Monday, October 26, 2020

Count yourself in.


Here’s where we’re at.

            I have been writing about Trump since before he was elected the first time. This would have been during the time when he was given hundreds of millions of dollars of free air time by all the media that he now derides.

About Trump.

            Yes I know that I’ve said that Trump is going to get reelected. I’ve said it at least a couple of times. Maybe more. I’ll probably write about him another half dozen times between now and November 3rd. Final Vote day with a few exceptions by state and the Supreme Court. The USSC may or may not vote in this election.

Just do something.

            People have the power to create change, to participate. If even half of the impoverished in this country voted there would be more frequent changing of the guard at the top.

            There are all sorts of platitudes that are offered up to get non-voters to vote. I’ll probably offer up a few myself. But mainly people just need to get off their ass and do something.

What have you got to lose?

            What have you got to lose? The President likes to say that when trying to get people to vote for him. Well vote to lose him to the trash pile of history. (What you’ve got to lose is your job, Social Security, your health care – if you’re lucky enough to have it in the first place.)

            People offer up all sorts of reasons for not voting. Whatever the excuse is then change it. If someone says that their vote doesn’t make a difference than they need to join others that say that they don’t make a difference and vote. Enough of them voting will make a difference.

YOU make a difference.

I vote because.

            If nothing else you can say I voted against evil. That’s good enough for me. I like knowing that even if no one else knows it.

            If you’ve lost your job vote against the Republicans that put you out of work. If you don’t have insurance or are about to lose it vote out the republicans that did that to you.

            If you don’t want religion imposed upon you vote against Republicans.

            If you think eating is a fundamental right vote against Republicans.

            If you think that brown children shouldn’t be taken from their parents vote against Republicans.

            If you think that people come before money vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

            If you value your life and the lives of your friends, family and loved ones vote against any Republican seeking office.

            Biden wasn’t my first choice, but on his worst possible day, he’s a better man than Trump on his very best day. Recognize the evil that Trump embodies and stop looking for excuses why you can’t vote for Biden.

Vote Blue!