alone though? After all she does have Secret Service agents to endanger while campaigning or NOT campaigning.

Emergency Use Only.

            When Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed hospital his handlers said that it was done out of an Abundance of Caution. Abundance of Caution my ass. His oxygen levels were dropping. He was already in trouble. He received supplemental oxygen because he needed it.

            As a person that knows what 80% oxygen saturation feels like, I can tell you that it isn’t good when your oxygen drops that much. One of the problems with Covid-19 is that people with it may not suffer from noticeable shortness of breath even though their oxygen is at critically low levels.

            So the leader of the masks-aren’t-needed-cult went to the hospital and received the best treatment that money can buy and he doesn’t even have to use his own billions. No hydroxychloroquine for him. That’s for his cult rubes. He got Remdesivir! He’s getting steroids as well. He also received a treatment, derived from fetal cells, that isn’t even available yet. It doesn’t even have a name yet. This is real cutting edge scientifical medical stuff brought to you by the same people that KNOW how important it is to wear a mask.

            Remdesivir is still not approved for anything other than emergency use for Covid-19 patients. He got the stuff that they use when Covid-19 patients are getting bad. They don’t give you that stuff if you don’t need it because of the possible side effects and damage that it can cause. BTW recent studies are indicating that Remdesivir isn’t working all that well either.

            He’s the President so of course he gets the best or what’s believed to be the best. He’s in the elite group.

The rest of us aren’t.

But Wait!

            Chris Christie, also in the elite group, caught Covid-19 and checked himself into the hospital in an Abundance of Caution because he has asthma. Checked in. Like at a hotel. Yes, he’s at additional risk because of his asthma. He’s also obese like the President. After a week’s stay he checked out.

            One third of adults in America are obese. Should they check in to a hospital if they test positive for Covid-19 or become symptomatic out of an Abundance of Caution? Ha! Not happening. Us regular folks can’t even get tested out of an Abundance of Caution!

Abandon Caution!

            The President is okay! No need for anyone to test any more. He’s had Covid-19 and survived. Time to hold some more rallies. Even if attendees get Covid-19 they should live long enough to vote for him. Masks? People don’t need no stinkin’ masks! The President is so over it.

            The problem is people keep talking about it. People keep dying it from it.

People are so rude.

Out of an Abundance of Caution, I’m voting for Biden!