Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Corny question.


            I have to write about the candidate for an Iowa Senate seat, Theresa Greenfield. Greenfield is the challenger. She was asked a question about the price of corn in a debate with Ernst. Asked and answered. Bam!  Then Senator Ernst gave it a shot when asked about the price of soybeans. OMG! It was almost painful to watch. Give it a look if you haven’t seen it.


            She should have just said that she didn’t know. Instead she gave a long winded answer that had nothing to do with the question that she was asked. Classic Trump.

And then

            Then the moderator said that she didn’t answer his question. He said it in a nice way. Then he said that she SHOULD KNOW THE ANSWER. She didn’t. So she really got to make the guy hammer the point in.

And then

            Then she claimed that Greenfield didn’t get it right either. Classic! The problem? Greenfield got it right. Then Ernst wanted to be asked the same question that Greenfield was asked. Well, Greenfield already gave the answer to that question so that would have been an easy one for Ernst to answer.

And then

            Then Ernst said that she must have had an equipment problem. Classic! Yet she claimed that she knew that Greenfield got it wrong. Uh, what?

And then

            I’ve got my ‘and thens’ out of order here I think. At one point Ernst also indicated that she didn’t understand the question. Somewhere in all of this she did give a dollar figure to some kind of answer for something that was also wrong. The whole thing was pretty brutal. Will it make a difference in the election? It should, and not just because she didn’t know the answer to an Iowa farm question. It was the weaseling that she did afterwards.

She’s been hanging with too many rich people in suits.

 Went and stayed.

            The problem exemplified by Ernst is one that happens all over the country. People go to Washington, stay in Washington and become Washington. They don’t have to. But they do. They buy homes there and put down roots there. No, I have no idea of where Ernst stays when she’s not in Iowa.

            Then they do as Ernst did. They start taking care of the people in suits that don’t need taking care of BUT the suits give them money.

            If I lived in Iowa I would vote for Greenfield for her name alone. Well, her name, her position on issues, her understanding, her presence and for the way that she answered—

that corn question!