Wednesday, October 21, 2020

“Bow Down to Tyranny!”

I fought the Tyranny ….

and the ….

Tyranny won.

               Early in my life when I was a teenager I fought Tyranny. I fought Tyranny a lot. Tyranny won. Nicely dressed agents of Tyranny gave me their official papers that made me appear before the authorities. The authorities passed judgement on me, a sovereign citizen, entirely based upon their agent’s word alone. Time and time again. I gave them a lot of their official script in answer to their judgements.

               Eventually I was unable to travel legally because of what was done to me by the authorities. I continued exercising my constitutional right to travel around our great nation. I was not caught during this period due to my voluntarily joining the National Militia under a very specific agreement that gave them complete charge of my entire being.

               I was rewarded with a special identification card. They also provided me with mostly drab clothing during my tenure of servitude. They told me what to wear and when to wear it. Early on I went through a very physical mandatory behavior modification course that lasted several weeks. This continued for several years.

               During this time my outlook and approach to life was somewhat modified. I came to new realizations. Some good. Some bad. When I reached the end of the term of my bargain I returned home to a much different nation. It was easier to accept rules having had so many previously with the National Militia. I did okay in the National Militia.

I graduated with honors.

The Authorities.

               When traveling around the country I did a much better job of obeying the rules that the Authorities had laid out as to what they considered acceptable behavior. Maintaining the proper paperwork was much easier. I even applied to the authorities when I wanted to voluntarily enter into another kind of servitude. I liked it so much that I even did it twice with permission from the authorities.

               The authorities have been a constant my entire life. They have always been there. Sometimes they change. Sometimes they don’t. Some are good. Sometimes they are very good. Then there are times when the authorities are very bad. Authority is a constant in life. I have tried to maintain a good relationship with the various authorities.

I have had 32 years with one. (Hah, hah! –the Authority)


    When the Authorities decided that I had to wear a seatbelt, that seemed reasonable since I already needed their permission and paperwork to drive. I obeyed their various travel restriction signs judiciously! I have worked at avoiding meeting new uniformly dressed agents. I have been largely successful.

    The Authorities also decided that it was harmful to blow smoke at people in public and passed paper making it illegal to do so. I complied even though at one time I indulged in several packages a day of the smoking sticks. Truthfully I never smoked around those that objected because I knew that it was harmful and an irritant.

    There are all sorts of rules that have been decided upon over the years. Sadly some people always want to violate the rules; like only traveling at a certain rate. My older brother hated that rule and drove like he wanted for as long as he traveled. Trips with my brother were always invigorating. Sometimes the nicely dressed agents of the authorities would stop him for his excesses. They weren’t always successful. He was an excellent driver.

    Their rules of protection, from requiring head coverings for those that cook to licensing for all sorts of endeavors, have provided for a vibrant and robust society. These rules do not violate the ultimate paper that does not give us the right to endanger and kill others through irresponsible actions.

               Admittedly there are times when rules are irritants. They make it harder for us to do things. There will always be those that want to go a different way than what is prescribed. When that way brings harm to others, they are challenged. Sometimes they are punished. At times, if they are too big of a threat to others, they are isolated.

The Ultimate Authority

               Some of us believe that there is an even bigger invisible authority. Many don’t believe in this authority exists at all or believe in the authority in a different way than others. Some have several authorities. This authority does not recognize boundaries created by mankind. The concepts are universal.

               There is a common value shared across the board by average everyday humanity. Love and the value of others. Not bowing down to a tyrant that is killing people should be a shared value.

Somehow it isn’t.