Monday, October 26, 2020

America Surrenders!

 Throw in the towel!

            The draft dodging grab them by the pussy lying President’s Administration says that the pandemic can’t be controlled. So our Super Spreading President is pitching in and holding rallies across the country to have as many of his cult as possible spread the pandemic!

Covid-19 for everyone!

            Trump tells his dupes that we have turned the corner! He says this as the nation hits record highs. He says this as the fatalities mount. Hospital ICUs are filling up! Beautifully done, according to Trump and his rabid followers. Trump survived the virus so it’s every man, woman and child for themselves! Roll the Covid-19 dice for yourself and all those you care about, madman supporters. Roll the Covid-19 dice for complete strangers!

You are the Zombie hordes!

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

            “We are not going to control the pandemic.” And by “we” they mean all of us. Misery loves company. Vice President Pence is doing his best to be a Super Spreader as well. Even though 5 of his aides, so far, have tested positive, he’s going to stay on the road for his master. He is essential to doing his part in spreading Covid-19 as well. Essential!

Typhoid Larry and Typhoid Mary.

            My apologies to all the Larrys and Marys that are wearing masks, physical distancing and doing their best to keep from spreading the virus. My thanks to all those who are doing their best to keep from spreading the virus.

             Trump’s Covid-19 spreaders are busy in every state and community though. Their disbelief is your danger if you haven’t had it and don’t want it. They’re hard to avoid. They are intentional about their disdain for the safety of others.

Feign surprise?

            Should we be surprised about any of this? Not really. Nothing has changed since Trump was activated by his Russian handlers. Since he first asked for their involvement in getting him reelected, he has been the best defender and advocate of their interests of any President that we have ever had.

            No, those of us that live in the real world don’t need to feign surprise or clutch our pearls like his Republican enablers of Congress.

            Trump has done as well in handling the virus as he has with his bankruptcies. He has bankrupted our nation’s response to dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He survived like he did with his bankruptcies and made others have paid the price. Some paid the full price.

Soon to be 300,000.

Races tighten.

            The Ducé of racist America is beating the election drum. The polls are tightening. The lines are long. The power of chaos maker is within their grasp again. They are foaming for his Amerika. They don’t care about masks. They won’t take a vaccine. They don’t care how many die from the virus. They don’t care if there’s another pandemic.

            Trump sells ignorance.

We don’t have to buy it.